How does one get such tiny nails?
Genetic lottery is how I got mine
Years of nail biting
Edit: I mean also the genes for a different thumb shape that inherently has a shorter nail in the first place; but besides that, the nails that are even shorter than the others in this pic would be due to habitual nail biting
Oh, that’s weird. Their thimbs also look a bit shorter than usual…
I mean what use are nails for, at some point in the human evolution we wouldn’t need nails at all
I’d like to add that… I have stubbed my toe so hard twice now and they had to remove half of the nail Twice and from experience I say fuck them the creation of nails was a mistake existing only to make us further suffer on this cursed land
Humans evolved finger nails to separate Lego pieces
…I can’t think of a good reason for toe nails though
maybe also separating lego pieces
Lego do not belong near feet. That shit is real damage.
then its only purpose is as a heat shield when holding a cup of tea.
its only use is to protect our fingers when holding something with a lot of strength (it’ll spread the force around your finger tips instead of it all going to one point
or at least i remember hearing something like that. im not actually sure though
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Like brass knuckles, but for your fingers.
deleted by creator
i agree (no clue what this said other than deleted)
Bro is never itchy
Opening cans of beer and soda
Jealous that my nails aren’t that strong
You need more calcium
scratch an itch. peel a strip of packing tape off an old roll. make annoying clicking noises on a table top.
Big Thumbus over here
Why is this a thing?!
Hello my fellow shorties!
^dont ^say ^it ^dont ^say ^it ^DONT ^SAY ^IT
#A M O G U S
dan avidan looking mfer
Toe thumbs
But how did he take the picture?
Not with his thumbs that’s for sure.
I had a friend help me. My life is a constant battle of having thumbs that function perfectly fine.
My sister has one. Apparently she cut the top (?) of her thumb while playing around with a paper stapler.
A stapler?!?
A paper stapler*
A paper stapler?!?
Those fingers look EWWWW
You would hate my middle finger then
Show it!!
I’m a regular freak of nature
Your fingers are fine
Why not? Why does having big thumbs with small nails create a problem for you?
I have “normal” fingernails… Whatever that means. So idk. People with fingers like this, do you have trouble making and helping friends because of your fingernails?
IMO, anyone who would care so much about such a trivial thing, seems like someone I wouldn’t want to know.
It’s a funny meme precisely because it’s a trivial thing. It wouldn’t be funny otherwise.
But also for me, it looks painful. I’m sure it’s not painful for them for some genetic reason but I always leave a bit of the white part when I cut my nails, otherwise it’ll hurt for days. So that’s all I can think about when I see it. But no, no one actually cares to that extent what someone’s nails look like
Back scratches.
People don’t even notice it unless I point it out
“Hi, nice to meet you. Look how weird my thumb is.”
It’s just a meme, I mean I never looked at people’s thumbnails before but it is interesting theirs is like the length of my cuticle.
Another example I have experienced is my ear lobes don’t got dangly bits and are secured straight to my head. It’s apparently uncommon but for me that’s how ears work and dangly ear lobes is odd. I never paid attention to it until an ex told me she was weirded out by my ears intially and found them ugly. So dunno don’t read too much into it I guess?