Charles said to be adopting ‘anti-confrontational approach’ to republican campaigners before visit

King Charles has said he will not stand in the way if Australia wishes to replace him as the country’s head of state, it has been reported.

Ahead of his visit later this month, the king is said to be adopting an “anti-confrontational approach” to Australian republican campaigners, the Daily Mail reported.

  • @[email protected]
    512 hours ago

    This isn’t even on the radar, there’s no support for this at this time. Just a few nutters got an audience with the king and now there’s an article about it.

  • @GraniteM
    9221 hours ago

    Suppose that Australia wants to become republic.

    Scenario A: King Charles tries to oppose this. His opposition is overridden by, you know, democracy. Now he looks like even more of a schmuck for standing in the way of something that was going to happen anyway.

    Scenario B: He doesn’t oppose it. Australia votes to become a republic, and seems like a cool guy for not standing in the way of the inevitable.

    Seems like a pretty straightforward choice between options.

    • @InverseParallax
      4919 hours ago

      The thing is: not being a massive asshole for 0 reason is now soaring above the bar of expected behavior in most cases.

      So many people are assholes just for the sake of being assholes.

      I like that he just said ’your call’, even if he can’t do anything about it .

      Trump would threaten to send in the army, then hurricanes, then nukes, then nuclear hurricanes.

  • @Magister
    4522 hours ago

    Now Canada do the same!!

    • @[email protected]
      2722 hours ago

      Canadians don’t feel strongly enough to go through the hassle of rewriting our Constitution.

      • @[email protected]
        2319 hours ago

        Fuck, if we tried it some asshole in Alberta would probably sneak in language that vaccinations are illegal and masks cause cancer. Let’s not open that can of worms when we’ve got batshit insane conservatives about to seize power.

        • @[email protected]
          313 hours ago

          Yeah our constitution needs to stay closed until some sense of sanity returns to politics here, and I don’t see that happening for a long time.

          I’d be satisfied if we got monarchs off our money, and removed them from public life as much as possible without amending the constitution. If I don’t have to look at it Im happy

      • @Nuke_the_whales
        015 hours ago

        No, Canadians don’t have any sort of party which can bring about any change. Most of us hate the monarchy

      • bjorney
        22 hours ago

        Abolishing the monarchy would involve rewriting the constitution - if that was happening every province would want to slip in their own terms - Quebec would want specific French language rights and autonomy and if Quebec got their way Alberta would want something similar. We successfully altered the constitution back in 1982 - it took 2 years and the country almost blew up over it.

        Basically it would be a total shit show. Considering the impact the monarchy has on our day to day life (basically zero) it’s easier to just let sleeping dogs lie

        • @[email protected]
          2422 hours ago

          Hell, Quebec still to this day hasn’t ratified the 1982 update. They kept using the notwithstanding clause for years until the supreme court unilaterally decided that since QC is part of Canada, the constitution applies there in practice despite them not signing it.

          • @[email protected]
            621 hours ago

            Man, I didn’t even think about Quebec.

            Some treaties that the French sign have had them require a French version and that the French version be equally-binding. I imagine that this makes any form of translation difference exciting. Is this the case for Quebec?


            Apparently so.


            English and French versions

            Section 56 of the Act provides that the parts of the Constitution that were enacted in English and French are equally authoritative, and section 57 adds that the English and French versions of the Constitution Act, 1982 itself are equal. Section 57 is akin section 18 of the Charter, which provides that English and French versions of federal and New Brunswick statutes are equal.[20] The Supreme Court has interpreted section 133 of the Constitution Act, 1867 and section 23 of the Manitoba Act, 1870 to mean that the English and French versions of federal, Quebec and Manitoba statutes are equal.[21][22]

            Despite sections 56 and 57, significant portions of the Constitution of Canada were only enacted in English and even if there exist unofficial French translations, their English versions alone have force of law. To address this problem, section 55 requires that the federal Minister of Justice prepare “a French version of the…Constitution of Canada as expeditiously as possible.” The Minister of Justice established a French Constitution Drafting Committee in 1984, which prepared French versions of the Constitution, and presented them to the Minister in 1990.[citation needed]

