• @[email protected]
    503 days ago

    Hopefully they work on making her character not painfully boring.

    There was so much focus on those people hating the character for being a strong woman, it kinda overshadowed the fact that marvel did such a crap job with the character.

    I was hyped for captain marvel at one point, then saw the movie and thought “wow, this is ass”.

    • lastweakness
      92 days ago

      There was so much focus on those people hating the character for being a strong woman

      Not to mention that any genuine criticism was attributed to being “sexist”…

    • @[email protected]
      263 days ago

      I agree. When I watched Captain Marvel all I could think was “well, this green lantern movie sucks, too.”.

      Make her have more fun or something.

      • @Maultasche
        112 days ago

        While the sequel is definitely not the best Marvel film, her character was a lot better than in the first one. I hope they continue to write her like that.

        • @[email protected]
          2 days ago

          I haven’t seen that one, it’s Marvels, right? Maybe we’ll check it out tonight. I thought America was a fun character in Dr Strange.

          We keep meaning to watch Blue Beetle, too. Those movies are like the B tier in my mind.

          Edit. Watching it. I forgot about Khan, and thought she was America. My bad.
          It’s… better than Capt Marvel I guess.
          They somehow found an actor for the villain that has even less facial expressions than Capt Marvel. I’m impressed by that.

          Fury is reduced to comic relief. That’s annoying to watch.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      83 days ago

      Creating some bigoted reason why people dislike stuff rather than admitting the stuff wasn’t well made is the new deal.

    • @tankplanker
      -113 days ago

      They wrote as a male character with a female skin rather than a woman, so she can’t pull off the arrogant jock without coming across as unlikeable as its not a widely socially accepted archtype for women. It’s hard enough for charismatic male actors to do that successfully, yet alone Larsson who is not the most charismatic of actresses and starting further behind.

      Think about how brash sports women are received (Serena Williams, for example) vs. brash sports men (say any number of them). It’s sexist but it is what it is

      • @Duamerthrax
        32 days ago

        Alien did that with Ripley and everyone loves her. The character would be boring even if they were male.

        • @tankplanker
          12 days ago

          If you think Ripley is a jock least of all an arrogant jock it shows how little you understand her character. Jesus’s, what part of her character in alien screams jock? She’s not even listened to until it’s too late, it’s like the polar opposite of a do all never wrong Captain Marvel in MCU. Have you even watched alien?

          • @Duamerthrax
            12 days ago

            Jock characters aren’t interesting. At least not interesting for the MCU crowd.

            • @tankplanker
              02 days ago

              Really? So nobody likes jocks like Steve Rogers or Thor?

              Whole point of Ragnarok was Thor learning not to be so arrogant and rely on others, its why it is so good as it offers real peril and a lesson to learn for him. He doesn’t even beat the villain head on, he cheats and gets someone else to do it, at great cost to him and his people.

              Too often modern heroes want to be Superman, but without what makes Superman even remotely relatable, weakness to kryptonite or a stronger villain that offers actual risk to him.

              • @Duamerthrax
                22 days ago

                People didn’t like Jock Thor. Himbo Thor became much more preferred. Also, Steve Rogers was never a Jock character. He was the one who started out being bullied by Jocks.

                • @tankplanker
                  -12 days ago

                  And then Rogers became the ultimate Jock, that’s kind of the central point of his character, nerd becomes jock, wish fulfillment for the audience. That story is only really present for a small part of the first film, hes a an out and out jock for all most all of the rest of his screen time.

                  Its almost the reverse for Thor, he is relatable for part of Ragnarok, then all of that character development is undone for Love and Thunder, as they tried to turn him into a copy of Quill. Quill is an arrogant buffoon who is as often wrong as he is right, and only works in some of the films where it has actually decent writing. Even in those films he only works because of the supporting cast, which is missing in Love and Thunder.

                  Rest of Thors time, he is just a plain Jock , especially in Endgame, where is he a plain old jock but with a Rocky training montage.

        • @tankplanker
          63 days ago

          This is true, but the level of hate directed at Larrson around how unlikable her character was and the constraints it places on the story of her character arc are all down to that one choice.

          If they made her likeable approaching the level as the big three, far more people would have enjoyed the film, and they would have had far more options when it comes to her character arc that would have improved the story.

          It’s sexist, but it is still true that women are not judged the same for men when it comes to displays of overt confidence

        • @Hugin
          -13 days ago

          Plus Brie Larson has no charisma and comes off as arrogant by default. They should have recast her.

