One worker said Impact Plastics managers would not let employees leave, which company denies

Several employees at a plastics factory in eastern Tennessee were killed during Hurricane Helene or are missing, amid warnings that the storm’s current death toll of more than 130 is likely to rise substantially as subsiding floodwaters allow rescuers to search through the wreckage.

Impact Plastics confirmed there had been fatalities at its plant in Erwin but did not say how many people had been killed. The company said there were missing and deceased employees as well as a contractor.

Jacob Ingram, a mold changer at the company, told the Knoxville News Sentinel that as the flooding started, managers instructed employees to move their cars away from the rising water – but would not let them leave. “They should’ve evacuated when we got the flash flood warnings, and when they saw the parking lot,” he said to the newspaper. "When we moved our cars, we should’ve evacuated then … we asked them if we should evacuate, and they told us not yet, it wasn’t bad enough.

  • @scripthook
    46 minutes ago

    Your life is more valuable than your livelihood. Idk why in anyone’s right mind would even be there during a hurricane

  • @Gammelfisch
    162 hours ago

    In this case, I hope the family members and employees file a massive lawsuit against Impact Plastics.

    • @[email protected]
      101 hour ago

      It wouldn’t surprise me if the business is leveraged so that any lawsuit, while successful, would be like squeezing blood from a stone.

      And unless they can pierce the corporate veil, the CEO can’t be held personally liable.

      God, I fucking hate corporate personhood.

      • @AliasAKA
        14 minutes ago

        I think in this case an argument could be made for personal culpability, and I for one hope they are charged with manslaughter.

    • @Num10ck
      42 hours ago

      tragic company name

  • @[email protected]
    132 hours ago

    At least they died making a line go up in the bank account of some rich people who already have more than enough money than they know what to do with.

    • @pivot_root
      36 minutes ago

      The line must always go up.

      And by line, I mean ladder. Pulled up by the people who got in early or had nepotistic connections. While they tower above us and demand we run inside a hamster wheel for the privilege of being alive.

      Oh boy do I love our currently-fucked society.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      32 hours ago

      I wonder if Terry was okay during the storm, since it took him ten fucking minutes to call back to say they were allowed to go home.

  • @EmpathicVagrant
    743 hours ago

    If you’re in danger from humans, fire, or disaster I don’t give a shit if you might lose your job.


    • @SpaceNoodle
      703 hours ago

      They were threatened with loss of their livelihoods, and disinformed of the risk to their lives.

        • @[email protected]
          -41 hour ago

          Loss of income in a rural area where the boss will tell all his buddies at the Irish pub to blacklist you from being hired

          Liberals love sneering at working class folk using thinly veiled “advice”

          Oh just find a better job that pays more with less stress. Just move, or just buy a truck that can ford the water. Just quit! Just form a union, it’s that simple!

          Meanwhile if anything makes them feel the slightest bit uncomfortable they lose their shit, let alone if something stops them from their daily Starbucks.

          • Lemminary
            152 minutes ago

            I have never in my life heard advice from libruls like you describe. I don’t know what kool-aid you’re drinking.

            • @[email protected]
              240 minutes ago

              I believe from context that the person you are replying to was using Liberal meaning:

              a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets

              Not the left-leaning meaning. It’s another reason political discourse is so awful. People aren’t using common definitions of their vocabulary.

    • @Frozengyro
      172 hours ago

      Totally. My wife works in a skyscraper and they had a fire on the 6th floor and were told not to leave while the firefighters investigate. She’s on the 25th, so I told her to leave anyway until they can clear the fire. Why risk it? By the time the FF arrive and clear it, it could be too late with people flooding the stairwells to get out.

      • @EmpathicVagrant
        42 hours ago

        Exactly. If firefighters need to check it out, I’m taking that as a reason to distrust the structure.

    • @[email protected]
      21 hour ago

      That’s part of the issue. I don’t think many people thought the hurricane was going to cause the damage it did until it actually happened.

  • @[email protected]
    223 hours ago

    My siblings live in an area affected by Helene, and I thank fucking god the one that works in a warehouse has the Gen Z attitude of “get fucked lol” when it comes to employers.

    When the worst of the storm was coming through the stance of county 911 was that if you call they’re not coming unless someone is about to die. And yet some of these companies expect people to risk their lives to show up for $10-15 an hour? It’s insane.

    I understand why everyone can’t just tell their employer to go fuck themselves, it’s just a horrible situation if you ever find yourself in the position of having to make the call of, ‘do I lose my job for what may or may not be a genuine emergency?’

  • @cccrontab
    453 hours ago

    Another win for greed, capitalism and the American way!

    • @[email protected]
      21 hour ago

      What’s truly sad is that people will defend working through life-threatening conditions and just think of it as American Exceptionalism.

  • @PriorityMotif
    22 hours ago

    When I worked at a shop we always joked (/s) that toolboxes had wheels on them so if the shop ever catches on fire we can just roll tf out and find new jobs down the street.