The Christian baddies that will hold that against you won’t fuck you unless you marry them and you do not want to get involved in that. Good news though, if you go for it anyway, is that you only have to date them for 4-6 months before they’ll accept a proposal.
Mormons also unlocked the “soaking” tech. I know some bros, so I’m golden.
Do normal Christians still deny evolution? I thought it was only the crazy creationists and evangelists
The catholic church’s official position is divinely guided evolution. If you ever see a catholic denying evolution you can tell them that their position goes against official church doctrine.
Mind you my catholic school “taught the controversy” with the biology teacher doing her damned best to pretend both sides were worthy of consideration, but that’s because the family that donated our building was denying official church doctrine.
I’m not religious nor Catholic but I never saw how scientific theory conflicted with the idea of god. Couldn’t it all just be “gods plan?” Sounds like the Catholic position is similar to that.
It’s mostly about the creation of man. The bible says we were created in his image. And most take that to mean, we’ve always been and looked this way. They haven’t considered god might have looked like ape or something from the soup of life’s creation. It the conventional interpretation that doesn’t jibe. And if Darwin had written “ascend” instead, maybe it wouldn’t have been as controversial.
Yeah see that still works out to me as if there is a god similar to the abrahamic conception, all of life has been created in their image. From bacteria to man.
There are many different flavors of christian and they are very split on the matter.
Some time ago I happened to get ik a conversation with a Jehovah’s Witness, finding out they didn’t believe in evolution was so surreal.
I didn’t have a way to go against the arguments they put up at the time, about how it’s only a “theory”, which is a shame.They can’t understand that you have to at least meet science half way when there is so much undeniable evidence that is easily accessible. And as an all-or-nothing religion that is really hurting them. I grew up in it and the governing body are some of the most stubborn and out-of-touch people out there.
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Mike Johnson, the previous and likely current Speaker of the House, believes the Earth is 6000 years old. Yes, it’s exclusively the crazies that believe it, but there’s more of them than you’d hope.
Not sure what “normal christians” means but the protestant circles I grew up in totally denied evolution theory.
Christianity teaches creationism as the only truth, so I’m going to assume that’s the “normal” view. Either you believe in creationist bullshit or you’re not a christian
or youre not a christian
I dont think it makes sense counting them as not christian, since they could still believe in lots of other stuff christians tend to. Religious people of the same faith tend to have varied beliefs, some more than others.
Sounds like arbitrary cherry picking of the parts they want to follow.
So either you have to follow every rule or you go straight to hell. Think the almighty sky dad is going to be ok with that? No, eternal damnation for wearing blended fabric.
Can’t stand these fucking cults and their mental gymnastics.
Sounds like arbitrary cherry picking of the parts they want to follow.
Yeah basically, but that is how they do so it doesn’t change whether they count as christian or not.
“I’m vegan. Except I eat a handful of things that aren’t vegan whenever I feel like it.”
Sorry dear you ain’t vegan.
If you can arbitrarily pick whichever magic words you follow then none of them matter. Hence you aren’t a Christian and eternal burning for you if you don’t follow their cult verbatim.
They aren’t required to make sense to you.
There are many christian organizations. They all choose that this is valid.
Accepting contradictory thinking is a huge part of the religion, not a “gotcha” that disarms it.
Mental gymnastics from a cult of idiots.
You’re combining a no-true-scottsman fallacy with a strawman argument. I.E. “either you believe this easily debunked thing or you aren’t a real Christian”.
That’s not a valid argument.
Going further; it looks like your conclusion was completely backwards. I don’t know what percentage of people who consider themselves Christian are also Creationists, but there is evidence that it is a minority rather than the majority.
For example, a poll taken in the U.S. showed that for most Christian denominations, most of their members believed in evolution:
Creationism seems to be most prevalent in the U.S., so I would expect the overall numbers to be even more tilted towards belief in evolution.
Does American christians not read bible?
Not all Christians are biblical literalists. It’s not uncommon to treat early Genesis as metaphors containing a general truth but given to people who wouldn’t really have the understanding or language to really get the whole “you share a common ancestor with those trees” thing
You’re still making a no-true-scotsman fallacy:
Those people who call themselves Christian and don’t believe in Creationism appear to make up the majority of all people who call themselves Christian.
It doesn’t matter that their interpretation of the Bible doesn’t align with yours; they are still classified as Christian, and they don’t believe what you are asserting that Christians have to believe.
No. They doesn’t.
im a charles darwin hater till i die dont put his face on me page 🤢
Why would you shush the intelligent ones?