“Federal Election Commission records show Stein paid $100,000 in July to a consulting outfit that has worked with Republican campaigns, as well as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s independent presidential bid. The firm, Accelevate, is operated by Trent Pool. The Intercept reported that he appeared to be part of the mob that breached the grounds of the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6., 2021. The Journal hasn’t independently verified the reporting.”

  • @sumguyonline
    -165 hours ago

    Neither Harris, nor Trump should be president. I hope they both have heart attacks and we are stuck with their VP’s, I’d vote for waltz, he wants to help people. Both Komrad Kamala, a Conman Trumpet, only want to enrich themselves and to do it at the sacrifice of everything you have to give. I will personally never accept a Democrat or Republican in office. The new normal for me is hating both parties so damn much I won’t truly rest until they are all on trial for treason, or hanging from the gallows. Nancy and Mitch, you both deserve to dangle in front of a crowd. Short noose and a quick drop. Republic saved.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Haven’t we all known this about Shill Stein for a very long time, or are we supposed to pretend it’s a big shocking reveal so the leftists can feel better about being duped?

      • @[email protected]
        419 hours ago

        On the contrary, many that call themselves leftists have been thoroughly duped. Or they’re all bad faith actors, but I try to never attribute to malice that which can be sufficiently explained by incompetence.

          • @cmbabul
            39 hours ago

            I sort of was in 2016, I eventually voted for Hilary but considered Stein for a while after the DNC

    • @distantsounds
      -2724 hours ago

      Are the democrat candidates not shills themselves?
      That being said, fuck Jill Stein for squandering the Green Party. She needs to go away

      • @[email protected]
        1823 hours ago

        Who are they shilling for? See, Comrade Stein is shilling for Russia. As we know- there is a connection. But who exactly would the democrats be accused of shilling for?

        • @Ensign_Crab
          220 hours ago

          But who exactly would the democrats be accused of shilling for?

          Netanyahu. AIPAC bought two candidates right out in the open. The party welcomes foreign interference against progressives.

          • @TheFonz
            013 hours ago

            Israel paid directly for two candidates and committed FARA violations? That’s a big claim buddy. Got any… Evidence?

            • @Ensign_Crab
              -113 hours ago

              AIPAC paid to defeat Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush. If you want to believe that AIPAC is actually independent of Israel, I can’t make you stop believing absurdities.

              • @TheFonz
                19 hours ago

                I know what AIPAC is. Your claim is that they have direct funding from the government of Israel. That’s illegal. You are allowed to set up a lobby group in the US that supports another country as long as the funds are obtained from within the US.

                I know this might come as a shock to you, but there are many jews living in the US that happen to support Israel. You are welcome to set up any lobby group you want. Go ahead and set one up for Lebanon. But FARA is very clear about the source of the funds.

                If youre not familiar with FARA take some time to acquaint your self? Or talk to a lawyer maybe? I don’t know.

            • @Ensign_Crab
              120 hours ago

              Yes, you find 14 pages of dead Palestinian infants to be the funniest shit ever. The perpetrator of the ongoing genocide in Gaza bought candidates for you.

              • @[email protected]
                20 hours ago

                Look at that! Four upvotes within mere minutes on a completely dead end comment chain! You’re about as authentic as they get bud!

                No amount of suck puppets will make the shit you say appear any less stupid.

              • @[email protected]
                -520 hours ago

                No, I find your bullshit false accusations to be funny. Especially when it’s backed up by quite a lengthy mod log of removed misinformation and bullshit trolling attempts.

                • @Ensign_Crab
                  -220 hours ago

                  I have no sock puppet accounts. If I Had sockpuppets, my comments would have more upvotes and a lot more genocide supporters would have more downvotes. Only one comment I’ve ever made has been (unjustly in my opinion) removed as misinformation.

                  You’re just mad that I didn’t immediately shut up when you used “hilarious” as a rebuttal. Now you’re responding to my comments multiple times, spouting conspiracy nonsense, and going through my comment history to stalk me into other threads.

        • LustyArgonianMana
          -222 hours ago

          Lol what? Are you just totally ignorant to corporate involvement in politics? Do you know what a lobbyist is?

          • @[email protected]
            -421 hours ago

            Comparing Russian influence on a compromised asset to lobbyists is a bit of a reach bud. But you do you!

            • OBJECTION!
              045 minutes ago

              Totally fine so long as it’s our rich people who control politicians, just so long as it’s not foreign rich people.

              Nationalism is a hell of a drug.