            Section 55 also requires that “when any portion thereof sufficient to warrant action being taken has been so prepared, it shall but put forward for enactment by proclamation issued by the Governor General under the Great Seal of Canada pursuant to the procedure then applicable to an amendment of the same provisions of the Constitution of Canada.” No action has been taken to put forward the French version for enactment. The reference to a proclamation by the Governor-General implies that some combination of the general, unanimity and special arrangements procedures would be required to enact the French version.[citation needed] Although the intention was presumably that the government of Canada would do so by introducing an amendment resolution in the House of Commons,[citation needed] a Senator or a provincial government could presumably do so since, under section 46, such amendments “may be initiated either by the Senate or the House of Commons or by the legislative assembly of a province”.

        • @[email protected]
          21 hours ago

          Additional wrinkle: my understanding is that the question of what parts of Canadian law are part of the constitution and what are not is an active legal question being gradually resolved by courts.

          The UK doesn’t have any formal constitution, as the bar for Parliament to change anything it wants is the same – a simple majority.

          Canada’s legal system was originally structured in a similar way, and did not have an explicit constitution written. When it became independent, part of the process indicated that some of that body of law was part of the constitution. And in present-day Canada, as in the US, it does matter whether a piece of law is part of the constitution, as the constitution has a different legal status from ordinary federal law.

          But because the division is not presently fully-defined, I imagine that a rewrite would be a pretty substantial task, even above what would typically be the case.

          After patriation, the methods of constitutional entrenchment are:

          • specific mention as a constitutional document in section 52(2) of the Constitution Act, 1982;

          • amendments to constitutional documents using the amending formula in Part V the Constitution Act, 1982;

          • in some cases, reference by an entrenched document;

          • ruling by a court that a practice is part of Canada’s unwritten constitution; or

          • judicial interpretation of constitutional provisions.

          The list of documents for the first two methods is well-established. For the next two, however, there is debate about which documents, or which parts of those documents, are included in the constitution. In some cases, the Supreme Court of Canada has made definitive rulings regarding whether a given documents forms part of the constitution, but in many cases the question is still unclear.

          On the up side, I suppose that doing such a rewrite would clear this up. On the down side, I imagine that an actual rewrite would be an unholy mess from a legal standpoint, as it’d have to resolve what the constitution is at one go.

          • @[email protected]
            216 hours ago

            Just touching on point, doesn’t the UK not have a constitution because it’s basically whatever the Monarch says? And there is basically an agreement to off on whatever the MPs decide because otherwise they would officially overthrow the monarch

            • @[email protected]
              14 hours ago

              doesn’t the UK not have a constitution because it’s basically whatever the Monarch says?

              No. In the 2024 British system of government, the monarch has essentially no power. The upper house of the bicameral legislature, the House of Lords, has very little power.

              Virtually all power is wielded by whoever controls a simple majority in the House of Commons, the lower house. They can do anything (short of limiting what future Parliaments can do). Rewrite any law, whatever.

              My understanding is that this is largely a result of having a system constructed in an aristocratic period, and shifts in power occurring, but the system of government not being restructured.

              In, say, the US, the constitution limits and specifies the powers of government. It places a set of constraints on what Congress and other bodies can do.

              The British system evolved from a situation where the aristocrats were represented in the House of Lords, the monarch was his own thing, and the rest of the public in the House of Commons.

              Part of the transition over time was to limit the power that the king had. The Magna Carta constrains what the king can do, shifted away from an absolute monarchy. In that sense, the UK is nominally a constitutional monarchy.

              But since the king has no real power today, power has shifted from the monarch, the written restrictions on his power are essentially meaningless.

              Over time, the aristocracy also lost power. The House of Lords lost most powers it has, and today has very little actual power – I believe that perhaps the most-notable is the ability to delay legislation for a period of time.

              Where basically all the power has concentrated is in the House of Commons.

