And in “tell Us Something we Didn’t Already Know” news.

  • @Myxomatosis
    266 hours ago

    I didn’t really know what the Green Party was until a few years ago. I originally thought Green meant pro-environment but it really just stands for green cash money from Daddy Vlad.

    • @Buffalox
      156 minutes ago

      She was a major reason Trump won over Hillary, and she is still taking more votes from democrats than republicans.

  • finley
    387 hours ago

    UniversalMonk seen crying somewhere…

    • @[email protected]
      247 hours ago

      I hate how they’ve spammed their way into turning this community into 90% conversations about irrelevant 3rd parties.

      Every post is either by them or something meant to dunk on them.

      • @Viking_Hippie
        4 hours ago

        That’s such a ridiculous claim that I bothered to count.

        There’s been 4 posts about anything regarding 3rd parties out of 31 in the last 24h and that’s much MORE than usual!

        Sounds like you’re just hypersensitive about being reminded that the two party duopoly is only ALMOST complete 🙄

        • @[email protected]
          51 minutes ago

          Yes that was hyperbolic, I see these posts on my feed on a daily basis, and it’s filled with dozens of rehashed comments bickering about the validity of third parties. It’s getting far more attention here than it deserves when there are tons of actual, real political issues in the world.

          I’ll be the first to say that I hate both major parties, but I have the political literacy to understand that the way to fix it is not by voting for someone with questionable ties to Russia that seems to pop up out of nowhere every four years.

          If you guys actually cared to solve the issues you’d be campaigning to first and foremost get electoral reform to make third parties even remotely viable instead of trying to work within this extremely broken, barely democratic system. You’d also be doing work at a local level where real change can be made to movement rather than just throwing a candidate out for president every election. You won’t do that though because you’re all a bunch of weird idealists with fantastical views of how politics work. I’m interested in following news thats grounded in reality

          • @Viking_Hippie
            -22 hours ago

            If you guys

            I’m not one of “those guys” advocating specific 3rd party candidates. Sadly, none of the current choices are viable.

            I’m just pointing out your overreaction, which is just as much of a distraction from the REAL issues you pretend to care about.

            actually cared to solve the issues

            Yeah, because mentioning 3rd parties means that you don’t care about anything else at all. What a galaxy brained take 🙄

            campaigning to to first and foremost get electoral reform to make third parties even remotely viable instead of trying to work within this extremely broken, barely democratic system.

            That’s exactly what I’m doing, depending on how wide your definition of “campaigning” is. Just because I correct your hysteria doesn’t mean that you have to create a strawman of me that totes loves Jill Stein or whatever 🙄

            You’d also be doing work at a local politics where real change can be made

            In my case, “local” is part of Denmark, a country with a much better election system. Doesn’t mean that I can’t have knowledge and opinions about US politics and the kinds of absolutist “us or them” language that bears some of the responsibility for the duopoly surviving in spite of what the vast majority of the population wants.

            Also, just FYI: assuming that everyone is able to be active in local politics beyond online discussions reeks of privilege and ableism.

            rather than just throwing a candidate out for president every election

            Again lumping me in with a group to which I don’t belong.

            You won’t do that though because you’re all a bunch of weird idealists with fantastical views of how politics work

            Aaand again. Are you going for some kind of record in strawmen and jumping to conclusions? Because if so, you’re doing an excellent job so far.

            I’m interested in following news thats grounded in reality

            Me too. I’m also interested in discussing the news using language grounded in reality, rather than weird hyperbole making a small minority out to be a dominant force and tormentor ruining everything.

            • @[email protected]
              50 minutes ago

              As much as I’m tempted, I’m not interested in getting to a debate with you about this. For someone mad about me ‘jumping to conclusions’ you sure made a whole lot of assumptions about me that aren’t really true.

              Whether my rant was directed at you, or one of the handful of other Jill Stein nutjobs on here doesn’t really matter, I’ve said my piece.

              Have a great day.

    • @Rhoeri
      55 hours ago

      I’ve seen that person around. Serious cringe vibes.

    • @cm0002
      87 hours ago

      Are we sure that that’s not her secret Lemmy account? Lmao

    • Jesus
      14 hours ago

      I don’t see them in the comments. They’re probably on lunch break with that linkerbaan person.

