• @BigBenis
    131 hour ago

    Remember “grab 'em by the pussy”? The crazy shit he says didn’t make any difference then either. Remember to vote.

  • @[email protected]
    223 hours ago

    That photo makes him look like a serial killer wearing someone else’s face as a mask.

    I don’t usually comment on people’s looks, but this man is rotten on the inside and on the outside.

    • The Snark Urge
      72 hours ago

      I come at it from a Roald Dahl perspective. If someone mainly thinks ugly thoughts, they will seem ugly no matter what they’re like, and vice-versa.

      Look at Lincoln, imagine he was a long lost twin who sold candy or whatever and suddenly you notice he’s actually an ugly dude from central casting. He makes .Willem Dafoe look normal… But the man is widely regarded handsome.

      Look at Ben Shapiro, whose conventional good looks do nothing to hide the malignant dogshit apt to emanate from him at any moment. You can tell by looking at him he’s about to talk shit.

      It’s plain that we shouldn’t value people on their looks, but if you really see someone, their worth shines through.

  • @kevindqc
    774 hours ago

    This guy is toe-to-toe with Kamala in polls. How fucking insane.

    • @Snowclone
      4 hours ago

      He has said the sickest shit I’ve ever heard from a presidential candidate, yet, the reporting is easy beyond belief with Trump and media tries to reframe any Harris positive with passive language until it sounds like a problem.

      • @dohpaz42
        233 hours ago

        They (media) are probably afraid that if Harris is elected, the news will become mundane and boring, unlike Trump, and their readership (and thus revenue) will drop.

          • @dohpaz42
            3 hours ago

            If only it were so simple. The problem is so multifaceted, that there are probably more than two handfuls of contributors to the problem.

            • FiveMacs
              22 hours ago

              I bet it all links back to a handful of people though…

        • @shalafi
          42 hours ago

          The media has been beat up for decades as too liberal. Now, simply reporting the truth will make the accusations of bias stick even harder in conservative minds.

          Pretty fucking mess we’re in, isn’t it?

          • @[email protected]
            218 minutes ago

            They will make those accusation no matter what and they will stick just the same regardless. In fact, giving conservative politicians an easier go just makes it more likely for regular people to get caught up in the bullshit. Media that uses kid gloves for extreme right politicians actually does it because they are also on the right.

    • @ape_arms
      42 hours ago

      Nobody who is undecided or voting for Trump reads the Atlantic. It’s like screaming into the void.

    • @Cold_Brew_Enema
      12 hours ago

      It fucking sucks, but i think he is going to win. Half of this country is so fucking stupid, we deserve a horrible piece of shit for a president.

  • @shalafi
    72 hours ago

    His defenders will ask, “Well… That does seem excessive, doesn’t it?” The racism will be missed or ignored, the service status will be ignored, they’ll try to approach it logically. They seriously won’t see those two items. They will latch on to what they can argue. “I’m just asking!”

    See how easy that was? Next one please.

    • OptionalOP
      137 minutes ago

      If the cost is the only thing someone finds offensive, that’s enough said.

    • @Maggoty
      252 minutes ago

      Our powers combined, we can make it one.