• @CharlesDarwin
    89 hours ago

    I so hate the fact that I have to worry about any “demand” that this asshole might make or has made. What a fucked up world we live in.

  • Atelopus-zeteki
    411 hours ago

    I seem to vaguely recall this b.s. Like if I was just a bit more of an idiot I’d be calling for a special election to install me as president, too. But it’s just not my jam.

    " "According to Rozen, “In June 2021, Six months into Biden’s term, Trump pressured Mo Brooks to call for a special election to reinstate Trump as president, according to Woodward’s new book.”

    “Brooks refused, leading to their split,” Rozen added on X Sunday."

    • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
      210 hours ago

      It’s hilarious (read: pathetic) that the same people who yelled “Sore Loserman” in 2000 are supporting the cheetoh.

      • @[email protected]
        541 day ago

        A part of me CANNOT stop seeing the top left eagle as a duck looking to the right of the image, please tell me someone else sees this too

        • @ummthatguy
          1 day ago

          Totally seeing it.

          Edit: now with reflection.

        • @Nyxon
          1324 hours ago

          I only saw it as a duck, it took your comment for me to look again and see the eagle. You are not alone!

        • IninewCrow
          71 day ago

          I see it now … and that is one guilty sweaty duck too … it makes it look like he’s under a lot of stress for all those military coups he’s taken part in.

  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Who would have guessed the giant man baby would throw a fit yelling “I WANT A DO-OVER!!

    I can’t fucking believe this guy is going to be the president again…

      • @[email protected]
        1 day ago


        There’s a lot to unpack in there but the following is the most concerning if you consider Kamalas current polling:

        Even if the trend shown there was reversed Kamala is so damn close in current polls that any similar inaccuracy has her lose every swing state. I just don’t see her winning, but I’m a seriously depressed pessimist so… Here’s to hoping I’m wrong.

        I just had to make a quick edit to laugh at the url that calls this a “short read” lol

        • @[email protected]
          18 hours ago

          Polling errors are not predictable beforehand. If they were, we wouldn’t have polling errors. In 2022 for instance there was polling error in favor of democrats not against (or at least too much emphasis on polls with errors in Republican favor).


          We can’t know the electorate beforehand, so poll weighting and deciding who is a likely voter is always going to involve some guesswork. So the opposite of what you say is true as well, if there is a small polling error that overstates Trump’s support it would have Kamala sweeping every swing state.

          But the polls show a close election, all we can do is do our best to do things that help her win. Like voting early to make sure our vote gets in no matter what, encouraging people we know to register and vote, volunteering, canvassing, donating, etc.

        • Ech
          251 day ago

          You’re getting downvotes because people disagree with you, but you posted a source and you explained yourself in good faith. That gets an upvote, imo.

          • @[email protected]
            214 hours ago

            Much appreciated!

            I’m just a joe schmoe factory worker stressed out about it and trying to make sense of it all. I’m more than happy to have someone who understands it all better than this dumb factory schmuck tell me why I’m reading it wrong lol

        • @[email protected]
          201 day ago

          There are a lot of reasons to think that it might go the other way this year. In 2016, we had a combination of overconfidence, lack of real enthusiasm, and a general sense of not giving a shit that allowed democrats, who outnumbered Trump supporters, to throw the election. In 2020, polling was completely fucked up by Covid. Democrats had higher margins in pre-election polling but less on Election Day mostly due to the fact that democrats were more cautious about the pandemic, and those who forgot to sign up for mail in voting decided to stay home for safety, and the on the ground get out the vote measures didn’t happen at all on the blue side. This year neither are true, and we saw in polls in 2022 underestimate democrats. Pollsters may have overcorrected for the quiet Trump voters while not accounting for the turnout caused by the scrapping of roe. If you want an example of over correction to account for republicans in polls, look at the 2022 Arizona gubernatorial election. I feel like polls are underestimating democrats this time around.

