"The brief due Thursday (9/26) – which is expected to exceed 200 pages, including exhibits, and is meant to convince courts Trump should be prosecuted for alleged obstruction and conspiracy criminal activity — is a rare avenue for evidence to be aired in court before a trial.

Chutkan of the DC District Court, in a six-page opinion, said she would allow such an outsized briefing because the Supreme Court, in its recent decision to give Trump’s actions while president immunity from prosecution, has directed her as the trial judge to look closely at facts in the case to decide if some allegations could move forward to trial."

  • @Zexks
    194 hours ago

    I love how she tied it to the immunity defense. “Oh because you’re only immune in these specific instances. We’re going to review every single tiny last minutia of detail to see if you’re really immune or not.”

    • ALQ
      486 hours ago

      I’m full of popcorn already. It’s time for the movie to finally wrap up and the villain to get his ass handed to him. :(

    • FuglyDuck
      126 hours ago

      This popcorn better be Xanax and bourbon flavored.

        • @jaybone
          33 hours ago

          So I’m too drugged up and sedated to get too angry when nothing actually happens here?

  • AtomicHotSauce
    376 hours ago

    I wish I had any hope that this will lead to him rotting in a cell but, alas, it’ll be a nothingburger like every other action against him. We live in an alternate universe now.

    • The Pantser
      156 hours ago

      But he’s losing and not the Republicans golden boy anymore. Maybe he’s finally weakened enough to Finish Him!

  • @[email protected]
    46 hours ago

    Everybody knows that this will go absolutely nowhere despite what everyone wants to think. Trump is in the club, and the duopoly will never charge one of their own.

    • @MimicJar
      63 hours ago

      Trump has spent his entire life trying to get into “the club”. The specific “club” he was trying to get into was the Hollywood one for many years. The Apprentice got him close, but the “reality TV” club isn’t quite the same as the “Hollywood club”. Luckily, for Trump, it was enough to get him into the political club. I’m still not quite sure how, but it was. How it got him into the presidential club is even further baffling, but he did that too. Don’t get me wrong, I understand how he got elected. But I don’t understand how he survived the primaries. (I mean I do, but I’m just sad about it.)

      But Trump, assuming he loses the upcoming election, is on his way out.

      You’re probably right that he’ll never be in jail. He’ll never serve a day in prison. But he’ll be in court. He’ll be in court until the day he dies. It’s not perfect. It’s not what he deserves. But it’s what’ll happen, and I’ll take that.

      • @Zexks
        53 hours ago

        There was an article around here a few days ago about the creation of the Apprentice. And it basically all came from that. Without that show trump likely would have disappeared forgotten to history or lost to Russian debtors. This all started there with those producers.

        • @MimicJar
          32 hours ago

          I’m guessing https://www.nytimes.com/2024/09/14/business/donald-trump-apprentice.html

          and overall I agree.

          I’ve never watched The Apprentice. Not because I’m “too cool” for it or anything. I remember watching the first season of two of Survivor. It was a fun enough show, but eventually I just got bored of it. I know I’m somewhat in the minority as reality TV really took off. Tons of reality TV exists today for a wide variety of shows and there are tons of success.

          However I look at many of the folks (older adults) who are Trump supporters now and I’m confident they got their start watching him on The Apprentice.

    • @stoly
      145 hours ago

      This is not a both sides moment.