Rinse my my
FYI that’s intentional
Cross-referencing the list of areas served from the Wikipedia page for Arby’s with a map of which countries commonly have bidets, we can determine that this tweet is funniest in the nations of Egypt and Türkiye.
Side-note: Why does Wikipedia still spell the country’s name as Turkey rather than Türkiye?
Hi, turkish person here it was cringe as hell for our dictator to change the international name to Türkiye. Which is the turkish nsme of the country. We prefer deadnaming it cause fuck Erdoğan
If you miss being named after the bird now, you might be interested in this petition: https://www.change.org/p/change-the-name-of-this-bird-to-türkiye
Same reason it’s Japan, Germany, China, etc.
I thought it had been accepted as an exonym, not just an endonym
It’s still gaining acceptance. The Turkish government doesn’t get to decide their own name any more than the CPC gets to decide what the english term for the Communist Party of China is or any of dozens of indigenous american tribes got to choose their tribe name english or what they’re referred to as collectively.
(to be clear, it’s needlessly disrespectful not to use what they tell you their name is)
Communist Party of Zhōngguó
Fixed that for you.
Sure, but you can’t expect english-speakers to pronounce tones. Imagine Georgians expecting english-speakers to pronounce საქართველო or god forbid, or Bantus expecting english-speakers to pronounce their term for South Africa in Xhosan.
I reckon i could have a stab at Xhosan, but only because I’ve watched so much Xhosan rugby commentary (the passion they have for their team is absolutely infectious and carries a game: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KPpVLIpt9eg&pp=ygUWeGhvc2EgcnVnYnkgY29tbWVudGFyeQ%3D%3D)
It would probably have to be updated in each place it is used, and these articles are unlikely to be frequently updated. It’s only had that name for a few years.
see the faq on the talk page
Now you’re talking Turkey
“I wasn’t complaining”
Poll time:
Would you rather have a STICKY BUTT or a STINKY BUTT?
Having to peal your ass cheeks apart to take a shit seems really unpleasant…
Why not both?
Bidets are literally the best, though, and for $40-ish, they’re one of the cheapest ways to make your daily life more pleasant (and save you money).
I couldn’t live without my $40 bidet. It was super easy to install (took about 10 minutes & my own clumsy DiY skills), and I get a nice nether-shower many times a day. The only drawback is how gross it now feels to use public facilities.
Are you me? This was my same exact experience, down to the clumsy DIY skills. I had a very slight leak in the thread where the hose connects to the bidet dial, but that just required tightening it more and then leaving a plastic garbage bin under it overnight to make sure the leak was totally plugged (it was; I was being paranoid).
Public restrooms were already uncomfortable between huge stall door gaps and rock-bottom-quality toilet paper, but this has added a third dimension of hell to them.
Are you me?
Maybe… oO
In an infinite universe, can we even be sure we exist at all?On a more serious note, I dunno if you take yours off periodically to clean the gaps beneath it, but if you do, I highly recommend using a bit of that white plumber’s tape (I think it’s Teflon tape?) to wrap the threads when re-installing it. This prevents any leaks from that connection. I don’t trust my own abilities and this stops me from worrying about it.
Maybe if you have one of the fancy ones, I have a shower bidet and it is absolute trash.
Just keep him away from the horsey sauce
He’ll either only do it once or forevermore
This place is fucked, I’m going back to work at Wendys
That’s a bidet shower, not a bidet, I fear the day the latter is forgotten in favour of the former… https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bidet
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