• @11111one11111
    643 minutes ago

    The question really is whether or not the assassination would be an official act.

  • @paddirn
    224 hours ago

    I think he could make a compelling argument justifying it if Trump were to win the election, a sort of Julius Caesar part deux. I think you could make the case that American democracy as we know it would end if Trump were elected president and that in order to protect democracy, his assassination was needed. However, in doing so, American democracy as we know it would still end because Biden would be opening the door to domestic political assassination being in president’s tool belt, so it’s kind of a catch-22. We’re damned if we do, damned if we don’t. So really, the only thing that will “save” democracy is if people vote for Harris, that’s where we’re at as a country. I’d love to vote third party, I actually didn’t care much for Harris before Biden dropped out, but the stakes are really too high this election to consider anything else.

    • @[email protected]
      82 hours ago

      You say this as if the next Republican president won’t do this.

      The best way to fix this is with Biden being the sacrificial lamb.

      Basically he executes Trump via executive order, executes the conservative justices, all standing Republicans in the Senate. Then get enough states to pass referendums for a constitutional convention.

      Do the overhaul of the constitution, solidifying human rights, separation of church from state, making fascism treason, make billionaires illegal, and, for kicks, universal healthcare.

      Hey, don’t wake me up from this dream, okay?

    • Don_DickleOP
      117 minutes ago

      But would he be sitting as a defendant like trump was during his shit? Or could he just ignore it and just not show up?

  • @[email protected]
    535 hours ago

    You could argue that his oath of office requires it. But yes the Supreme Court only meant this power to be used by people they approve of

    • @njm1314
      214 hours ago

      That’s why you have to start with the Supreme Court. Got to grease the skids so to speak

  • @[email protected]
    695 hours ago

    Nah, because he’s a Democrat. SCOTUS would rule that was a violation of his presidential duties… they left that ruling incredibly vague so that they can be the authority.

  • @andrewta
    33 hours ago

    He could not be prosecuted for it, but my understanding is that the people who killed Trump could be prosecuted because it’s still a crime (it’s just that Biden can’t prosecuted for it)

    • Skua
      22 hours ago

      Couldn’t Biden in turn just pardon the killer?

      • @andrewta
        38 minutes ago

        Technically he could but then that was always a possibility of any federal crime going back to the inception of the US

  • originalucifer
    115 hours ago

    they left it to ‘congress’ to decide what is and isnt an official act. so, congress being run by a bunch of conservative morons would indict biden but let trump walk for the exact same behaviors.

  • Battle Masker
    24 hours ago

    I mean yes, but more often than not, people generally DON"T wanna kill other people

      • Adderbox76
        43 hours ago

        I kind of don’t want to know, because the real answer would probably be terrifying.

        • FuglyDuck
          02 hours ago

          CEOs, too.

          Also school teachers. Pastors. Cops.

          Let’s add librarians for contrast.

          • @Tujio
            22 hours ago

            I have met many, many school teachers in my adult life and the vast majority of them are lovely people. There has only been one who I’d describe as a psychopath.

            Alcoholics? Absolutely. It’s a toss-up between teachers, lawyers and nurses for the hardest-drinking group of motherfuckers I’ve ever known.

            • FuglyDuck
              02 hours ago

              it’s a profession that gives a position of authority over others; and specifically over people who are quite vulnerable.

              You may not have met them, but there are teachers that are psychopaths. Many of those teachers who are also psychopaths might also come off as quite lovely, too.

              • @Organichedgehog
                155 minutes ago

                I feel like maybe you don’t know any teachers. The fact that you lumped them in with politicians, ceos, and police is, quite frankly, batshit insane