• @mostNONheinous
    1332 months ago

    Oh Joe, you claiming anybody doesn’t understand the science is actually the funniest thing you may ever say.

    • ditty
      172 months ago

      Yep he’s only ever funny when he’s not trying to be/doesn’t realize he’s being funny 🤣

  • IninewCrow
    862 months ago

    This is thing about these idiot podcasters … they are our modern day snake oil salesmen and religious evangelists on a soap box in the town square. They know how to talk, how to manage a crowd and how to direct, misdirect or massage people’s modes. They have no affiliations other than making money or separating the masses from their money. They’re salesmen that will say anything to keep your attention because it’s your attention that makes them money.

  • @fox2263
    802 months ago

    You don’t even have to investigate the science or anything. Just use your own brain and eyeballs.

    I was looking at old family photos of when I was a child, under 10. It was snowing on Christmas Day. On multiple christmases.

    I can’t even remember a time in the last 2 to 3 decades it’s snowed correctly in winter let alone December and bang on Christmas. Sometimes it snows in may.

    Also when we keep getting record setting heatwaves in summer… hello?

    The cult of do your own research managing to not do their own research in the slightest.

    • @Soleos
      252 months ago

      Just use your own brain and eyeballs.

      When I was coming up learning about the long slow path of climate change, it was “We have to act now, because by the time you can readily see the effects with your eyes, we’ll be fucked cause it’ll be too late by then.”

      Whelp here we are. All we can do now is mitigate the damage however we can.

      • @fox2263
        132 months ago

        Such a shame.

        Back in the 90s the though of the ozone hole in Australia being fixed seemed an impossibility to me but then it was solved with governments agreeing to ban CFCs etc

        I thought perhaps we could fix the change in climate.

        But then social media was birthed and destroy the minds of everyone starting the slow decline of society. Those with power able to utilise it for their own bidding. Putin et al.

        Now the greedy are in such a position to ruin everything for short term gains.

    • @[email protected]
      152 months ago

      Just use your own brain and eyeballs.

      We’re going to need something a bit more robust than that I’m afraid. People who fall for conspiracy after conspiracy are using their own brain and eyeballs. Even schizophrenics use their own brain and eyeballs.

      If someone’s childhood photos show snow-free Christmases, is that enough for them to declare climate change a hoax?

      People need to understand the scientific method better. What a hypothesis is, the importance of falsifiability. There is no truth in the universe, you can’t determine what is true and what is false by looking inside yourself, or by trusting your gut. There is no truth. That is the universe we live in.

      • @fox2263
        52 months ago

        What I meant was people don’t even have to “believe” that science is a thing and climate change is a possibility or not. It just is.

        By remembering back before there was multiple fires and storms per year.

        • @[email protected]
          12 months ago

          I mean there is no scientific evidence of the existence of any God, it just doesn’t exist, and yet here we are.

          I’m not trying to argue seriously here, just pointing out that you sure have a lot of faith in humanity when there is no evidence to show it is a species worth saving

    • @dellish
      132 months ago

      Damn straight. In Australia we have massive fires every fucking year. When I was a kid it might have been one or two per decade. I remember large flocks of birds flying overhead in mornings and afternoons - none of that happens now. Insect diversity has fallen. National Parks almost look like graveyards of previously thriving forest, it’s just depressing. In Victoria over half a national park just burnt out because rainfall has been low for 20 years and there just isn’t enough moisture around to stop fires from spreading rapidly. Shit’s fucked, and it’s going to get worse.

      • CuteCatBeingEatenByHaitian
        22 months ago

        In 2006 when we were driving to field works (picking up melons), the windshield would be covered in insects

        When i am driving now (admittedly, in a different place), my windshield is pristine clear

      • @fox2263
        12 months ago

        So sad. Australia has been #1 on my list of places to visit or move to since I was a kid.

        As a country that is surely on the forefront of preventing climate change, have you seen somewhat a reversal or outright denial in the last 10 years?

      22 months ago

      Even here when I was a lid 15 years ago. We had snow each winter. At least 30-50cm so basically perfect snow cover. The last time we had that much snow was probably 2014. After that it was either rain or nothing at all. Or it started snowing bit then next day rain took it all. I used to love winter but now it’s just depressing without any snow at all.

    • @kameecoding
      12 months ago

      Maybe it’s exaggerated but I remember making a snowball as big as I was when I was a child (I was always taller than anyone else in my class, I am 197cm now).

      I don’t remember the last time we had proper snow around christmas

      • @theangryseal
        32 months ago

        In the early 90s I got stuck at my grandparents’ house for weeks. The snow was so deep that my dad was able to throw us off of a 15ft porch into the snow.

        We dug tunnels all around the yard and built igloos.

        Every year as a child I made snowmen. Every. Single. Year.

        The snowman was standing from December to February.

        My wife made a snowman with the kids, it was melted by the next afternoon.

        • @ChickenLadyLovesLife
          12 months ago

          I grew up in Ohio in the '70s. The first snowfall was usually in late September and the ground would be completely covered with snow sometime in October. The mounds of snow thrown up by the plow trucks would be 6-8 feet high and we built elaborate tunnel networks in them. We didn’t see hints of grass until late April and the snow wasn’t completely gone until May or sometimes even early June. Ohio still gets hit with winter these days, but nothing like that.

