When Trump was president, Republicans fought to repeal the health insurance program.

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance claimed Tuesday night — in contradiction of history — that his running mate, former President Donald Trump, “salvaged Obamacare,” the health insurance program that Trump tried to kill.

During the vice presidential debate on CBS against Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, Vance, a senator from Ohio, echoed Trump’s own recent revisionism. But the assertion also served to remind voters that Democrats ultimately won the yearslong political fight over expanding access to health insurance: The Republican ticket no longer wants to repeal the 2010 law.

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  • @[email protected]
    5 months ago

    Didn’t John McCain famously save it by breaking off to vote with Dems against Trumps wishes?

    • snooggums
      745 months ago

      Yup. Plus Trump tried to repeal it on day one through executive order because he doesn’t know how anything works.

      Walz pointed out both of these last night.

    • @draneceusrex
      125 months ago

      Yes, but shortly after he cast his vote to end the individual mandate, causing less people to be insured and costs to rise.

    • Tony Bark
      75 months ago

      Yup. Right before his passing a few months later.

  • @[email protected]
    665 months ago

    “in contradiction of history” is just a fancy way of saying that he lied. Call him a fucking liar like he is.

    • Nougat
      255 months ago

      Journalistically, I think “lying” implies willfullness, and a reporter cannot 100% prove that a false statement was made willfully, with knowledge that the statement was false.

      What the reporter can do is point out that the statement was false, with evidence that demonstrates that, even including statements to the contrary by the person making the false statement before and after. But you can’t know for sure in the moment a false statement is being made that the person believed it was false as they were making it.

      This journalistic concept is part of the reason the couch fucker meme took off. AP (was it AP?) published a story about how “No, JD Vance did not have sex with a couch,” and then retracted it. Why? Because while there’s no evidence that JD Vance did have sex with a couch, and there’s plenty of evidence that JD Vance having sex with a couch was just a joke, there isn’t any proof that JD Vance didn’t have sex with a couch.

      • @buddascrayon
        145 months ago

        And yet Fox News will run a dozen stories on how Walz “lied” about his time in China.

        • @Bonesince1997
          75 months ago

          That was bizarre and I have no idea what it was truly about. Seemed personal. On the other hand, just the other week Vance told some lies and brought terrorism to a community because of it. Which one is more important?

          • @rayyy
            65 months ago

            Walz was in China around the time of the Tiananmen Square protests but not at the time of the actual massacre.

        • @Passerby6497
          25 months ago

          Lol, you think Fox “News” is actually news? They’ve successfully argued in court that they’re an entertainment company, so anyone who thinks their name means they have anything more than a tenuous connection to the truth is either dumb as fuck or just not paying any attention.

          So the core Faux Lies viewer base.

  • @triptrapper
    455 months ago

    It was interesting, but not surprising, that he said both that Obamacare was a failure, and that they would protect all the parts of it that people enjoy.

    • @Bassman1805
      455 months ago

      I liked “we don’t need Obamacare because we have legislation protecting people with preexisting conditions”

      Yeah, that would be Obamacare.

      • @MsPenguinette
        155 months ago

        Obamacare and the ACA is just the Hannah Montana of Republican healthcare policy. They are running on getting rid of the singer but promising to keep the Miley around. I’m high so I’ll stop now

        • @[email protected]
          65 months ago

          …what you do high they do stone sober. With a lawyer in the room to make sure they are on solid ground.

          • @[email protected]
            35 months ago

            Have you looked at Trump’s lawyers?

            I promise you they wouldn’t know solid ground if it suddenly disappeared from below them.

            • @[email protected]
              35 months ago

              True. But remember Rush Limbaugh and ‘inner city rap fans’ as code for ‘inner city rap fans?’

      • @[email protected]
        45 months ago

        I know, I chortled at that during the debate. I wanted Walz to jump in that moment and say exactly that.

        • @Bassman1805
          75 months ago

          There was a moment where Vance was hammering the word “choice” about like daycare costs or something and I really wanted Walz to say “so NOW you care about choice?”

  • Waldowal
    5 months ago

    Trump and the GOP are directly responsible for killing the part of ACA that required people to have insurance in 2017. That is what allowed all the young healthy people to drop their insurance which caused costs to go up for everyone else. It de-socialized it.

    Source: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tax_Cuts_and_Jobs_Act

    • @chakan2
      55 months ago

      That’s sort of true, sort of not. The insurance companies were foaming at the mouth for this. It means they are unchecked in their march towards profit.

      This was going to raise the price of medical care regardless of whether healthy people were in it or not. We have an aging, fat, sick society and they require very expensive care.

      • @buddascrayon
        165 months ago

        We have an aging, fat, sick society and they require very expensive care.

        This is the exact reason why the mandate existed. Having all the young and healthy people paying into the insurance as well offsets the costs. That being said it would have been far better to have a public insurance run by the government that wasn’t beholden to profit. AKA M4A

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          We can send billions to Israel to start WW3 with. But we can’t give health care to our own population.

          God I hate this country. Especially the leadership

        • @chakan2
          5 months ago

          I’m 100% for universal health, single payer, or whatever gets health insurance companies out of the game.

          But even if healthy people were forced into the system the ACA still makes private insurance unaffordable for regular people. If you don’t have an employee who’s sponsoring it, you’re fucked.

      • partial_accumen
        245 months ago

        Good. I didn’t need health insurance.

        No one needs healthcare insurance, until they get sick or hurt. Do you have some knowledge of immortality and invulnerability the rest of humanity isn’t aware of?

        The rest of ACA was fine. Don’t force your shit on me then make me pay for it if I’m not participating. I was poor as hell.