  • @[email protected]
    203 days ago

    Hey people, claim down. Captain Marvel (able to blast energy from hands, fly, doesn’t need oxygen, godly strength) will lead

    • A blind guy that knows fancy fighting,
    • A deaf girl that knows fancy fighting,
    • A black guy that drinks blood and knows fancy fighting with a sharp stick,
    • A immortal white guy that knows fancy fight with a sharp stick and guns,
    • A guy with sharp sticks out of his hands
    • A family that gets big and small,
    • A guy that uses a jet pack and throws a shield,
    • A girl that can fly in a metal suit,
    • A guy that can fly in a metal suit.

    What do you mean uneven?

    • @NJSpradlin
      102 days ago

      That’s the fucking problem with the Superman archetype. “How do you do it well?”

      I think they really did The Hulk dirty running up to the end of the last chapter, really. They should have pit him against enemies that required his specific power level, and forced him to become more fully one with his rage, learning that his rage and strength were absolutely connected and how angry he got could elevate his power. Instead? They neutered him twice and chucked him out a window.

      He should have been more able to stand up to Thanos, even with the power stone, and instead been cast out of his Hulk body in that fight, somehow, which would have been a better source of his PTSD than ‘being weaker’ by default. If Thanos didn’t have the mind stone by that point, reorganize everything to be when he did have it, and somehow use that stone to separate Bruce from the hulk, and revert him to Bruce before tossing him aside like a sack of potatoes. Hell, the reality stone would have worked in a similar fashion, just spaghettifi him, until Thanos leaves and that’s PTSD enough for someone as powerful as the Hulk and also a scientist who just saw himself turn to spaghetti. The Hulk is just like Superman, right? Brute strength? And we’ve already acknowledged that spiritual abilities can neuter the hulk, right? (Separating his spirit from his body). Then magic… could have easily neutered him and MADE SENSE!! (Especially since Superman doesn’t have any resistance to magic, same thing.) Instead of brute strength, when even Ironman and CPT America tanked at least 1 hit from the guy.

      They then did the same with CPT Marvel by writing her off as ‘being away’ and ‘uninformed about a true galactic threat’ when that’s her whole fucking shtick, the whole reason she was away and missed it. Not to mention the Eternals!!! Wtf… we could have had significantly better writing devoted to where they were and why they weren’t there. Hell, drop Easter eggs during the other chapters about the heroes you are going to bring in in the future.

      The writing got ridiculously poor near the end of the Thanos saga/chapter.

      • @[email protected]
        22 days ago

        Fucking Superman, MCU Superman.

        Hulk was mostly accepted due to comedy and Mark Ruffalo. He’s another Paul Rudd type person.

        Marvel as the lead can’t be the clown. Ruffalo can’t fix the suit. It would take to long for a new one.

        I want a three tier system with adult, dark, and kids MCU. You can do a combo massive team up every 10 yrs or so. Team ups can be FF style (dumb and explosions) or John Wick style (high and long action).

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      Counterpoint: Thor. He blasted lightning out of his hammer, flew, didn’t require oxygen, and had godly strength. He was placed alongside: A guy who can fly in a metal suit. A guy without a jetpack who throws a shield A guy who gets big and angry A regular guy with a bow and arrow A regular chick with a gun

      At the time of this team up, Thor was still a cocky jock who had about as much character development as Captain Marvel has had to this point. But no one was concerned about Thor ruining the MCU.

      Why is Captain Marvel different?

      • @[email protected]
        12 days ago

        Yes people hate Brie bc she’s a women or she appears to be a bitch. Will I say she is my favorite actor, no. Better then Joe McHale or Aziz Ansari. However, she does a great job with Captain Marvel.

        DC had the same issue that the MCU is running into. The lead shouldn’t be your god killer. Maybe they do a “with all this power I failed bc I didn’t play to everyone’s strengths,” story.

        If Hulk or Thor lead, it would be the same issue. The eternals failed for the same reason. “We have a fast girl, a guy that has finger guns, and someone that kills a literal god.” It felt empty and pointless from the other members view point. Imagine Hawkeye getting killed by a bullet with the Hulk, Sentry, and Dr. Strange standing next to him. You would question why he’s there.

    • Blaze (he/him)
      22 days ago

      A girl that can fly in a metal suit, A guy that can fly in a metal suit.