              And that has no real restriction on it. The Magna Carta doesn’t restrict Parliament. Parliament has modified text from the Magna Carta with a simple majority before.

              There is no power of judicial review over the legislature on the UK – laws Parliament passes cannot be ruled unconstitutional. The executive is subject to judicial review – there were some notable UK Supreme Court cases in the part few years relating to the actions of the prime minister. But the legislature is not – the judiciary cannot rule a law passed by Parliament to be unconstitutional.

              I once read something calling the UK an “absolute republic”. I think that that’s probably a much-more-apt description for the state of affairs in 2024 than its official designation as a constitutional monarchy. The UK, as it exists in 2024, isn’t run by a monarch whose powers are limited by a constitution. It’s run by a simoel majority in the lower house of a legislature who have no real limitations on their powers.

              Not only that, but the one great convention is that Parliament cannot be bound. So Parliament cannot go write a constitution and then have it bind future Parliaments. That future Parliament could rewrite it as easily as they could do anything else, with a simple majority.

              My belief – and this is me talking here, not some British constitutional law expert – is that the plan had been to move the UK to something that looked more like a conventional, constitutional republic by way of its EU membership, by some fancy legal and political footwork. If the UK signs onto a treaty, then it cannot do something against that treaty without violating the treaty. Parliament can still, perfectly legally under UK law, instruct the UK to violate treaties. But that would have consequences with the rest of the EU, and there would come a point in political integration where being in trouble with the EU would be unthinkable, so the UK would have become de facto a constitutional republic (or part of a constitutional republic).

              If that was indeed the plan, I’d say that it was actually quite impressive – the UK has a very elderly system of government that has, over time, managed to transform itself into very different forms, de facto without revolution or an official break with the past system by kinda kludging things, and some elaborate legal reasoning. This would have added another transformation.

              But with Brexit, I suppose that that’s off the table, at least for some time.

              And there is basically an agreement to off on whatever the MPs decide because otherwise they would officially overthrow the monarch

              Sort of. There are a lot of things that are formally done by the King by way of the King-in-Parliament, where British sovereignty is theoretically vested, is the “ultimate power” in the legal system, the way the US Constitution is in the US. But in practice, the King doesn’t really have a choice as to whether to do them or not, and he’d basically get ignored if he objected, absent some sort of real question as to the legitimacy of Parliament acting (e.g. if there was a dispute over election fraud determining control of the House of Commons, I expect the King’s voice might bear weight). It’s really the Parliament, and within Parliament, the House of Commons that holds political power today.

              Also, one last note on the British system of government, as to your comment:

              UK not have a constitution

              So, personally, I’d agree with you here. The British don’t have a constitution, or at least not one with meaningful effect aside from other British law, aside from maybe the convention that Parliament cannot bind future Parliaments. But that isn’t the British legal view of things. Their take is that they have an uncodified constitution, that many different (not always specified) documents and traditions make up their constitution. My take is basically “well, in what functional way does that differ from not having a constitution”? But in the name of completeness, just wanted to keep things correct.


              But even if you adopt the British take on this, whether or not something is part of the constitution or just regular law becomes essentially an academic question, because there is no special status that constitutional law holds relative to anything else.

              But in Canada, there is a difference between law that is part of the constitution and all other law, so that becomes suddenly a real and meaningful distinction.

      • @radroot
        422 hours ago

        I dunno, I’ve met plenty of monarchist Anglos and plenty of anti monarchist Anglos and never one monarchist Quebecois or Quebecoise

        • @[email protected]
          220 hours ago

          I am one. I’m a pretty weak monarchist, though, it’s just that I look south and I’m glad that there’s a “higher level” looking over our politicians. Even if the GG nominations aren’t always ideal, at least in theory they aren’t beholden to popular opinion. The fact that they’re nominated and not elected ensures that they don’t have the legitimacy to push their own agenda either. So it’s a powerful position, but mostly symbolically and there would be a lot of backlash if some ambitious GG tried to use this power for anything other than extreme cases.

