• @Warjac
    32 hours ago

    Can’t wait for this to release and then be sited as a reason why the next shooting happened by Republicans because “It’s them dang video games desensitizing these kids to violence.”

  • @[email protected]
    115 hours ago

    No parent should go through what they have gone through. And they want to express that through a game. It is an incredible idea, especially because of interactivity of the medium. I always believe that art can help hold a mirror to the society and this game proves that.

  • @[email protected]
    5813 hours ago

    Oof… Man, to live in the US. I don’t envy you guys, though things aren’t really going the right direction here in the Netherlands, either.

    • @[email protected]
      3 hours ago

      Your perceptions about the experience of the average American are a long way from accurate. You might want to take a hard look at the media you’re consuming.

      EDIT: I have now discovered that the fastest way to kick the Lemmy hornet’s nest is to say you aren’t living in constant terror of being mowed down at random. How do you people function out in public? Do you even go out in public? This place is a fucking hole.

      • @[email protected]
        53 hours ago

        Earlier this month, I had a parent-teacher meeting with lots of parents and she had to explain to one parent to please stop allowing her 2nd grader to come with weapons. The parent kept putting a butterfly knife in the kid’s bookbag and she explained that they are doing everything they can to ensure safety, but now when a 2nd grader has a knife.

        • @[email protected]
          12 hours ago

          People are fucking nuts. You have to think that at some point the thought would occur to them that they shouldn’t be slipping a knife into little Timmy’s backpack.

          Closing the asylums was a mistake.

      • @BleatingZombie
        317 hours ago

        There’s a child in my family who has monthly school shooter drills

        I’m american. Is my perception of the average American correct?

        • @[email protected]
          -226 hours ago

          And when I was a kid we had tornado drills. Schools got hit by tornados, but it was a freak incident that was ultimately an overblown fear.

          If only there was some parallel we could draw here…

          • @[email protected]
            255 hours ago

            If only…

            According to a quick search I could only find 2 cases of tornadoes hitting US schools in the last 25 years, giving an average of about 1 school tornado hit per 12 years. I believe it’s fair to say that was overblown.

            However, in the same 25 years there have been over 400 school shootings in the US, meaning there is an average of about 1 school shooting per month. I’d say that’s a pretty reasonable fear.

            Also one is an “act of god” while the other is entirely man-made. Keep the thought and prayers for the one god is actually responsible for.

            • @[email protected]
              -104 hours ago

              And that figure is inflated. The School Shootings That Weren’t https://www.npr.org/sections/ed/2018/08/27/640323347/the-school-shootings-that-werent

              When people hear “school shootings” they imagine events like Columbine, even when that’s not what’s being counted. Literally every time a gun is fired at a school regardless of circumstances, it’s a school shooting. This includes cases where nobody is injured, the event happens after hours, or the people involved are unaffiliated with the school. Seriously, the NPR article I linked mentions a case where a guy killed himself in the parking lot of a building owned by the school district (that had not had students in it for years). That counted as a school shooting.

              The sort of event people imagine IS more common than tornadoes, and even stupid, unrelated incidents that result in injuries is ALSO more common than tornadoes. The fact remains that there are not 400 Columbines a year. The chances of a particular student dying of any violent means on school property is vanishingly small. People worried about their kids getting killed in a school shooting should also worry about meteor and lightning strikes.

              • @[email protected]
                124 hours ago

                It’s insane that a gun is even fired off in school that often. What circumstances could make that OK

                • @[email protected]
                  -13 hours ago

                  It isn’t OK, every single case is a crime.

                  There was a newsworthy incident where a cop managed to pull off a negligent discharge. Nobody got hurt, but guess what? Still a school shooting.

              • @[email protected]
                53 hours ago

                The children have nothing to fear because it’s actually illegal for bullets to miss their intended target.

              • @[email protected]
                54 hours ago

                So what? Still proves that your comparison to tornado drills is, well, utterly ridiculous and without merit…

                • @[email protected]
                  -23 hours ago

                  Not ridiculous, the odds of either event injuring or killing any particular individual are vanishingly small. A person who worries about school shootings should be positively terrified of climbing ladders or crossing a busy road.

                  People are really bad at contextualizing risk. Just look at the “stranger danger” scare.

              • @[email protected]
                24 hours ago

                Clearly I wasn’t using the figures in that article because I said it was 400 over 25 years, not 240 in a single year. Even in that article they say they were able to confirm at least 12 shootings in that year, supporting my estimated average of 1 per month.

                Also children don’t have to be actually shot to be traumatized by a shooting. The number of children affected by school shootings is thousands of times higher than the number of injuries or deaths.

      • Synapse
        4011 hours ago

        Media bias is one thing for sure, but there are data showing that gun related death are much higher in the USA than whole of Europe (except, well… Ukraine).

        Gun related death per 100k inhabitants, in 2019: USA=10, Netherlands=0.5. Gun deaths by country - WorldPopulationReview.com

        • @[email protected]
          -3910 hours ago

          I’m not arguing that, especially because that figure includes suicides.

          I’ve noticed that (especially on Lemmy) people outside the US think we’re dodging bullets as we go about our days. Really, everybody is just doing their own thing and minding their own business.

      • @TrickDacy
        11 hours ago

        They literally gave no details about their perception. They might just pity people with kids who worry about school shootings which is a valid thing to feel and a valid thing to pity.

        • @[email protected]
          -3410 hours ago

          And I’m saying most level-headed people don’t worry about school shootings.

          While I’m sure other parents do worry about that, they’re also the kind of people who worry about serial killers.

