Title said it all. Anyone else is in this situation?

  • @givesomefucks
    3416 days ago

    Because he’s a racist douchebag or because he makes shit cars that aren’t safe?

    Like, is it personal objections to him wanting to overthrow democracy for feudalism, or is it because his cars are death traps?

  • Jo Miran
    3116 days ago

    Your wife is correct. Dump it while you can still get something for it.

  • @paddirn
    1716 days ago

    I’m in the segment of people that would love to get an EV, but absolutely won’t touch a Tesla specifically because of Musk. Not just his politics, but his apparent irresponsibility and just general shittiness as a person.

  • @[email protected]
    1416 days ago

    I mean do you really WANT to drive around a car from a company owned by the worlds richest and most pathetic incel who is constantly in international news for being a hateful asshole?

    I mean I get that the hassle of selling and buying a new car sucks… but I agree with your wife honestly.

    • @[email protected]
      016 days ago

      I also have a Tesla. Do I WANT all that associated baggage? No. Do I CARE? Also no. It’s a nice car, and I don’t regret buying it

      • @dragontamerM
        15 days ago

        You know that Tesla vehicles today (2024) don’t have RADAR, Ultrasonic Sensors, left-right turn signals stalks, Heads Up Displays, or Birds Eye View cameras?

        For a $40k car, Teslas are… horrifically behind in technology and extremely cheaply built. A damn Toyota Corolla can get literally more features for driving than a Tesla today.

        When we get to high end luxury vehicles like… Hyundai (/s)… well…


        Ignore the actual luxury vehicles in the $40k+ market at your own risk. Tesla vehicle buyers today are erm… behind? I dunno how to describe it, like they think they’re techno-enthusiasts but every time I talk with them about features from the year 2020+ I feel like they’re stuck in Elon Musk’s 2015 hype cycle.

        That was 10 years ago man. Open your eyes to what’s actually available today. This is due to two factors:

        1. Tesla has failed to keep up with technological innovations from other companies (like Toyota or Hyundai. I’m not even talking about real luxury brands either, as massage chairs, Augmented Reality HUD, yadda yadda).

        2. Tesla has actively removed features (like RADAR or Ultrasonic sensors) as they were too expensive for the company to figure out how to deliver during the 2020 chip shortage. As such, today’s 2024 vehicles are worse quality and cheaper than 2019 Tesla vehicles.

        Tesla is actively moving backwards, while other automakers are moving forwards.

        • @[email protected]
          015 days ago

          Haha what? Was that reply for me? Because it doesn’t relate to anything I said. I know all about Teslas. I don’t have exorbitant expectations of it, and I don’t think of it as a luxury car. But I still like it

  • @mortalic
    16 days ago

    Don’t put yourself in unnecessary debt just because he’s a shitbag. Cars are depreciating assets and unless you’re buying certain exotics, you will always be mitigating your losses.

    With a model Y, they are super cheap to drive so the best way to not lose your money is to drive it until the wheels fall off. But maybe get a bumper sticker that says Fuck Elon or something, I don’t know. More creative people than me might have better ideas.

    Edit, cuz I had more thoughts…

    Elon is a top tier shitbag, though it’s not like others are a whole lot better, Nissan had Carlos Ghosn(sp?) , the ford and gm ceo’s regularly attend the NADA dealership council where they pander to oil money and republican whims.

    All this is to say, don’t try to find a righteous CEO of a car company. I doubt one exists.

    • @dragontamerM
      15 days ago

      But this isn’t some cheap econo-box he’s buying. Its a Tesla, a brand that sees itself as “luxury” (which has always been bullshit btw, but luxury is an opinion and other people’s opinions are allowed to be wrong).

      No one gives a crap about a Honda or Toyota because everyone recognizes them as econo-shitboxes (ignoring a couple of midwestern “Ford towns” or “GM towns”… the vast majority of the USA doesn’t care about Honda or Toyota or Nissan. These are cheap vehicles and everyone knows that).

      Its a different story for “higher end” vehicles (or at least, cars that have a higher-end marketing). Tesla at some point was seen as a $60,000+ car (though today depreciation has wrecked that). There’s a “dated luxury” feel to this car coinciding with its declining value. People who hold onto it would be seen as not being able to afford to change up to something that actually holds its value.

      Elon Musk is… secondary… to the problem at hand here. The issue is that Tesla (yes, run by Elon Musk who has made a lot of bad decisions) has caused Tesla Model Y to decline in value by literally dozens-of-thousands of dollars in just 2 years.

      Yeah, don’t buy or drop the car because of politics. But… erm… its hard to call an asset that has depreciated this much a luxury anymore. At some point it is embarrassing to keep holding.

  • @polygon6121
    111 days ago

    A car is a big financial decisions. Use the car for the lifetime you expecting from it and dont worry about what others think. You don’t have to make excuses for anyone.

    There are 100 thousand people working at Tesla and making it into the best product they can from their given constraints. I think we all overestimate how much influence Musk have on the actual product. His (part-time)job is to look after the TSLA-stock, and that is what you should actually dump if you don’t like Musk.

  • @dragontamerM
    15 days ago

    Its hard to recommend to sell a car, especially one that has depreciated as much as the Model Y.

    You’ve been forced into a “bagholder” position as Elon Musk sold you on false promises of “appreciating assets”, only to see Model Y diminish in value. Selling now will certainly hurt your paper wealth as you realize your losses.

    Still, I’d argue that the Model Y never was a good car to being with and your life probably would be appreciably better if you got a better car. Having real Ultrasonics for parking lot situations and real RADAR for lane-centering / highway driving is a must have feature, and I think that Elon Musk’s bullshit about “All Vision” is just that, bullshit that only his most blinded fanbois can lap up.

    Leaving the cult of Elon and seeing the problems with the car is… hard? I know its a community and all, but there really are better cars out there today than the Model Y. There’s a reason why its depreciated so much and its less to do with politics than you might think.

    Financially speaking, holding onto the car longer should save you money. So there’s that, its very rare that selling a car (especially within 1 or 2 years) is ever a good move, especially after epic levels of depreciation.

  • @rhacer
    16 days ago

    Do you like the car? Does it meet your needs? Is it reliable? Does driving it make you happy? Do the payments fit within your monthly budget? Does helping the environment make you feel good?

    If the answer to most of those questions is yes, then getting rid of the vehicle because you don’t like the man who owns the company would be dumb.

    That’s like ditching the music of Pink Floyd because you don’t like Roger Waters politics.

    • @A_Union_of_Kobolds
      416 days ago

      Only if Roger Waters was absolutely tanking the band, those cars are shit. Just get an EV from a company that isn’t also shit.