Edit: Artist is Boss Dog! Sorry for not updating sooner.

They’re based in SoCal and have a ton of cool clothing designs:

This one speaks to me spiritual level:

  • Zelaf
    107 days ago

    I like this one. Whose the artist? Would love to gift a print to a friend of mine one day!

    • @TotallynotJessicaOP
      67 days ago

      Imma be honest, I only had the image to go off of like everyone else. It had a lot of Mexican imagery and felt really LA to me, but there wasn’t a source where I found it.

      At first I thought the signature said BoriDog instead of Boss Dog! When I did find the artist, I feel down the rabbit hole of all their fantastic stuff. My ADHD is too blame for me not posting it sooner. Sorry :(

    • @TotallynotJessicaOP
      35 days ago

      You mean the UK? France has been improving with the science, while TERF Island has locked in on torture over treatment.

      • krimsonbun
        65 days ago

        nah the world map on the first image just removed France, didn’t mean it politically