• @[email protected]
    81 hour ago

    All religion is bad and should only exist privately. Get religion out of politics. It is cynically used to manipulate the electorate.

  • Mallory
    31 hour ago

    The post-incel reactionary trad movement is just getting started. I just hope that there’s less men into it that it seems and they are just very noisy, because if not then we are about to get bitten on the ass like we have no idea. I do fear for future society.

    • @Donjuanme
      103 hours ago

      Or your gender is the one that benefits from religion more, and is slower to leave the safety of the shallow pool.

        • @Donjuanme
          33 hours ago

          I’ve always tried showing the people in my life of religious persuasion that atheism or secular humanism are not what the religious leaders and politicians attempt to paint them as.

          I don’t feel the need to advocate outright, push my beliefs, or bash others beliefs because we are going in the right direction, and religion only gets older and more porous. Fight for the free transfer of information and religion will have fewer and fewer shadows to hide in.

  • @SGGeorwell
    185 hours ago

    I wonder if this is related to the falling college enrollment for young men. I’m just speculating.

    • ObjectivityIncarnate
      54 hours ago

      Would be very surprised if that wasn’t at least a factor, there is definitely at least correlation there, if not causation.

  • TomMasz
    929 hours ago

    Perhaps the women are tired of misogynistic religions telling them they’re inferior.

  • @ieatpwns
    318 hours ago

    Religion casts women as second class breeders and men as the dominant second to only god leader so it makes sense to me why men are more and women less relegious

  • @[email protected]
    609 hours ago

    Not a surprising statistic.

    Women seem to be sick of being treated as a “mom you can fuck”, and the younger generation’s men seem to be more right-wing.

    • @PugJesus
      439 hours ago

      and the younger generation’s men seem to be more right-wing.

      Only in terms of the relative gender gap. Gen Z men are still less right-wing than Millennial men (who, in turn, are pretty liberal compared to prior generations)

      • themeatbridge
        9 hours ago

        Religious boomers are kicking themselves for ending the use of lead paint.

        • @[email protected]
          68 hours ago

          Im convinced we will have our own behavioral reckoning with microplastics eventually. These things don’t just do nothing. There will be a trend of changes it causes and that trend will be discovered sooner or later.

          • themeatbridge
            14 hours ago

            They are gathering in our reproductive organs and reducing birth rates. That, and kids are being more responsible means we probably will have a population collapse at some point.

  • @[email protected]
    178 hours ago

    We are in the midst of a huge generational shift right now. These trends especially among young adults will likely start changing one way or the other. I am going to guess that as some of these young men find female partners they will likely become less religious. I am thinking in a few years we will see this right twist of young men disappear with the gender gap shrinking towards a more leftist direction

  • @Valmond
    249 hours ago

    Maybe it’s the orher way around, young women are (even) less religious than young men…