  • Cyrus Draegur
    317 hours ago

    If the green party even actually cared about the shit they purport to care about, they’d have been pro nuclear. That’s all I needed to hear in order to know they were worth absolutely none of my attention.

    • @shalafi
      23 hours ago

      “Green” and “pro nuclear” go together like peas and carrots. Unless one flunked elementary school science class.

    • @[email protected]OP
      377 hours ago

      They also be active more than one out of every four years. You NEVER hear a word about any of them between elections. They’re spoilers. Nothing more.

      The veil is lifted finally.

      • Cyrus Draegur
        7 hours ago

        What might have had some efficacy as an auxiliary party is if the organization promoted specific extant primary candidates, perhaps. To assist more progressive candidates in becoming the nominees for various electoral races. AND in local elections, not JUST the big one every four years like you said!

        We’ve seen this work (to our detriment) with the ‘tea party’ -_- all i’m saying is, it pisses me off that we leave that kind of weaponry on the table when these fucking chud scum manage to pull it off.

  • @hperrin
    117 hours ago

    Was there anything there to kill?

  • NegativeNull
    168 hours ago

    Jill Stein Is Killing killed the Green Party

  • @Clent
    35 hours ago

    So one might say:

    She’s killing it 🕶️

  • @[email protected]
    158 hours ago

    Jill Stein is the latest in an interminable line of Green Party fucknuts “killing” the Green Party.


  • @CondensedPossum
    -45 hours ago

    if you’re telling me that there’s a compromised candidate who isn’t pursuing the stated goals of their party or the best interests of their voter base, I- I- I-'d I’d have to cock an eye at you and wonder what your agenda was fella

    pure nonsense, imagine

    just glad my party isn’t one of those, whichever one that’s convenient for the reader

  • @[email protected]
    -267 hours ago

    Given the ridiculous amount of money being poured into anti green sentiment and lawsuits by the Dems, it seems like they’re threatened.

    Maybe we can have a somewhat left wing party when Dems lose again and can’t blame the greens or Bernie bros or other scape goats for their own failure to represent popular policies.

    • @[email protected]OP
      227 hours ago

      Threatened by Russian shills and spoiler campaigns by useless candidates that talk a lot and say nothing?


      That’s a lot to be treated by. Especially when democrat hangs in the balance. Your lady is busted bro. The truth is out.

      Go sit down somewhere.

      • @[email protected]
        -247 hours ago

        I’m sorry your owners are paying literally millions from your campaign donations to sue the green party in multiple states, on top of funding easily debunked stories like the Russian connection. It must suck to have your donations wasted like that.

        I’m sorry I trust a medical doctor more than your candidate that has never worked a non government job.

            • @[email protected]OP
              15 hours ago

              I vote for who I believe has the collective best interest of this country in mind, while holding the office with dignity, humility and respect for the individuality of this country’s citizens.

              If they’re a democrat- I’m voting for them.

              If the Green Party offers someone that can prove that they intend to take the job seriously, and doesn’t just pretend that shit matters one year out of every four…. I’d be happy to give them my support.

              Until then, it’s democrats down the line.

                • @[email protected]OP
                  54 hours ago

                  No. I’m not voting for a spoiler Russian shill or a spoiler place holder.

                  JFK JR doesn’t even register as qualified in my book.

                  Harris all the fucking way to a living breathing democracy. After that, we start over and see what we have.

                  But your Green Party is a fucking joke. It’s over. Stein destroyed it.

    • @Carrolade
      137 hours ago

      Popular policies like investing into green energy, capping prescription drug prices, appropriately regulating business, helping students with the price of college, raising taxes on the wealthy and helping first time homebuyers get a house?

      • @[email protected]
        -147 hours ago

        Sure, trump did two of those, Biden has done one but promised more, and those don’t touch the problems Americans actually have, like affording rent and groceries while dealing with record inflation and failing economy for all but the wealthiest. If Dems kept half their promises they’d still be 80s Republicans, but at least people wouldn’t be becoming homeless at the fastest rate in US history.

        • @Carrolade
          157 hours ago

          Really? Which two did Trump do?