          • @TrickDacy
            2810 hours ago

            If you go around invalidating common experiences, expect not to be well received

              • @[email protected]
                116 hours ago

                There were 327 school shootings in the 2021-22 school year in the US. That’s more shootings than there are days in a school year. If we had an event wherein a known serial killer publicly tried to murder someone literally every day, reckon folks would be a might bit more concerned about it?

                What I’m saying is this is a silly comparison for you to make.

                • @[email protected]
                  -106 hours ago

                  And in that example, people would still be foolish to panic.

                  The US is a nation that covers half a continent and has a third of a billion people. The lifetime odds of getting murdered by a stranger versus literally any other way to die?

                  Any person who rides in an automobile runs a greater risk of death. If you’re not clutching at your sheets in terror at the thought of getting in a car, you shouldn’t worry about getting killed by a random person.

    • qaz
      24 hours ago

      You should stop imagining things to be mad at.

    • @Djehngo
      37 hours ago

      ? Why come up with a hypothetical outcome just to make yourself mad? Is there some trend of speedrunners ruining educational games I am missing?

      • @[email protected]
        19 minutes ago

        Its a joke, relax. Almost all games get speed run, no reason to expect this to be different. And any% speed runs often skip huge portions of the story, no reason to expect this to be any different either. There is nothing to be mad at, it’ll likely happen, it’ll likely be silly/funny to watch.

    • @Mango
      16 hours ago

      You can’t really make a point about reality by making a game. A game is a list of rules. You can adjust these rules however you like to see which players perform closest to what you think is the best way to play, and you can also sit and watch as all of those rules are cheesed because there’s no external factors to consider.

      The game is gonna prop up whatever the developers think is right and be completely meaningless in the grand scheme of things.

      Games should aim to be fun. I’m gonna get back to helldivers to deliver some managed democracy to alien scum!

    • @[email protected]
      4915 hours ago

      TBF, generally speedrunners start speedrunning games because they love it to death (ie. have played it through several times already) and want to start challenging themselves in new ways.

      • @[email protected]OP
        15 hours ago

        …or the videogame is known to make views on youtube.

        Anyway, this don’t undermine the intention of the developer.

        • Grey Cat
          56 hours ago

          Speedrunning isn’t THAT popular. If you want to chase trends there are much easier ways other than spending thousands of hours on a single game to have low chances of make a record.

          • idunnololz
            5 hours ago

            Yeah I agree. the effort to profit ratio on speed running is so low there is no way anyone is doing it for profit over their love for the game.

            I tried speed running a game once and it was exhausting. It’s like accusing math professors of publishing papers for the money.

      • @[email protected]
        214 hours ago

        Yeah, I get that, but on the more aggressively short cut games, you could argue its not the same game anymore if all the story is now skipped. Still entertaining to watch, and I do occasionally, but it can get a bit silly.

        I’m still looking forward to the first:

        “Hi guys, today I’m going to show you how the locker skip works, you just run at this locker while tapping crouch, annddddd we are clipped through the ground, and can now run to the exit. Easy game”


        • @[email protected]
          1114 hours ago

          any% with glitches is pretty much always a wild ride to watch.

          on that note; man I need to get back on the IGN’s playlist of “devs react to speedruns”, most devs are such good sport when it comes to breaking their game :D

  • @Mango
    -106 hours ago

    Where’s the simulator where I can shoot back?

      • @Mango
        -43 hours ago

        Seems to me like this “simulator” is set to give a very biased impression. Real life isn’t so constrained as the minds of people who think they’re gonna beat violence without violence.

          • @Mango
            -33 hours ago

            I didn’t, but knew many who did.

            • @[email protected]
              155 minutes ago

              The solution is gun culture changes and mental health for all. In Canada we can own long guns or handguns, but there is a level of respect and responsibilty that goes with it, that USA seems to lack.

  • BeardedBlaze
    -3114 hours ago

    This… Is special kind of stupid lol

      • streetlights
        -1012 hours ago

        I can see modders getting their hands on this and…subverting the original intention say.

        • @[email protected]
          1210 hours ago

          Why would modders start with this basic game that lacks gunplay or NPCs to make a game where you play as a school shooter? The Unreal Engine empty project is closer to what you’d want as a starting point…

            • @[email protected]
              39 hours ago

              You can admit you didn’t really give it much thought. I guess doubling down also works, maybe they’ll mod it into a VR GTA clone MMO for lulz

              • streetlights
                8 hours ago

                Well no, I didn’t give it much thought it’s a comment on lemmy, not a manifesto.

                Creating a school shooter sim may be easy, but modding a political “game” built to highlight the horror of school shooting into something “funny” that reverses its premise entirely will make a headline.

        • Annoyed_🦀
          810 hours ago

          Idk about that, modding game is only easier if there’s mod tool, else the extend of it will only be just replace some asset/resource. Quicker to just slap together some asset and compile…a new game.

      • BeardedBlaze
        -712 hours ago

        It’s a 10 minute game, that at the end of it tries to convince the player to vote on new gun laws. Who is this targeting? Gamers that are into horror/terror games have played plethora of great games in that genre, have a hard time believing they’d even care to download the game for those 10 minutes.

        • @[email protected]
          1510 hours ago

          it’s an awareness tool, we’re talking about the game right now, people will play it on streams, dumb reactionaries will say stupid shit about it, and we’ll be talking about gun control bills all the while.

          It’s like a PSA or political campaign ad, but interactive and intended to be viral.

          It’s not trying to win game awards or start a video game franchise

        • Annoyed_🦀
          1610 hours ago

          Well at least they tried giving people an experience of a school shooter, not just sitting on their arse commenting on the Internet.

          • @Mango
            16 hours ago

            You know, that’s an experience everyone should hope to have. How can we beef up the realism a bit?

    • @Jumi
      1113 hours ago

      Why? It sounds like haunting experience from what I’ve read