It looks like a family holiday card except that the woman and children posing with Republican Derrick Anderson are not his wife or his offspring.

Anderson, who running in a close race for Virginia’s seventh congressional district, was seen in another image seated around the dining table with the same woman and three girls.

The images came to light in an article by The New York Times, headlined “G.O.P. Candidates, Looking to Soften Their Image, Turn to Their Wives,” which reported how “male Republicans struggling to appeal to female voters concerned about their records on reproductive rights are unleashing their spouses to make the pitch on their behalf.”

However Anderson, who is childless, engaged to be married and lives alone with his dog, sought to borrow the wife and children from a longtime friend in an apparent effort to appear as a family man.

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  • @grue
    828 minutes ago

    Wait, WTF? He’s engaged but the woman he’s misrepresenting as his wife in the photo is somebody other than his fiance? What, did she get creeped out and refuse to do it or something?

    Don’t get me wrong, the whole thing is a big WTF, but that aspect of it is even more WTF-ish than the rest!

  • @RattlerSix
    655 minutes ago

    I’m not childless but if anybody knows where I can get a loaner wife I might be interested

  • @credo
    784 hours ago

    He was breathing fairly easily. It occurred to Ford that he might breathe more easily yet without the weight of his wallet bearing down on his chest, so he slipped it out of Harl’s breast pocket and flipped through it. Fair amount of cash. 55 Credit tokens. Ultragolf club membership. Other club memberships. Photos of someone’s wife and family - presumably Harl’s, but it was hard to be sure these days. Busy executives often didn’t have time for a full-time wife and family and would just rent them for weekends.

    -Douglas Adams, Mostly Harmless

    • EleventhHour
      2 hours ago

      Honestly, I doubted that a fictional writer could be as sleazy and vile and disgusting as reality. I hand it to Douglas Adams for keeping parity, but not for long…

  • EleventhHour
    964 hours ago

    The perpetuation of the myth that you are less of a person for not having a family or children is absolutely fucking disgusting

    • @Brcht
      403 hours ago

      But it is hilarious when the person perpetrating it does not have a family or children

      • EleventhHour
        2 hours ago

        Not when those who need to hear it don’t hear it and/or don’t care to hear it

    • @RagingRobot
      93 hours ago

      Every single life adds value to the world. Splitting people into groups then discontinuing those groups as less than or useless is a recipe for failure. Anyone who does not see that is not qualified for a leadership position.

    • @[email protected]
      73 hours ago

      Tim Scott gave up the ruse as soon as his Presidential campaign ended. These guys are so stupid and obvious it’s painful.

  • Flying Squid
    964 hours ago

    These idiots don’t understand that the internet is a thing that exists despite using it constantly.

    “No one will ever find out that I don’t actually have a family.”

    • TheTechnician27
      373 hours ago

      The problem isn’t that people will find out. It’s that 99% of their voters are too stupid to think critically about the people they vote for.

    • @credo
      174 hours ago

      Best and brightest.

      Republicans have to continually poke fingers at others to detract from their own significant shortcomings.

    • @SlopppyEngineer
      53 hours ago

      These people know their voters won’t use any critical thinking and refuse any contrary info anyway

    • @[email protected]
      61 hour ago

      Imagine growing up and remembering the one time Uncle Derrick took pictures with you and then took your family out to a nice dinner.

      And then you realize they were just using your likeness to push restrictions of reproductive rights.

  • @[email protected]
    324 hours ago

    That’s OK! Republican Voters are KNOWN to do their Own Research and will VERY EASILY find out he Lied!

  • @gedaliyahM
    52 hours ago

    Is this one of those cat ladies I’ve been hearing about?

  • teft
    224 hours ago

    engaged to be married and lives alone with his dog,

    How does that work? Don’t most people cohabitate before marriage? Or is he engaged to his dog?

    • qantravon
      244 hours ago

      Many people do, but not everyone. Religious people especially tend not to cohabitate before marriage, as that would be considered a sin.

    • @[email protected]
      154 hours ago

      Many Christians believe that living together before marriage is wrong. Many conservatives are either Christian or appeal to Christian values (as they’re both largely patriarchal and controlling; at least as practiced). This guy’s conservative.

      • teft
        244 hours ago

        Then why wouldn’t he just do a photo shoot with his fiancee and his dog? Conservatives are idiots or someone is lying.

        • @[email protected]
          21 hour ago

          The article talks about how Republicans are alienating virtually every woman in the country. So, to appear electable, they’re having their wives and kids do the ads, so that out-of-touch women will see a woman in the ad and decide that the candidate is a good guy.

          But that, and the whole focus on “traditional family values” and everything boxes them into a certain image, that you’re not a real American man if you’re not married with kids by the time you’re in your 30s or something. So, even if he had a picture with his fiance and dog, it would prove he’s not a “traditional family values” republican. So, better to pose with a friend’s wife and kids than prove that he’s not “normal”.

        • @MegaUltraChicken
          253 hours ago

          Conservatives are idiots

          For this one, I think this is the answer.

        • @Jimbabwe
          93 hours ago

          Or at least use his dog in the fake photo?? Cmon, he’s got one creature on this planet that loves him (ignorance is bliss), and he leaves it out of the family photo?!

          What a monster, lol

    • @Skanky
      33 hours ago

      What woman would want to marry sometime that felt the need to put his political career over their relationship? Sounds like a match made in heaven

  • hopesdead
    3 hours ago

    Considering the news out of Russia about making childless families ideology illegal has been in the headlines… does this dude think he works for Russia?

    EDIT: Sorry, forgot to add the word “ideology”.

    • @[email protected]
      43 hours ago

      Some Republicans are literally working for Russia; the rest just love Putin and the reactionary religious conservatism and oppression of minorities he stands for. In either case they effectively work for Russia.

      And the law forbidding promotion of the “childless lifestyle” achieves oppression of women, nonreligious people and LGBTQ+ people all in one go. Republicans will certainly want to do something similar.