      Which ones are those?

  • @[email protected]
    3 days ago

    Neat. I think Brie can carry an avengers film, given a decent script.

    “The Marvels” was a big improvement from “Captain Marvel”.

    The uphill battle here is that it doesn’t feel like Marvel has ever really settled on what the Marvels are all about. Kamala Khan has been the first Captain Marvel that really resonated, but it still feels (both in comics and movies) like they’re figuring it out as they go.

    And I can’t express how glad I am not to have seen “Mar-Vell” in the MCU, and how much I hope we never will. Each story I have read with a “Mar-Vell” appearance was weaker due to their presence.

    Though that one time that

    Thunderbolts Spoiler for Atlas

    Atlas just up and kills Mar-Vell was actually pretty satisfying.

  • @chemical_cutthroat
    73 days ago

    She’s one of my favorite Marvel superheroes, next to Nova, and since I’m apparently never gonna get Nova, I hope they start to use Carol a little more.

  • @[email protected]
    53 days ago

    I wish this obsession with superhero movies would finally end. It’s been going on for what, more than ten years now? And it’s always the same, some bad guy wants to destroy the world (or the universe or the multiverse), then an excessive amount of cgi action happens and finally the good guys win.

    Why not make some original movies with new stories, instead of rehashing the same old slop over and over again?

  • @kemsat
    32 days ago

    I don’t understand the hate. I like her & Nova & Ms Marvel.

    • @[email protected]
      22 days ago

      I don’t think hate is warranted, but the movie presented a back story about as interesting as Tom Holland’s spider man movie did.

      That, in combination with them being rather smug feel a bit like they were just an insert of the sake of some marketing department. Similar to the science department in black panther being just one person

  • @[email protected]
    43 days ago

    I don’t care for Brie Larson.

    And I think Captain Marvel is a boring concept, wish they wouldn’t use that character as a focus.

  • @[email protected]
    -113 days ago

    Is it me or does Brie Larson have this constant look on here face where she feels she’s better than everyone and is constantly judging everyone for that?

      • @[email protected]
        3 days ago

        Ehh well, that’s why I asked

        Edit: the hell are the downvotes for? I’m being serious

        • @NOT_RICK
          193 days ago

          There’s a lot of hate around captain marvel as the “woke hero” so I think people are suspicious of anyone criticizing her in the role

            • magnetosphere
              53 days ago

              The character is a bit smug, but in a playful way. Personally, that’s one of my favorite things about her.

              • bizarroland
                33 days ago

                Well I hope they do something because in Captain marvel she just seemed seriously constantly upset and unhappy and it turned me off from her character.

                It was probably a bad script or maybe the actress did not do a deep enough dive into the character to bring out some sort of playful light-heartedness, but I find it difficult to relate to her when her whole character is “I’m angry at everything because sexism”.

                Maybe I’m just not her target audience.

    • verity_kindle
      123 days ago

      It’s not just you. Not everyone can project empathy and relatability.

      • @[email protected]
        3 days ago

        I mean, I’ve been told I have a constant RBF, and I’m also a 220 lbs bearded combat vet that uses the “1000 yard stare” so people will get out of my way. I’ve been told I terrify people sometimes. I can’t judge her too harshly on her facial expressions, but in a lot of the things I’ve seen that she’s in, there’s this gnawing feeling that she’s pissed off because she’s above whatever she’s doing. Her early career with things like Community and Scott Pilgrim, I didn’t feel that way, but since Captain Marvel, there was a shift. Does that make sense?

        • verity_kindle
          23 days ago

          Yeah, but it’s not your job to project your character’s personality to an audience., so it’s ok to have RBF. I’m not familiar with Larson’s work before Marvel, but it seems like if that IS your job, you should be able to do it in spite of bad writing, bad directing, etc. Ewan McGregor, for example, projected his way through much, much worse dialogue and crude CGI/green screening requirements in the Star Wars prequels. He had to act alone, on an empty soundstage, with a tennis ball tied to a stick. The tennis ball had a mark on it to show where your eye line was supposed to be. You’re supposed to be Obi Wan Kenobi…to a stick. If he can do that, I’m not cutting Larson any slack 20 years later.

    • @shalafi
      22 days ago

      Yeah, I get that vibe a bit. In any case, Captain Marvel is utterly uninteresting to me. Like you, I’m not 100% sure why, but I don’t care about her problems or adventures.