My dad uses Google Maps, and he mentioned that it seems to be getting worse. Like, giving him directions that are obviously worse than alternatives. Has anyone else here experienced this?

  • Lumelore (She/her)
    644 minutes ago

    Yep. Multiple times I have had Google maps direct me to back employee only entrances instead of the regular entrances. Sometimes it seems like Google doesn’t even recognize that the front entrance even exists.

  • @[email protected]
    91 hour ago

    There’s an option to prefer fuel saving routes, which are worse most of the time. This was a kinda recent chance and it is enabled by default, try to disable it and see if it helps

    • @hperrinOP
      13 minutes ago

      Interesting. I’ll let him know. Thanks.

    • @[email protected]
      41 hour ago

      It does indicate the “fuel efficient” route pretty clearly though, and always gives multiple other options including the quickest one that isn’t as efficient. If this is what’s causing the issue, OP just needs to look closer at what’s on their screen.

      • @whatwhatwhatwhat
        434 minutes ago

        needs to look closer at what’s on their screen

        IT guy here. The number of tickets I could close with this as the root cause.

  • @[email protected]
    82 hours ago

    Just like their search engine, making you scroll down further and potentially not even wanting you to leave their page, maps is trying to send you into the vicinity of more <insert big brand name who paid the most for ad space> physically so you can go into their store and tell them that you found them along a route suggestion.

    I don’t think the above is true. At this point I’m just trying to give them ideas on how to enshittify it more.

    • @seth
      14 minutes ago

      They also removed cached results which was a great feature imo. I used it all the time. In a way, it was a good thing for me because it got me completely off of Google search.

      Same with maps. I’m almost always using Osmand+ now instead of Google Maps. The only feature I miss is the crowd-sourced speed trap alerts that Waze was originally so successful from (which Google incorporated into Maps after they bought Waze).

  • @GlendatheGayWitch
    122 hours ago

    It’s definitely been getting worse. The written directions aren’t always accurate. Exits sometimes have the wrong label. Lanes are missing on the highways when they merge and separate.

    I’ve also seen a similar thing with routes not always showing up or giving bad directions. It attempted to take me through a school bus barn and even through someone’s yard once.

  • Annoyed_🦀
    163 hours ago

    Am from Malaysia and since the road and street is named using local language(bahasa malaysia), google now read out the full road name in terrible accent and pronunciation it took 3 or 4 times longer to finish an instruction readout, which in some case you will miss your turn. The instruction sometime couldn’t even fit on the UI because the road name is just so long. It also read out which lane you should take just for turning. Before the change i can easily navigate the confusing city of Kuala Lumpur because the instruction is clear and concise, now i have to fight with the instruction because 3rd quarter of the time it’s a language i can’t recognise due to the terrible pronunciation.

    Ohh did i mention the ads? They found a way to sneak ads into navigation. Now if you want to turn left 500m ahead, instead of telling you “turn left” , they will tell you to turn left after “xyz shop”. Now you will be looking for that shop instead of turn left. The app is maintained by techbros that never drive

  • @taiyang
    11 hour ago

    Mine actually started crashing when I opened it, so yeah. Luckily I live in a grid so it’s not really hard to figure it out myself.

    • @[email protected]
      12 hours ago

      Does it save route history? Or destinations? That’s one feature I like with Google, disregarding any privacy concerns.

    • @fjordbasa
      13 hours ago

      Do you know if either of these incorporate traffic conditions?

      • @[email protected]
        42 hours ago

        as they are privacy focused and have significantly fewer users, not yet.

        but, the more users contributing and making requests, the sooner it could be integrated.

        you can help by being one of those users!

  • @ShittyBeatlesFCPres
    174 hours ago

    I was in New Mexico recently and Google Maps gave me a route from Bandelier National Monument to Santa Fe that included a “shortcut” through the Los Alamos National Laboratory campus. I got to meet a security guard.

    So, yes. I would say I have experienced this.

  • @[email protected]
    5 hours ago

    Makes sense. Google has been replacing skilled engineers with tail-eating AI regurgitation engines, which are getting progressively worse as they eat their own shit.

    But I’ve been told those regurgitation engines are about to get really smart and replace all skilled labor.

    So maybe it’ll be fine.

    Or maybe, as we’ve already started to see, more and more useful stuff will only be available via the Internet wayback machine, until they kill it.

  • ℕ𝕖𝕞𝕠
    94 hours ago

    I just took a trip and the estimated arrival time assumed I would drive 15mph over the limit without stopping the whole way.

    • @[email protected]
      144 hours ago

      I hate that “feature” so much. For a while it has used the speed of other’s phones for your ETA. As in, if everyone is doing 10-15 over the speed limit, you’re expected to go with the flow.
      I don’t want a more accurate ETA. I want to arrive when it says I will if I follow all speed limits, and shave off a couple minutes if I am going faster than that.

  • @Death_Equity
    205 hours ago

    Google/Waze will volunteer users to take alternative routes to scout out ways around congestion. It can be a better route, but you are the guinea pig, so you can get the short end of the stick.

    There also is learned driving habits that may inform routing choices.

    • @bulwark
      55 hours ago

      That’s pretty interesting about the scout cars.Is there any sort of indication thats what they’re doing? I will say given Google’s track record I wouldn’t put it past them to intentionally route traffic near where their paid advertiser’s money comes from.

      • @Death_Equity
        55 hours ago

        No indication except for knowing the area and being sent a strange way that doesn’t make sense to you.

        The routing is ambivalent to advertising money. The driving data they sell informs where advertisers put money. Horse, then cart; not cart, then horse.

  • @[email protected]
    246 hours ago

    Yeah, twice this month. It’s taken me through a dirt road (where we got stuck in the mud) and a closed road. Its also told me to turn at places where I cannot or where I must not. I’ve also checked that the car directions are selected and not “bike” or something else.

    • @IlIllIIIllIlIlIIlI
      55 hours ago

      A few weeks ago I talked with a big truck driver and he said that Google maps sent him through a mud track. At the end the truck got stuck between two village houses. He lost one our to get out with the help of several neighbors. Its time to change to “Organic maps” or Osmand.

      • @[email protected]
        25 hours ago

        I tried organic maps once and it told me to do a u turn as the last instruction in the route, when I actually needed to turn right into my destination. I rarely drive these days but I’ll definitely try it again to see how well it does.

  • @CaptPretentious
    74 hours ago

    I’d day yes. Earlier this week, it navigated me, and I assume a metric ton of people through road construction. Took me over an hour to get to My destination. There’s no chance that was actually the fastest route. 0 chance road construction and stalled cars was faster than literally anything else

  • @IlIllIIIllIlIlIIlI
    85 hours ago

    Time to switch Gmaps to Organic Maps or Osmand. Both free and with offline navigation.

    • @trolololol
      13 hours ago

      Oh cool I’ve never heard but installed them from fdroid just now