Шагм шатег рогт
shagm shateg rogt
Careful or someone will threaten to Shagm your Rogt
Or something
What does shagm shateg right mean? Is it Welsh?
Transliteration of the cyrillics made to look like warm water port to the English alphabet
I am guessing it is how the fake cyrillic is actually pronounced.
I tried searching for it, and just found this post. I’m guessing that was an epic mistype failure.
It’s clearly the transliteration of the fake cyrillic above.
Ahh yes, dedicating all your real, tangible energy to hating fake nations.
This is the world’s sanest tankie.
Its basically a requirement of being russian, to marry your identiy of being russian to the russian state, and the identity of the russian state basically boils down to a bunch of imperialist psuedo-nazis (and overt nazis) who are obsessed with large borders, dying in droves in huge wars for national prestige, and living like shit just to maintain the image and arsenal that you are opposing some great evil, like the amorphous “west”
While yes, a tankie, also possibly someone funded by the Russian gov for psyops. To me tankies are those that live outside the nations they’re so into, whereas when it’s someone inside Russia, it’s probably a lowly FSB analyst trying to stir the pot
fakэ aнd geи
Why aяе уоц geэ?
Фєк энд ґє
Say what you want about the Russian people, it’s government, the culture, even the food.
The language got absolutely fucked with that alphabet.
Let’s take an Asian tribal language and have two Greek guys force a Latin alphabet on it.
There isn’t a language on earth that wears its alphabet worse than English.
French does come close, tho, which explains some 30-40% of english’s nonsensical fuckery
We took French, mangled it, added German, Spanish and sailor, and then had a bar fight. What rolled out is the English language.
Slavic languages are related to other European languages closer than Finnish and Hungarian, also the writing system Cyril introduced was Glagolitic, the reason Cyrillic appeared was because students in Bulgaria didn’t want to use the rather complex glagolitic alphabet for everything and already knew the greek alphabet, so they kind of combined them and created Cyrillic
Also, Cyrillic can represent features like palatalization better than the Latin alphabet does, not saying it’s the best for everything but it does have advantages
Wasn’t he quoting somebody else here?
No, green text is used to strawman the comment you are replying to
Or tell a story about what sopposedlh happened to you
Rarely used to quote someone
I see. However, there’s no
in the Russian layout. So they’d have to switch to English, type
, switch back to Russian, type
, and then switch again to English to continue typing the post. That’d be strange to say the least.On 4chan, if you reply to a post it puts the > in for you. He just deleted what was there and typed in something else.
At least I think that’s how it works. I could be wrong, since I haven’t set foot in 4chan in like a decade.
The other reply is wrong. If you have part of a post highlighted when you click its post number to reply, it will automatically put the highlighted text in front of the meme arrow. The image is definitely implying that the person they were replying to accidentally used a Cyrillic character.
Yes, but the cowbell already rang.
да, и ам амзриса и лисе борgзр
lise borger ?
like burger. I could not find the k on my cyrilic keyboard 😭
Ah yes: “Russia will just buy oil from their allies! It’s not a problem to do that”.
I think Trump might be more up for supporting Ukraine than we think. US oil and gas industry has made bank from this war. The US is the largest oil producer in the world.
I don’t think he’s smart enough to think along those lines but here’s hoping someone can get him to understand.
$$$ will make him understand
ຖelgiumI have yet to travel to eeelgium.
That’s me. I’m well versed in countries and cultures so I can be accurately racist af
@davel@[email protected] hey come check this meme out bro
🅱️ℹ️🅱️🅱️🅰️ plz
That’s all Slavic шanguages
Sure, but not all Slavic languages are trying to sow discontent by spreading misinformation.
i don’t get it, though other languages all at least partially use Cyrillic, Polish doesn’t. there’s some linguist fan project that made a “Polish Cyrillic” but historically the Polish langauge (as opposed to Poland itself as there’s been a few attempts at a russification during occupations) has never used Cyrillic
Are you talking about the one made by the same person as Interslavic?
Любѩ тѫ ортографе, дяла добре з Польским
nah different, now i looked it up and there’s been quite a few projects like that, and i can’t find the original one that i remember seeing first
also i can’t read that lmao, i’m polish
http://steen.free.fr/cyrpol/ this is the one I used
oh yeah it’s that one! yeah it’s a fan project. i see the person also working on interslavic worked on that one but it’s two separate projects
Nvm I’ll go back into my hole
You’re just being difficult to argue a stupid point. It’s fairly clear who the real culprit is.
Not all, some have switched to Latin, like Polish, Czech, Slovak, to name a few.
Switched from what, Glagolithic?
Yeah, with exception of Polish, which used Latin from the start, Czech and Slovak briefly used Glagolitic alphabet, which is much closer to Greek alphabet and basically the precursor to Cyrillic. I should’ve been more specific.
Some Slavic languages did switch directly from Cyrillic to Latin alphabet though. And some non-Slavic languages use Cyrillic to this day (although in process of switching to Latin).
That’s Numberшang!