Jessica Rosenworcel issued the statement after health officials sent letters to stations.
Quite literally the most flagrant, obvious violation of the First Amendment you could ever serve up. Text book, to the point, not debatable.
Sure but whose going to stop him?
The courts? Bah. Fat chance with these courts.
And even if they do…the election is in 27 days. The damage will have been done.
And, if Trump
winstakes office, I doubt it will even matter. The FCC will be gutted and replaced with loyal cronies regardless.They are showing their true colors.
Of course, unless there are consequences for government officials suppressing and punishing free speech, the term “free speech” is just words.
If you ask conservatives, the 2nd Amendment is their answer to the 1st
And armed violence always works so well to settle disagreements /s
Dear FCC: Please crush Florida GOP balls with your boot for once. Pretty please.
It’s Florida, DeSantis will just “suggest” people protest outside the station.
While open-carrying.
Open carry is illegal in Florida… Well unless they are on the way to a gun range/hunting spot, which they won’t be.
You can get 10 years prison in Florida for showing someone you have a gun in your holster and it being perceived as a threat in Florida.
For a long time a concealed carry permit from Florida was accepted in more states than any other permit because once upon a time they had strict rules to ensure people were safe. And then Desantis came in and tried to fuck everything up
As long as you’re carrying fishing equipment you can plausibly be on your way to a fishing spot. There’s a YouTuber who posts his interactions with police while doing that very thing.
Officer: “Sir, you can’t open carry outside the station”
Pubnut: “I’m going fishing!”
Officer: “Congratulations, you caught charges”
That’s not an undermining, that’s an explicit violation of the first amendment. This is blatantly political speech
For those outside Florida, man you should see the fear mongering ads that those against this amendment are airing. Just blatant lies. It’s disgusting really.
My family already voted so I did my part, but the ads are nonstop down here. And they are getting worse
Are they claiming that legalizing abortion will allow your underage child to transition against your wishes? We got that one last year in ohio
He’s a lawyer and he’s smart, knows how this plays out.
He can chill this speech with zero chance of court action in the 3 weeks before the election. Afterwards, even if a court orders him to stop, damage done.