            • LustyArgonianMana
              21 hours ago

              Wow, wow. Have you seen Erin Brokovich? Do you think corporations have your best interest at heart? Triangle shirtwaist factory? OSHA? Johnson&Johnson gave generations of babies cancer with their talc. Just look up tort reform and tort cases. Watch the documentary Hot Coffee. Watch the documentary The Bleeding Edge about medical devices. How about the Oakville Blob scandal that happened during Clinton’s administration? What about social media companies and tech companies and the products they produce? Lead in baby food and Dollar Tree foods. The Nestle baby formula scandal. Thalidomide babies. Glyphosate being a neurotoxin that’s permeated our water supply. What about environmental impacts of our companies and how those are genociding more people than actual active war? What about P Diddy and Epstein and all their connections to literal business owners who fund and come up with many policies? Or earth being past 6 of 9 planetary boundaries?

              And think about how insurance companies lobbied to prevent Medicare for All policies and the best thing we could get was Obamacare. Or how price gouging has been shown to have happened with current inflation around fucking FOOD prices. Or how fucking taxes and tax breaks work for corporations compared to the rates in the 70s.

              Notice how all these things harm the general public? The very people our representatives should represent? Yeah, Dems are shills and have blood on their hands.

              They are literally killing us through abusive policies, inaction, medical neglect, starvation, climate change, and mismanagement. The Dems may be less fucked up than others, but they are absolutely fucked up.

              Clinton was buddies with Epstein. They are NOT “for the people.” They are for the status quo.

              • @TheFonz
                13 hours ago

                deleted by creator

                • LustyArgonianMana
                  07 hours ago

                  Yeah, have you seen one of the most famous cases about companies killing people and not having ypur best interests at heart? Erin Brokovich to this day does this work.

                  Or if you don’t like that point - there’s literally dozens of other examples of corporate shittery.

                  I’m going to guess you’re a massive sexist based on the comment you made though.

  • @[email protected]
    901 day ago

    And not just republicans. You can find all stripes of accelerationist crazies doing that on this very website.

    • @[email protected]
      919 hours ago

      We must bring about glorious revolution, even if our methods aren’t particularly effective and millions suffer.

      • @[email protected]
        18 hours ago

        No you see they have a plan.

        1. Convince people likely to vote for Harris to throw away their votes by voting 3rd party or staying home
        2. Suppress democratic turnout while leaving Republican turnout untouched.
        3. Spoil the election while haughtily going “oh not voting is a vote for trump somehow” and snorting to themselves. Completely blind to context.
        4. Have the things they claim to really super duper care about like genocide in Palestine continue under trump
        5. Also have vulnerable groups in America, like legal Haitian migrants, be the target of Republican vitriol.
        6. (step missing)
        7. Glorious proletariat revolution against the most powerful military and militarized police force to ever exist

        Its brilliance is in its simplicity!

  • @InverseParallax
    1 day ago

    This is the hilarious tragedy of the Democratic party:

    If the race is close, then the electoral college, courts and other methods can be used to bump things to the GOP (2000).

    If the race isn’t that close, then people will feel comfortable voting third party to “make a statement”, which can cost enough votes in key states to cost the election (2016).

    • geekwithsoulOP
      321 day ago

      I mean, in 2016 Dems still handily won the popular vote, so it was still the electoral college as the ultimate problem, and third parties were only contributing factors.

      In addition to just being a good idea, getting rid of the electoral college would be good because we’d never have to hear about meaningless third-party candidates acting as spoilers. They’d either be real contenders or just narcissists like Jill Stein.

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago

        Getting rid of the electoral college would not solve spoiler candidates necessarily. For that you would need to replace it with ranked voting or multiple rounds. Would still be a good idea, as the college just means presidents caring a lot more about swing states.

        • geekwithsoulOP
          171 day ago

          Without the electoral college though, the only time a third party candidate could act as a spoiler would be if they had a significant share of the vote. They deserve to be spoilers in those cases I think. My problem is with folks pulling in 1% - 3% of the vote in a single state ultimately deciding a national election.

          But yeah, RCV would be the best way to ensure better representation (though honestly it can still easily have what could be viewed as “spoilers”)

  • @chemical_cutthroat
    281 day ago

    No! Come on, everyone! Third party candidates are what’s best for the country. We aren’t doing this to dilute the vote, we just want to have our voices heard. Sure, everything we are saying is being said by the main two parties, but we also smoke a lot of weed. So, come on, guys, just vote for the Green Party.

    • @RegalPotoo
      221 day ago

      I vote Green.

