That guy’s vote is getting counted. Is yours?
Yes, but thanks to the electoral college it doesn’t mean much. State hasn’t gone red since 88, and we’re on the higher side of population:EC ratio.
Depends on how much fuckery my state will undergo.
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dude has more pictures with Epstein than I have with my brother
“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,” Trump told New York Magazine that year for a story headlined “Jeffrey Epstein: International Moneyman of Mystery.” “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side. No doubt about it — Jeffrey enjoys his social life.”
“Trump tells it like it is”
“When you’re a star, they let you do it.”
c/conservative over there making fun of beta males in an ad.
The alphas:
Does anyone actually care if they are called a “beta male”? It’s such an incel insult… And it’s used by very prominent Republicans on TV.
It’s kind of hilarious. Like, tell me your an incel without telling me you’re an incell, Republicans.
And a lot of the people they call ‘beta males’ are probably having a more active sex life than they are. I’m as unmanly as you get- I don’t like sports, I’m not into action movies or guns or knives or anything related to those things, people being loud and raucous make me highly anxious, I’m into all sorts of esoteric stuff when it comes to music and TV and film, I love nerd discussions and I cry when I’m sad. I may possibly even “cry liberal tears” in their worldview.
And yet I’ve also been happily married for over 24 years.
So I guess I’m cool with being a beta male.
Edit: I forgot to add that I don’t like beer in my list of ‘ways I’m a beta male.’
that I don’t like beer
I was cool with everything up until this. This is where we part ways, Squid. Good day, sir! 😆
I respect that.
At least you’re not one of the ones who start listing types of beers that I will definitely like if I tried them without them understanding like this is saying “you just haven’t had the right kind of zucchini bread” even though my problem with zucchini bread is that you can’t make it without it having some sort of base zucchini taste.
Very controversial food takes
I also hate bananas.
I’ve never heard anyone talk about this ever. Is this a real thing?
I’ve seen it in the wild. The common assumption is they’re aware of their social shortcomings and attempt to close them by exclaiming things that are only relevant to their insecurities, which are obviously unrelatable to other people. So it is important in securing their world, but dismissed or ironically belittled in the opinion of anyone else.
It’s not healthy. I think if people were more empathetic to them, it would help and their behaviour would cease. They’ve only ever wanted to feel accepted or needed in society
Yeah the meat of my misunderstanding is:
they’re aware of their social shortcomings and attempt to close them by exclaiming things that are only relevant to their insecurities
I mean I’m pretty aware of my shortcomings but it doesn’t lead me down to an alpha/beta philosophy.
Maybe I’m old-school but just trying to improve those (if I want to) and generally not caring what people think seems easier to me than inventing a whole alpha/beta worldview.
The point being, their shortcomings are already related to the alpha/beta mindset, they don’t create it. They may be insecure about height, lack of affection growing up, being seen as a disappointment, etc. So they defensively project an image of themselves onto others, but only they see it.
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Conservatism is a mental disease.
The Right: LGBT People groom children!
Also The Right: Eh, the child consented so Trump isn’t REALLY a rapist.
More projection. Better hide his tag.
Someone hates the bureau of land management.
And garden tools. Seems like they just hate land in all forms.
Yeah let’s ignore the fact the other guy is a rapist and wanted to fuck his daughter
I just love the double standard
“The queers are gonna molest your kids! That’s what all this sexuality talk is code for! Anyway, Donald Trump’s an alright dude, who doesn’t want to fuck their own daughter the minute they’re born?”
Yeah and like all these anti-trans bathroom creeps always turn out to be doing creepy shit in the bathroom. Or the anti-porn anti-gay weirdos end up having a huge stash of it on their work computer. Geniuses the whole lot of ‘em.
You know what’d help you get a lot of gay porn Mr. Gay Porn Enjoyer? Not banning Gay Porn!
Like seriously have they tried that line of thinking?
And was best friends with Jeffrey Epstein!
Not to play grammar Nazi in a discussion about literal fascists, but I’m not sure “wanted” is the correct tense here.
…or maybe you have a point - she’s not 13 anymore.
This is a huge advertisement about the contents of the driver’s glovebox and computer storage.
Yep, every accusation is a confession.
It kinda looks like they’re in line for a pantry handout too…
Really into this, but is the license plate bluriness due to JPEG compression or AI? Genuine question
On another post where a web comic showed similar artifacts, I also asked the same question - and concluded that the comic’s resolution was “enhanced”, either by the phone itself (when they saved it from their source) or by a (re)poster. So I think that here it’s the same thing - AI “”“enhancement”“”.
