• @Gammelfisch
    1510 hours ago

    Flynn, should forced back into active duty, stripped of rank, all benefits yanked, court martialed and thrown into Ft. Leavenworth. The mother fucker is a traitor and take Bannon too.

  • @Gammelfisch
    510 hours ago

    Flynn should reinstated, stripped of rank, court martialed and thrown into Ft. Leavenworth. He is a traitor and a POS.

  • capital
    1012 hours ago

    Any of you anti-gun people have second thoughts hearing shit like this?

    • @RememberTheApollo_
      59 hours ago

      The gun people are expecting the guns to be pointed at the libs. They’re all for it.

      They are absolutely clueless that any dictator strips guns from people because they can’t bear any threat.

    • @[email protected]
      6 hours ago

      If you haven’t been targeted by the police for running your mouth at them then who are you lecturing exactly ?

      Why are you attacking your allies ? Not everyone should have a fucking gun, mate.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil
      310 hours ago

      The US is spending $1.7T over the next thirty years to completely overhaul its nuclear arsenal.

      But don’t worry, I’ve got a Beretta in my holster and a shotgun under the bed.

      • capital
        38 hours ago

        You forget about Vietnam? Isis is also kicking around still too which you have to know about seeing how recent that one was.

  • @[email protected]
    1417 hours ago

    I’m about winning. We have to win. And these people are already up to no good. So, we gotta win first. We win, and then, “Katy, bar the door.” OK? Believe me: The gates of hell — my hell — will be unleashed.

    As my MSNBC colleague Steve Benen just explained, Trump is now openly floating the idea of deploying the military against his critics if he’s elected. It’s easy to imagine Flynn being part of that violent plan.

    The guy who was all-in on Qanon, who had his family take whatever stupid pledge on video, who asked why we couldn’t “do that here” when Myanmar’s army stole their government, wants to be in charge. Frightening stuff.

  • @rayyy
    3021 hours ago

    During his first term he just cracked the gates of hell open a little and we had sky-rocketing national debt and over a million covid deaths. Next time he will fling them wide open guaranteeing chaos and the deaths of millions. Listen to him. Believe him on this.
    Putin must be giddy that his plan for the destruction of the U.S. might come together.

  • @MyPornViewingAccount
    1181 day ago

    Michael Flynn, the convicted felon and russian asset? That Michael Flynn?

    • teft
      1011 day ago

      I have a picture of him right here if anyone forgot who he was. Probably just a coincidence Jill Stein is also in this photo.

      • iltoroargento
        341 day ago

        I always thought this photo reminded me of the café scene in Inglorious Basterds.

        A veritable who’s who of real life horror.

      • @twistypencil
        -3223 hours ago

        FYI, that photo is not as powerful evidence as you think it is.

          • @[email protected]
            -39 hours ago

            You really think being photographed with someone is damning evidence? No offense, but that’s /r/conspiracy levels of stupid.

            • ArxCyberwolf
              9 hours ago

              It’s stupid if you ignore the context of why people would have a problem with it, Taco. Stein isn’t a world leader, she’s a civilian. There is no good reason for her to be having dinner with Vladimir Putin, the leader of an adversarial country, especially while also accompanied by a known traitor to America and several Russians affiliated with Putin. It’s one thing for world leaders to meet one another, it’s entirely different when it’s a civilian. Especially a civilian whose actions every 4 years just so happen to be beneficial for Putin.

              You still haven’t explained why it’s okay for Stein to be having dinner with Michael Flynn and Vladimir Putin.

          • @twistypencil
            311 hours ago

            I’m not a stein fan, and I get the stein bashing because fuck Trump, so I only point this out because using this to ban her is not the most powerful argument you can make,because it’s thin evidence that would never hold up in court… but let’s bash her on actual things, I’m all for that.

            if you look up the details, you can easily find: Stein “attended at her own expense to spread a message of peace and diplomacy” and gave a speech in Moscow “in which she criticized the excessive militarism of both Vladimir Putin and U.S. leaders.”

            The Senate Intelligence Committee later investigated the trip and found no wrongdoing whatsoever.

            Speaking to The Intercept in 2017, she said the notion that it was an “intimate roundtable” was “mythology,” and that Putin and his associates “weren’t at the table for very long.” Stein said that “nobody introduced anybody to anybody” and that she “didn’t hear any words exchanged between English speakers and Russians” due to the lack of a translator.