        If you were that poor the ACA would pay for your health insurance for you…unless you lived in a state that decided to reject the free money the Federal Government gave states to pay for poor people’s coverage. If thats your case, your issue is with your elected state government.

        • @[email protected]
          35 months ago

          I can’t quite remember all the details, but since my friend was still living with his parents he had to pay for the “catastrophic” insurance since he was over 26 and didn’t work with a company that offered anything. He might have been unemployed at that point. I think it was only $75/mo or so but I wonder if he just filled out the form wrong.

          • partial_accumen
            45 months ago

            From Healthcare.gov (the ACA, aka Obamacare, website):

            "Medicaid expansion & what it means for you. Some states have expanded their Medicaid programs to cover all people with household incomes below a certain level. Others haven’t. Whether you qualify for Medicaid coverage depends partly on whether your state has expanded its program.

            • In all states: You can qualify for Medicaid based on income, household size, disability, family status, and other factors. Eligibility rules differ between states.
            • In states that have expanded Medicaid coverage: You can qualify based on your income alone. If your household income is below 133% of the federal poverty level, you qualify. (Because of the way this is calculated, it turns out to be 138% of the federal poverty level. A few states use a different income limit.)


            “If your income is low and your state hasn’t expanded Medicaid: If your state hasn’t expanded Medicaid, your income is below the federal poverty level, and you don’t qualify for Medicaid under your state’s current rules, you won’t qualify for either health insurance savings program: Medicaid coverage or savings on a private health plan bought through the Marketplace.”


            States were given money when the ACA was implemented to expand the Medicaid. Many red states turned that money down choosing to let their poor residents continue to not get any healthcare coverage. Was that your friend’s state?

            • @captainlezbian
              35 months ago

              Oh I had thought my state expanded Medicaid but during the pandemic I was rejected for having savings despite being on unemployment

              • @MutilationWave
                25 months ago

                It’s so frustrating when you get shafted for being financially responsible. I had a severe malignant melanoma removed and the Dr’s association refused to accept less than $200 per month payment after they saw I had an emergency fund in the bank.

                At the time I was making $36k per year and my wife was in school, so negative income. $200 per month would have ruined our lives. So I told them they’d never see a penny and took the huge credit hit.

      • @Eatspancakes84
        135 months ago

        The youth is already paying for the elderly. It’s called Medicare. The real question is whether the young people who are healthy pay for those that are less lucky.

  • Ghostalmedia
    185 months ago

    Obama was right. Once people lived with the ACA, they wouldn’t want to go back. The GOP knows that now, so now they’re going to pretend that they fixed it.

    • @[email protected]
      85 months ago

      All Donnie had to do was get his Congress to vote in some meaningless changes, and then proclaim that he’d ‘fixed Obamacare’ and take a victory lap. Put TrumpCare on the site and tell his MAGoos to sign up.

  • @Carrolade
    175 months ago

    tbf, them taking responsibility for other people’s accomplishments has gotten fairly common in recent years. They need to be able to show something to their voters asides tax cuts for the rich, half-built walls and bans of Muslims entering the country that get struck down in court. So why not steal credit for other people’s successes?

    Btw, did you all know that I’m actually the lead dev of Mastadon? Yep, it was just some barely-running service before I came along, and I got it fixed right up. Look at how good my project is doing! I’m just the greatest, aren’t I?

  • @[email protected]
    145 months ago

    Doesn’t everyone on both sides already know this? Is journalism just stating the obvious now? Is this how we are going to be fed from now on?

    Man. That’s sad.

    • @buddascrayon
      245 months ago

      When one side of the political spectrum continually lies about literally everything, stating the obvious has basically become the job of journalists.

      • @JamesTBagg
        5 months ago

        The problem isn’t that they lie about everything well not the big problem. The real problem is the cultists believe the lies. We have the truths on video and they will choose to be duped.

        • skulblaka
          25 months ago

          People are down voting this, but you’re right. Politicians that lie is a problem, but not a new one, and not one that we don’t know how to handle. People believing the lies of the politicians is what mostly gets us into our hot water. Critical thinking is at a critical shortage these days.

          • @buddascrayon
            5 months ago

            Honestly my problem isn’t with the MAGA hat wearing dingdongs out there who drink the kool-aid without question daily. It’s the “undecideds” that piss me off. The people who can’t be faffed to pay enough attention to what is going on beyond their home to realize who it is that actually has their best interests in mind. The women who voted for Trump and then after his SCOTUS picks gutted a woman’s right to abortion were all shocked Pikachu about how that happened and how the state they live in is now completely blocking their access to life giving medications and procedures in the name of saving fetuses that they won’t give two shits about once born.

            Or the fucking morons who were utterly flabbergasted that the removal of the benefits of the ACA and the government assistance offered by it suddenly cancelled their ability to have health insurance. And then they turn around and buy Trump’s utter lies that it was somehow Biden’s fault and not the entire Republican party who worked tirelessly to get those things shitcanned.

            Those are the ones that truly piss me off. And they can all go fuck themselves. Conservatives are just selfish people who don’t care about anyone but themselves and their immediate loved ones(if even that). And I wish nothing but pain and misery on all of them.

            And undecideds are dipshit morons who can’t pull their heads out of their asses long enough to see the mess the world and the country is in and realize who’s actually responsible for all of it.

    • @[email protected]
      125 months ago

      No. People who watch Fox News exclusively don’t know this. It’s the problem with that channel in particular.

  • @CheeryLBottom
    65 months ago

    Don’t they have a concept of a plan? Rolls eyes

  • Wren
    55 months ago

    deleted by creator

  • @Passerby6497
    35 months ago

    That plan has been 2 weeks away for a fucking decade.