      Because I live in a country with an actual proportional representation system, so my vote for a minor party still allows the major party that I most closely align with to gain power

      • @[email protected]
        211 day ago

        That has no barring on the Green Party this post is about. They are not the same just because they share a name.

        • @RegalPotoo
          -221 hours ago

          I guess my point is less about the party specifically, are more that your country might not be collapsing quite so quickly if 49% of the population didn’t feel massively disenfranchised every 4 years, and if there were actually incentives for collaboration and compromise between different view points

          • @chemical_cutthroat
            521 hours ago

            Roughly half of the States in the US have a higher population than the entirety of New Zealand. That is a much larger population to deal with, and the politics don’t apply the same way. It isn’t linear, it’s logarithmic. The more people there are, the more exponentially difficult it is to manage. The Urban area of my city has about half of the Population of New Zealand, and my city has third party representation on the local level. Please, keep your condescension to yourself.

        • @blazera
          -211 day ago

          Goddamn thats some hypocrisy

            • @blazera
              -131 day ago

              Oh just kidding, they hate proportional representation for some reason

  • @anticolonialist
    -541 day ago

    Decades of shitty democrat policy with hollow platitudes and no action boosts Stein as the preferred candidate.

    Fixed the title

    • @Suavevillain
      7 hours ago

      How dare people not blindly vote blue no matter who for the 100th time while material conditions worsen. This is the same collective of people bragging about Dick Cheney endorsements, and said Harris doesn’t even need to promise any policy. The threat of Trumpism will continue after the election and future ones.

      • @anticolonialist
        05 hours ago

        The DNC will always have a Trump as a big scary Boogeyman

    • geekwithsoulOP
      371 day ago

      From your post history, I’m going to have to say it looks like you’ve never fixed - or honestly done much of- anything in your life. Political Edgelord is definitely a vibe. In fact, I’m not sure I can find a single example of you improving a discussion on here.

      Weird that you keep posting in the exact same way though. Almost like you’re playing a character rather than being a real person reacting to things.

      • @cm0002
        131 day ago

        I tagged this account as a “Right-wing troll/Russian Bot” months ago lol

        • @seaQueue
          91 day ago

          I have them tagged as “🇷🇺🤡” for the same reason

      • theprogressivist
        622 hours ago

        I’ve had many altercations with anticolonialist. He states that he’s been fighting on the streets for communism his whole life. (Highly doubt)

      • @kmartburrito
        91 day ago

        I put funny tags on accounts like this so that I can easily identify them. I can’t repeat this account’s tag as I wouldn’t want the operator to feel like I’m attacking their character, but your experience has been mine as well.

        • ArxCyberwolf
          117 hours ago

          Same here. Nice to know who is consistently wrong and/or pushing agendas.

    • @[email protected]
      281 day ago

      I vote green in my own country, where it’s an actual organized party, and even I can see from here that Stein is a Republican plant at best.

    • @kescusay
      191 day ago

      No action?

      On behalf of my gay daughter who will be able to marry who she wants to because of Democrats, I just want to say [REDACTED SO I WON’T GET BANNED]. And on behalf of my son, who is trans, [THESE WORDS WOULD ALSO GET ME BANNED].

      Come to think of it, I have Democrats to thank for a return to sane pandemic policies, and Democrats to thank for the Inflation Reduction Act, the most impactful environmental legislation in thirty years. So you can take your “no action” and [NOPE, NOT GONNA SAY IT].

      I’m under no illusion that Democrats are perfect, but they’ve been as effective as possible, given the situation with literal Russian assets on the other side of the aisle, trying as hard as possible to destroy America.

      • @Ensign_Crab
        -320 hours ago

        On behalf of my gay daughter who will be able to marry who she wants to because of Democrats

        Democratic legislators won’t protect her marriage by codifying Obergefell, just like they refused to codify Roe when they had the chance. Democratic legislators spent decades on half-measures and it had to be decided by the Supreme Court instead. Now that sort of incrementalism is a dead end. SCOTUS works against the people.

        • @kescusay
          39 hours ago

          What part of the last two decades had a filibuster-proof Democratic supermajority in the Senate? I’ll tell you: A two-week span under Obama, during which Ted Kennedy was busily dying in a hospital.

          And what part of the last two decades had sufficient Democratic votes to eliminate or reform the filibuster? I’ll tell you that, too: None.

          Perfect is the enemy of the good. Democrats have been good for my daughter. Republicans are guaranteed, 100%, to be much, much worse. Stop trying to sabotage her future.

