The GOP hold on most of American radio seems pretty unshakable, but Democrats must get into the talk-radio game before ever more damage is done.

  • @[email protected]
    229 minutes ago

    US fascism had been here for decades. Too many people don’t recognize fascism because they think fascism will arrive selling oppression and tyranny. If you’re part of the privileged group fascism is selling you safety, normalcy, and tradition. (status quo)

  • @brygphilomena
    113 hours ago

    Those that talk the most are usually the ones you should listen to the least.

  • @[email protected]
    74 hours ago

    You can literally see the generational technical divide which is not clean.

    I’d bet most households /car owners could have their age and political alignments rated solely on a few metrics.

    • Do you watch cable? Do you stream shows? Do you pirate.

    • Do you own a car? Use the radio or Bluetooth? Have a Spotify or YouTube account?

    You’d easily see people’s politics fit in with where they get their content.

  • @Veneroso
    95 hours ago

    Honestly radio is dying much like television.

    Podcasting is the better space to get going.

    Also tictoc.

    We need to get the young folks of the incel pipeline .

  • Queen HawlSera
    54 hours ago

    The time to stop this fascist talk before it became a problem was 69 years ago

  • @[email protected]
    417 hours ago

    Ronald Reagan started the fight to get rid of the Fairness Doctrine.

    Back in the Cronkite Era, if a station ran an editorial it had to provide equal time for opposing views.

    • @[email protected]
      277 hours ago

      Rush Limbaugh and his gross career owes its entire existence to that. He is someone who believes that drug dealers and smugglers need to be shot without trial… and he himself was a drug dealer when he was hard for cash.

      Tells you a good deal of what kind of person we’re dealing with here.

      • @aesthelete
        73 hours ago

        He is someone who believes…

        I just want to point out that this dude is dead in case you hadn’t heard that piece of good news.

  • @BrianTheeBiscuiteer
    7710 hours ago

    There should be regulation around use of the word “news”. Many of these stations call themselves “News Radio” as if they only reported verifiable facts, but well over 50% is opinion.

    • the post of tom joad
      168 hours ago

      Speaking of regulation, their hateful opinions getting such a far reach is a direct result of the telocommunications act of '96

      • @[email protected]
        78 hours ago

        Whilst the act for which you speak definitely accelerated the bullshit, it wasn’t peaches and cream back in the day. Just look at the film Citizen Kane a fictitious (and lawsuit resistant) depiction of William Randolph Hearst. In it an exceptionally wealthy business man uses the media to promote his political aims. And to skew narratives outside of strict politics. A man who craves love and adoration but can’t reciprocate. Remind you of anyone? I would say Musk’s purchase of Twitter fills at least one of those molds, Trump the rest.

    • @Makeitstop
      249 hours ago

      Anything presented as news should be kept separate from opinion. If it’s news, you should be able to defend it like it was said under oath.

      Personally, I would love it if news channels had to distinguish opinion content from news by removing the word news from the screen and replacing it with the word opinion. That or some other clear and unmistakable signal to the audience should be there to establish whether the station is going on record and asserting facts or whether this is some talking head spewing bullshit.

      • @[email protected]
        24 hours ago

        It’s crazy that news papers have been doing this forever. You have your news section and opinion and editorial section. TV and radio should definitely follow the format and be clear about what they are presenting.

  • Pantsofmagic
    8011 hours ago

    They tried with air America and it was ok but not really all that compelling. Truth and facts just don’t sell like toxic divisive fantasies.

    • Repple (she/her)
      2010 hours ago

      Isn’t that how we got the national treasure that is Rachel Maddow?

    • @Supervisor194
      26 hours ago

      It needed better talent. Thom Hartmann was the sole survivor because he’s actually listenable. Randi Rhodes and Ron Reagan were just shit. But progressive talk can be done well. Stephanie Miller is hilarious when she has the right crew, but she has a penchant for self-owning. She gave us John Fugelsang, who is just brilliant.

  • Cyborganism
    3111 hours ago

    Even in Canada. Most talk radio stations are right wing hate BS.

  • @arin
    -53 hours ago

    How a little bit of Russian money can shape the retards in the south

  • @rf_
    2010 hours ago

    Go to the top podcast lists and you’ll see that one is also dominated by right-wing personalities too.

    • @[email protected]
      5 hours ago

      You’re free to leave. Because blanket statements and false accusations might work in your favor elsewhere.

      • @[email protected]
        65 hours ago

        The US? It’s not free to leave temporarily or permanently, no idea who lied to you. More importantly it’s conservatives like you that tend to give up instead of trying to make the world better.

        • @[email protected]
          5 hours ago

          I’m a conservative now? Boy, you really do like making your assumptions, don’t you? I’m going to guess that you’re no stranger to accusing people of supporting genocide, right?

