What qualities do you covet?

  • SavvyWolf
    210 minutes ago

    Someone made an offhand comment that I would be an otter if only I were more laid back.

    And honestly, that made me kinda wish I could be more relaxed and chill. Everything just seems to important and stressful and difficult and intense to me… I wish I could just turn that all off and just let things happen to me as they come rather than fearing and planning for the future.

  • @Arcynic
    62 hours ago

    I wish I was worth peoples’ time.

    • @LemmyBe
      22 hours ago

      A really old book, how to win friends and influence people, can teach you this.

  • Sam
    22 hours ago

    If someone was asked to describe me in a single word, I wish their response would be “kind.”

  • @Dorkyd68
    42 hours ago

    I wish I didn’t have an addictive personality. I just wanna be a casual heroin user, is that too much to ask for? I don’t want to sell my mom’s TV for another hit rather have a job and pay for my own scores. Ya know responsibly

  • Flax
    51 minutes ago

    I wish I was more Christlike.

    No matter what you believe about Christianity, you can’t deny that He is a pretty good role model.

  • @superduperpirate
    53 hours ago

    Not having any signs or traits of being neurospicy

  • @[email protected]
    73 hours ago

    That I was as socially confident as other people seem to be, I don’t care if it’s all a facade, I want to be able to use the facade.

    • bizarroland
      22 hours ago

      What helps me is knowing that everyone is fucking awkward.

      I’ve met thousands upon thousands of people and I have never met anyone who is not socially awkward, just a lot of people who are socially skilled in different ways.

      The people who don’t come across as awkward are the people who acknowledge their awkwardness and own it, who give themselves an opportunity to fumble with their awkwardness and to get used to it the same way you do with any other difficult thing like math or reading or studying or dance or games.

      I said all of that to say, not being awkward is not a talent, it is a skill, and you can learn it.

    • bizarroland
      12 hours ago

      I seen a lot of people have this particular question and the question that I have for them is what isn’t free will?

      On the religious side you’ve got the people who are saying God knows everything so he already knows what you’re going to do. On the science side you’ve got all humans are just chemicals in a hot dog casing.

      My opinion is, either which way you look at it you are free to choose what you want to do.

      Just because somebody can make you question the freedom of your choices does not mean that your choices are not born of free will.

  • @BonesOfTheMoon
    17 minutes ago

    I wish my relationship wasn’t so very, very, very, very bad. And I wish I could be independent financially and not trapped as I am.

    You honestly have no idea how bad it can get. Don’t ignore red flags.

  • @ramenshaman
    117 minutes ago

    I wish I was more disciplined/focused.