          In my opinion, this is partly why our politics haven’t yet devolved to the point of getting a Donald Trump. You can say what you want about Trudeau, but at least the government doesn’t shut down every so often just because they can’t agree on a budget.

          • @radroot
            217 hours ago

            Bonjour hi, I knew there had to be some Franco monarchists, I’d just never met any. I don’t know if I completely agree but I appreciate the perspective.

          • @[email protected]
            19 hours ago

            It could be argued that the senate (also being unelected) is better at filling the role you ascribe to the GG. If anything it’s even better, since they don’t serve for a set term, and they have a much more involved legislative role.

            • @[email protected]
              117 hours ago

              You might be right, but our southern neighbours also have a Senate and it doesn’t seem to help…

    • Flying SquidM
      220 hours ago

      He also sells cookies. Everyone likes cookies! I mean they’re shitty shortbread ones, but…

        • Flying SquidM
          120 hours ago

          You are welcome to their incorrect opinion.

      • DominusOfMegadeus
        320 hours ago

        Those are biscuits sir. There are now British troops at your door to kill your family and subvert your culture. (This comment may be extreme, but I’m gonna go with it)

        • Flying SquidM
          20 hours ago

          I didn’t want to be accused of cultural appropriation (although I am a dual US-UK citizen thanks to a British father).

          Plus, it’s very difficult to get biscuits and gravy over there. They look at you funny.

            • Flying SquidM
              20 hours ago

              Oh I know. I once had the privilege of explaining the concept of biscuits and gravy to none other than former Sixth Doctor Colin Baker. That was essentially his reaction.

              But I’m in Indiana and around here, that’s pretty standard breakfast fare.

                • Flying SquidM
                  19 hours ago

                  Lots of fun! A few notes though.

                  1. The host: “you halved it like a scone.” Someone not splitting it would give you that girl’s gif look around here. That’s what you do.
                  2. The kids are right. Definitely better than scones.
                  3. The gravy by itself is fucking awesome. That’s why it tastes just as good on chicken.
                  4. It’s not what the British think of when they say sausage. It’s closer to Mexican chorizo because it’s spicier and ground up (not as spicy as chorizo though).
                  5. The chicken thing is called, and I have no idea why, ‘chicken fried steak’ and it’s not just a Southern thing and the breading they’re using on the chicken looks wrong.
                  6. It’s not “Southern tea,” it’s “sweet tea” and it’s nasty. You can have unsweetened ice tea. It’s much better. I grew up on proper English tea, so that’s what I prefer. Hot with milk and a bit sweet.
  • FuglyDuck
    622 hours ago

    Ol’ Sausage Fingers can stand?

  • acargitz
    422 hours ago

    You know what, that earns him a lot of respect points in my eyes. This is a good king.

  • @[email protected]
    -514 hours ago


    • homelessness
    • fascism
    • crime
    • education
    • economy


    • ditching pointless classification that doesn’t harm anything or anyone physically or medically

    Bunch of bogons.

    • @[email protected]
      14 hours ago

      So, countries can multitask. I don’t believe that it’s a fair criticism of an action to say “I want the country to do this other action that I want”.

      It might be a fair criticism to say “the country isn’t doing the thing that I want”.

      But countries are large organizations. There are many, many things that a country does in a given year, and many of them won’t be the particular concern of some given individual. But that doesn’t imply that those things shouldn’t (or should) be done.

    • @SuperApples
      211 hours ago

      Australia already spends time and money maintaining the English monarch as the head of state. And it’s not a ceremonial position; the governor-general has reserve powers, such as the ability to remove office holders, like in 1975. It is only convention, not law that appoints and makes the GG act on the PMs ‘recommendations’ rather than the Monarch; the description of the office has not been rewritten. We can’t rely on convention to govern a country and need to have explicit laws that match our ideals of how a democracy should behave. It’s unexploded ordinance that should be cleaned up… let’s do that rather than spending our time and money changing all the pictures on the money, and the pronouns on all the legal documents each time a monarch croaks.

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