        • @[email protected]
          141 day ago

          Don’t be depressed. You’re reading a statistical analysis of something that was already totally unreliable to begin with. The researchers could have conducted a better poll, that would fix the weak points that they perceive to exist in existing data, but they didn’t. So now we have even more assumptions stacked on top of other assumptions, and it’s really hard to think there’s any kind of reliability to that data.

        • @Furbag
          823 hours ago

          Polls are not so much a prediction of the future as they are a snapshot in time and indicative of a candidate’s current momentum.

          But you’re right. It’s deeply shocking that this race is even close. If the DNC ever tried to run a candidate as bad as Trump, I’d just stay fucking home or vote 3rd party as a throwaway vote. I hope some Republicans with any shred of dignity or a functioning moral compass do the same on election day. We need real patriots to come together across ideological gaps and reject fascism full stop.

          • @AA5B
            14 hours ago

            You’d better beIieve that if Republicans were a bastion of sanity and Democrats nominated someone batshit, that I’d vote Republican (or green, idk)

          • @[email protected]
            518 hours ago

            Right, and that’s why some of these Republicans coming out for Harris is considered good, but all some of us see is a rightward shift so now they want to stay home.

            The non fascist side of Lemmy is so fractured and fickle that you can’t talk to the dog owners without upsetting the cat owners, and by talking to either of those, the vegans are pissed.

            And I don’t know how to even approach fixing it for this election. RCV would help on the future though.

      • @ChowJeeBai
        121 hours ago

        Because he Dems get complacent (Hillary 2016), the indies effectively sit it out until their entitlement gets fulfilled, and the magas are pretty much locked in for their orange fuhrer.

        • @MrPoopbutt
          111 hours ago

          It is 8 years later and it still pisses me off with how badly they fucked up by coronating her as the nominee. Literally anyone else…

  • @[email protected]
    661 day ago

    I am really hoping the Orange Turd does not get the chance again. But never underestimate the stupidity of my fellow Americans.

        • @ChowJeeBai
          821 hours ago

          Yeah, but the Dems assume they have it in the bag because they have the popular vote, and sit it out, or don’t take the time to understand how the electoral college works.

  • @RoidingOldMan
    421 day ago

    At least we finally understand where that rumor was coming from. You’d think when August came and went without Trump becoming President that would have been an obvious flaw with all the Q stuff.

  • @someguy3
    421 day ago

    The newest reported revelation involves Trump and a former GOP lawmaker, Mo Brooks.

    According to Rozen, “In June 2021, Six months into Biden’s term, Trump pressured Mo Brooks to call for a special election to reinstate Trump as president, according to Woodward’s new book.”

    “Brooks refused, leading to their split,” Rozen added on X Sunday.

  • @_bcron_
    211 day ago

    It’d be kind of sad to see how delusional he is if I didn’t know he’s a gigantic asshole

  • @JeeBaiChow
    51 day ago


  • @[email protected]
    1 day ago

    Please stop linking Bob-waits-for-an-election-to-publish-fucking-Woodward related shit. Too little too late for it.

    I’m glad this asshole didn’t have a book deal for Watergate or we’d have found out about that during the election cycle after Nixon cheated.

    Fuck you, Bob.

    • @just_another_personOP
      1 day ago

      If anything, with Trump, it’s better closer to the election. It doesn’t give people time to get comfortable with it and wash it away in their brains, and their campaign can only embarrass themselves by trying to yell “fake news” when the proof gets revealed like the COVID tests for Putin shit.

      You know who needs to be compelled to fucking release the tapes? The guy who has the audio and video of Trump ranting on his stupid show and throwing around every kind of racial epithet he can muster. That fucker needs to post that stuff NOW.

      Edit: had to find a more recent update on it, and this is all I could find: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2024/05/donald-trump-apprentice-n-word-tape-how-to-find.html

    • @Myxomatosis
      -61 day ago

      Yeah but this creates maximum drama and news coverage. Who cares if democracy is on the line when you can get tremendous book sales.

  • plz1
    1 day ago

    Fucking Woodward. We’re going to be getting these tidbits dropped all the way through the election. This guy and his antics to sell books…