            Stein said that Putin had appeared to make a speech and left immediately after. “Nobody cared to make introductions. This wasn’t intended to be a discussion of any sort,”

            Could be all lies, etc. but it’s cheap and not substantial evidence in any way. I mean, a picture at a dinner table doesn’t automatically mean anything, no matter how many strings you use to connect all the pictures in your CSI montage.

        • @UnderpantsWeevil
          -210 hours ago

          People clap like seals when they see the “Jill Stein was seated with Putin” picture, but lose their fucking minds whenever someone posts

          And don’t you dare ask where Kamala’s getting her money.

          Inside Kamala Harris’ Reenergized Web of Silicon Valley Investors, Billionaires and Power Brokers

          You’re simply not allowed to talk about the congealing mass of neocons and techbros that surround the Democratic Party. Because that might hurt their electoral chances. And winning is literally all that matters, even if it means bringing in the exact same posse of crooks, hawks, and freaks that surrounded Trump during his first four years in office.

    • @[email protected]
      441 day ago

      Honestly it baffles me how he’s not been charged with something that puts him away for a long damn time. He’s like, overtly traitorous. It’s not ambiguous. It’s not a grey area.

        • @[email protected]
          361 day ago

          What I mean is that he’s continued to do traitorous shit since being pardoned.

          Also, the “fuck you, official act” defense is now a thing, so Biden could totally just personally off him, since he’s very clearly a domestic enemy, and defending the republic enemies foreign and domestic is literally in the oath of office.

          • chingadera
            41 day ago

            Can we just stop with the “Democrats should just murder Republicans since the SC said Trump can do it” bullshit.

            If you disagree with it, why the fuck are you guys constantly trying to further legitimize it?

            Stop acting like once we do that it’s just going to be smooth sailing instead of a giant cesspool of global instability.

            The meme is dead. It’s done.

            • @[email protected]
              1623 hours ago

              Malicious compliance needs to be used FAR more often in the context of how deeply corrupt and blatantly partisan the Supreme Court has become. That’s the underlying gist of my point.

              • chingadera
                -323 hours ago

                if you become them, you don’t win, y’all win.

                • @wavebeam
                  712 hours ago

                  You’re right, the satanic temple has never been successful at eliminating religious favor from government policy by overtly using religious law to do something shocking.

  • @[email protected]
    201 day ago

    “What your sentiment is about is accountability,” said Flynn, adding that the Founding Fathers had a similar priority.

    “I definitely believe we need accountability,” he said.

    “Your question went into some other areas,” Flynn added with a laugh, before concluding: “I think a lot of people actually think like you do, and I think that that’s your right and our privilege. … There’s a way to get after this, but we have to win first.”

    Uh oh…

    • @mojofrododojo
      201 day ago

      George Washington would shoot Flynn in the face.

    • FuglyDuck
      41 day ago

      Is it bad if I want Flynn to be Mike Johnson’s accountability partner after reading that?

  • @SGGeorwell
    1 day ago

    I have no doubt. Let’s keep those gates closed.

    Vote Gates Of Hell 2024.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    171 day ago

    That we have to worry about the xtian taliban getting power via dementia donnie…in 2024.

    We are talking about terrorism here. Why do all these old fucks want life to be miserable for everyone else? Is it because they think they are at the end of of their lives?

    • @Burn_The_Right
      720 hours ago

      Suffering is a core part of the conservative philosophy. Conservatives despise the idea that life can be easier, despite other countries showing us how to do these things.

      Affordable higher education, universal healthcare, gun control, robust social safety nets, worker protections… of 31 developed nations, only the U.S. lacks these things. This is 100% because of conservatives.

      Nothing good in the history of mankind has ever come from conservatism. Nothing at all. It is a plague of misery, oppression and death that is long overdue for a cure.

      • @P00ptart
        26 hours ago

        Republicans remind me of the Krohn’s disease med Skyrizi. “Control means everything to me”

      • @RememberTheApollo_
        39 hours ago

        Suffering is a core part of the conservative philosophy. Conservatives despise the idea that life can be easier, despite other countries showing us how to do these things.

        Suffering for those they disagree with. Hard lives for those they dislike, while conservatives pay lip service to their hardships and buy off their problems with indulgences.

    • @PapaStevesy
      111 day ago

      No, it’s because they’ve been miserable their entire lives despite having the world handed to them on a gold-colored platter.