      • @anticolonialist
        -1224 hours ago

        On behalf of your daughter who’s marriage may be under threat because of the Respect for Marriage act from Democrats she may be no better off then before 2012 depending where she lives. What protections have Dems provided for your son other than lip service in the face of republicans passing over 500 anti-trans bills the last several years? The DNC claims to have their backs while denying them affordable housing, livable wages, access to affordable health and mental care. Nothing but lip service from them.

        The first 2 months of US bombs in Gaza had the same environmental impact as burning 150k tons of coal. That war has been going on for nearly 12 months. Out of one side of their mouth they talk about mitigating environmental damage. But their actions tell a different story.

        • @kescusay
          29 hours ago

          You don’t get to speak on behalf of my daughter or my son when you’re working as hard as you possibly can to elect the Republicans who want to destroy their futures.

          • @anticolonialist
            -25 hours ago

            Why you are supporting someone that won’t protect them

            • @kescusay
              25 hours ago

              The game you’re playing: “Democrats are imperfect! They haven’t done everything possible to protect your kids! Please pay no attention to the fact that they’ve been hamstrung by the filibuster in the Senate for decades, and a Supreme Court that’s been stacked due to the electoral college giving Republicans two popular-vote losers as president in the span of 16 years. Ignore all that and fight like hell to keep Democrats out of office!”

              You’re fucking transparent, and again, someone fighting to get Republicans elected doesn’t get to speak on behalf of my children.

              • @anticolonialist
                4 hours ago

                It takes a simple plurality to eliminate the filibuster. They use it as a weapon to prevent legislation they have no intention of passing, just like their rotating villains

                3 of those conservative sitting SCOTUS justices are there because of direct action from Democrats, they HELPED Republicans stack the court

                • @kescusay
                  1 hour ago

                  It takes a simple plurality to eliminate the filibuster.

                  Thank you. With that one sentence, you’ve made it clear I never have to take any of your assertions seriously.

                  It takes a majority to invoke the “nuclear option” and override Senate Rule XXII, not a plurality. Given the makeup and structure of the Senate, a plurality that is not also the majority on any given vote is for all intents and purposes impossible.

                  The “nuclear option” for overcoming the filibuster and changing its rules didn’t even exist until Harry Reid came up with the idea in 2013. Before that, it was just a given that the only way to overcome a filibuster was by reaching 60 votes in favor of cloture.

                  Since that time, the Senate has only been either in Republican hands, or in razor-thin majority Democratic hands. There are several Democratic senators from conservative states who are on record since 2013 as opposing ending the filibuster for legislation.

                  That means any attempt to do so for the last ten years would have been a non-starter. And the only way to change that is to elect more Democrats, not fewer. Which you oppose.

                  So like I said, I’m done making the mistake of taking you seriously.

        • @Cryophilia
          723 hours ago

          On behalf of your daughter who’s marriage may be under threat because of the Respect for Marriage act

          What the fuck are you even talking about?

          • @anticolonialist
            -722 hours ago

            If SCOTUS strikes down Obergefell or Loving it allows states to refuse licenses to same sex and/or interracial couples.

              • @[email protected]
                -920 hours ago

                Then the entire argument has nothing to do with democrats and you “people” are giving Dems, who are mostly anti gay marriage, way, way too much credit.

                • ArxCyberwolf
                  317 hours ago

                  Day old account and already attacking Dems and defending Stein? Wouldn’t be at all surprising if this is a sockpuppet. Definitely not here in good faith.

                • @Cryophilia
                  216 hours ago

                  lol people are seeing through your bullshit, you gotta be more subtle or Daddy Putin will put you on the front lines.

    • @[email protected]
      141 day ago

      What’s more hollow than the Green Party saying they’ll do all these great things and then never winning office? That’s far less action than what the Democrats have done for the people.

      • @blazera
        -91 day ago

        Cant believe they wouldnt just choose to win office

        • @[email protected]
          51 day ago

          It’s their choice to file proper paperwork to get on ballots and they’re choosing to be incompetent.

          • @blazera
            -61 day ago

            They did. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/nevada-democrats-sue-to-block-green-party-from-2024-ballot

            They resubmitted the signatures with a form given to them by the secretary of state.

            Absolutely no one weighing in on this seems to care about the intent of the forms, only that theres a technicality to bar a candidate they dont like from participating in democracy. The form is for submitting petition signatures to show enough support to appear on the ballot, and both submissions of the form contained 3 times the required number of signatures.

            • LustyArgonianMana
              121 hours ago

              You’re right. It’s sad how fascist people are these days.

              Btw, it is, at its core, fascist to suppress or deny people their rights, including the right to vote and the right to run for office. This is literally fascism.