Is this an Android thing?
Context: Am iOS user taking photos in RAW and sometimes ProRes
Edit: Maybe instead of downvoting you could explain how wrong I am. I’ve never seen this outside AI so I’m genuinely asking where these photos are coming from.
That doesn’t make sense, RAW is a file format and has nothing to do with AI enhancement. Also, RAW files are not uploadable to websites (they are, but they would look shitty), RAW is a file format that allows a greater range of adjustments at a later point for professionals (like using Lightroom).
ProRes is apparently (I googled it) a VIDEO format.
There might be phones that have shitty AI resolution enhancement built into their camera app, but most likely that’s not the case here. This image just went through an AI upscaler, which is a website or an app that works on Android and iOS, but it has nothing to do with the vendor
From what I recall, Apple has a “pseudo” RAW format called ProRAW that isn’t really RAW but just has less processing.
My reasoning for saying which formats I use is I’ve never seen such terrible compression. Why would anyone butcher their photos to such an extent? This is infinitely worse than just using JPEG.
Compression and formats can be separate from one another. For example, the image taken could be “sharpened” by some garbage AI before being saved in whatever file format. This kind of smoothing is typical for something like that.
Right, but in this case I wasn’t sure if it was horrible compression or just an AI-generated image. So again, my reasoning for saying what I formats I use was to give some context: I’ve never seen such awful artifacts, nor have I been given the option to use a format that creates such artifacts (that I’m aware of).
If I have already known all this, I probably wouldn’t have commented. Weird “let’s fight” vibes on this post.
Sorry, I didn’t mean to offend. I understand your reasoning better now. Have a nice evening :)
Compression. I saw very similar “smoothing” on a zoomed in photo I took recently at home as the city sign in the background shows.
Edit: these are a bunch of turkeys that were about 50 feet away but once I zoomed into the picture the texture seemed really off.
This looks like an oil painting I’d see at an AirBnB cabin
That describes it perfectly.
What camera is doing this? Why would someone use this kind of enhancement? I don’t see the benefit at all — it just looks so much worse.
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Google pixel 6 with quite a bit of zoom.
Is there actually a fix for this behavior such as deactivate a certain feature? For most images I use “open camera”, but the general quality of the onboard software is just better.
So if I use the 2x, 1x, or 0.7x zoom things look normal. If I go past the 2x it’s when things start to look painted when you look closely.
It’s kind of both. A lot of modern Samsung phones do this really weird “AI Enhancement” shit to improve the look of zoomed in shots. I remember testing it out at Best Buy, taking pictures of some Blu-rays on the other side of the store with the 20x zoom option. The original photo was pretty much what you’d expect, it looked like a low-res super cropped pic, but then it applied the “AI Enhancement” and did it’s best to fill in the text and price labels, and wound up looking exactly like a bunch of garbled AI text.
I really think its great how stupid people these days advertise the fact so you know to avoid them.
In nature predators know to avoid anything that’s marked as poisonous in order to avoid ingesting something that will kill them. These creatures usually evolve these markings to avoid being eaten, so it’s mutually beneficial.
It’s kinda like that… You don’t go near these guys because you don’t want anything this guy is selling, and they in turn have anyone who will ask them to have a single fucking thought in their god damn heads turn the other way. You wouldn’t want this guy to think would ya? Think of the headache that’d cause his poor atrophied brain…
What a fucking mental midget.
thats an insult to mental midgets
This tracks for Affton. It’s a county municipality of St Louis, MO well known for delightful barely-graduated-high-school hoosier antics. There is a good chance the truck floorboard is littered with empty airplane shots and scratch off lottery tickets.
Hoosiers? Outside IN?
Yeah. Hoosier is used colloquially in St Louis to describe inconsiderate and trashy people. By ‘trashy’ I mean people who literally wallow in their own filth strewn properties or vehicles.
Is it classist? Yes and I don’t care. I’m more of a progressive considerate redneck myself.
I would argue with you, but being from the Hoosier state, by and large you got our number lol.
From a purely practical perspective, why would you want to reduce your back window visibility in such a way anyways?
Alphas never look back
Ain’t skerred
This sticker is dangerous and inconvenient, but I do love fig newtons.
Seems that it would be better to spend the money on fixing his taillight instead of a custom sticker.