          Hilarious! Thanks for the laugh! Maybe check people’s comment history before making ignorant accusations and assumptions of others.

          And are you seriously suggesting that I am incapable of leaving America if I chose? Man… I should cancel my vacation plans to Ireland I guess.

          • @[email protected]
            1 hour ago

            You’re advocating and defending a conservative party, if you’re not conservative that’s just silly.

            As far as your second sentence, 2/10.

            • @[email protected]
              3 hours ago

              You clearly have a reading comprehension problem.

              That, or you’re a typical lemmy leftist that has no fucking clue what nuance is. My guess is that it’s a little of both with the latter being a result of the former.

              It’s not a conservative stance to say America isn’t fascist. It is an ignorant stance to make blanket statements about an entire country of people, its history- and its entire culture of political belief.

              I started off by suggesting that if they think America is fascist, they’re welcome to leave. YOU decided to blather on. Nonsense and poorly constructed attacks on who I am and what I believe in some sad semblance of a defense.

              Learn how nuance affects everything that exists. The world isn’t black or white, yes or no, with us or against us. Nuance touches everything.

              And learn it quick.

              And neat how you managed to get the same amount of upvotes on your response mere minutes after making it- which was two hours after I commented and had zero downvotes. That seems to happen a lot with your comments I noticed. Your sock puppets won’t unwrite your ignorance.

              You’re here in bad-faith. We’re done here.

              • can_you_change_your_username
                036 minutes ago

                In American politics the “love it or leave it” trope you are using is undeniably right-wing rhetoric. It was first popularized in that form by McCarthy and Nixon as a response to civil rights and anti-Vietnam War protests. It has since been used by Reagan, both Bushes, and Trump primary in response to either protests or immigrants that they believe have not sufficiently assimilated into American culture. It’s also probably the most unAmerican trope currently used in American political discourse. Protest and criticism of government is fundamental to America’s history and identity and is covered by 3 of the freedoms guaranteed in the First Amendment.

                • @[email protected]
                  30 minutes ago

                  I don’t care about tropes. The point is, if someone thinks it’s fascist here, they can leave. Go see if it’s better elsewhere. I’m simply pointing out that they have options.

                  Also, Everyone wins if they do. America loses an idiot that makes blanket falsehoods, and they find a place that isn’t fascist. But then again, if they think America is a fascist country- there will be nowhere they can go where someone like that will see anything different.

                  I’m not going to apologize for having little tolerance for ignorance. If that makes me a “conservative” in your eyes, then I’ll call you blind and move on and forget you existed moments later, but I’m not going to pretend to live in a word where nuanced topics don’t exist.

                  Don’t like being told to get the fuck out if you’re not happy? Don’t make dumbass ignorant and childish statements.

        • @[email protected]
          8 hours ago

          Well, that didn’t take long.


          Oh, and America isn’t fascist. The only people that think it is are pseudo-intellectual socialists that have no fucking clue about anything.

          • @[email protected]
            98 hours ago

            I dont think it is either, but heres the fucken thing all they said was that American fascism fucken predated radio and guess what the Confederacy was fascist. Sorry for making assumptions but your comment didnt leave much room for interpretation, learn to express yourself with word rather than using reactionary bullshit slogans.

            • @[email protected]
              8 hours ago

              But America isn’t fascist. So they’re wrong. It doesn’t predate shit. The confederacy may have had tendencies leaning towards fascism, but the confederacy wasn’t America.

              So my point was that if they want to make ignorance-based blanket statements about about an entire country, they happen to be doing so about one that gives you the freedom to leave it.

              Maybe they should exercise that freedom.

              • @[email protected]
                78 hours ago

                All they said was that US fascism arrived before radio. There isnt anything within their comment that indicates an opinion beyond that. They could be referring to anything from segreagation to the Confederacy to the southern colonies and their aristocracy. There isnt really any meat to their statement just the bare bones.

              • @WoahWoah
                7 hours ago

                As far as I can tell based on the unspecific, generalized use of the terms by people across the political spectrum, “fascist” and “nazi” just mean someone or something with which someone disagrees or finds annoying, so under this much more nebulous definition, anyone and everything can be fascist.

                For instance you and your comment are fascist. See? It worked!

                • @[email protected]
                  7 hours ago

                  I don’t deal in the bullshit flavor-of-the-week redefining of things. Fascism isn’t something that ever should be redefined. It’s a serious and incredibly harmful ideology that should not be joked about.

                  I’d no sooner call someone a fascist where they clearly aren’t defined as one, than I would accuse someone of being a rapist that isn’t one.

                  But then again, I’m an adult. And I know better.

  • Nougat
    1710 hours ago

    “Has arrived,” as though it hasn’t been churning just beneath the surface since the beginning, and succeeding in lifting its filthy maw above the water line many, many times.