    • @sgtgig
      2 months ago

      Most people (I hope, I don’t tune in too much) deny that the climate is changing. They just deny that human activity is causing it.

      So they see all the wildfires and hurricanes and heatwaves and biodiversity collapse and coral bleaching and give a big shrug and “eh, whaddyagunnadoaboutit”

      • @nieminen
        22 months ago

        I mean, almost none of it is caused by the average citizen, we should change it from “human caused” to “corporate caused” to make sure the blame is readily placed where it should be.

  • @[email protected]
    682 months ago

    it’s not as impactful when the “victim” can just pull out their wallet and buy a few more mansions anywhere on the planet

    that’s even without assuming they bought enough insurance to be covered 100%

    • @BonesOfTheMoonOP
      172 months ago

      They probably have at least two other houses.

  • @theangryseal
    602 months ago

    He admitted he didn’t understand the science.

    Neither do I. You know what we should do when we don’t understand the science?


    • @Fashim
      232 months ago

      The science is actually pretty straightforward, I taught it to my nephew because it’s a great way to understand thermodynamics, conservation of energy and a few other fundamentals.

      I’m not talking about crunching numbers to calculate the total CO2 equivalent in the air or to model an ice shelf or to quantify the AMOC or something, but the fundamental issue and why it happens is easy enough to understand for the layman.

      There’s a great video of Carl Sagan addressing congress(?) about climate change where he explains it concisely, if you’re interested.

      • @theangryseal
        142 months ago

        I’m pretty stupid though. That’s why I’m not a scientist. I understand that all of the seemingly magical things I’ve interacted with all of my life aren’t actually magical, but can be understood and recreated by people with the intellect to do it. Take my love of the first 3 Mortal Kombat games (technically 4 counting ultimate) for example. I couldn’t make them. If I traveled back to the 1800s to show them off I’d be accused of witchcraft.

        They work though. Someone smarter than me made it happen. Multiple intelligent people worked together to make all of this magic happen.

        My ignorant ass needs to trust the experts in their area of expertise. So do the other ignorant assholes.

        I don’t understand how all of these morons are out here using tech that they couldn’t come close to understanding, but they’re so confident they are smart enough to understand climate science.

        Build your phone from scratch and then come talk to me about something advanced, asshole. That’s all I’m saying.

        Makes me wanna rip my head off and throw it.

        • @[email protected]
          82 months ago

          If you wish to [build your phone] from scratch, you must first create the universe

          –Carl Sagan

      • @Knock_Knock_Lemmy_In
        12 months ago

        Did you put into proportion the amount of damage your nephew does compared to, say, Exxon?

        That science is also easily understood, but corporate responsibility is for PR only.

        Gibson is correct. The fearmongers target the individual, not the root cause.

      • @GrammarPolice
        02 months ago

        Bold of you to assume i can understand thermodynamics or conservation of energy

    • @ThePyroPython
      142 months ago

      It’s like who do you trust to fix your car:

      Your mechanic who you know has worked on cars before they could drive one, is passionate about cars, and has already gotten several shit boxes to run more reliably than a factory fresh Toyota.

      Or this random spice head with a foil hat who just rolled up started kicking your tires and saying your car won’t run because of a Jewish parts conspiracy.

    • @CrowAirbrush
      22 months ago

      But that’s a big issue nowadays, there are loads of people claiming they understand and will yell really loud about it…so we don’t hear the ones that actually do know.

      • @[email protected]
        12 months ago

        …so we don’t hear the ones that actually do know.

        But we do?

        Like, you can search for a professional’s answer on it. Then review their references to how they came to that conclusion. Then you can literally look at research paper. Then ask another professional to review that research paper as well.

        The root issue is even with all of that, these chuds are still shouting “fake news” about it.

  • @asteriskeverything
    592 months ago

    “Even though you don’t understand the science”

    I think that says so much more than any of the other garbage that spills out of his mouth

    • GladiusB
      162 months ago

      People that say “you don’t understand science” is like saying they don’t understand how science comes to its conclusions. It’s not political. It’s not personal. It’s what is found with an experiment. And then repeated.

      The person doing those has motivations and personal stuff. Everyone does. To say someone manipulated the results based on that and everyone else that repeated the same damn method is baffling.

      • @OldChicoAle
        242 months ago

        Trump said “I don’t think even Science knows” as if science is some institution or singular entity. They seriously think there some Big Science organization

        • @[email protected]
          32 months ago

          They’re “people’s people” - having spent their whole lives dealing with fellow humans whom they can convince, entice or bully - and beyond a certain point of wealth and fame even dealing with the Law is mainly a question of convincing, enticing or bullying the right people.

          I think they have trouble understanding systems and processes which are not based on people and where you can’t just convince, entice or bully the problem away.

  • @Passerby6497
    402 months ago

    Maybe ivermectin will cure his burned down house.

  • @OldManBOMBIN
    372 months ago

    Found the issue. Surprise! It’s projecting.

  • @[email protected]
    242 months ago

    Well Mel probably thinks it’s a Jewish conspiracy that his house burnt down or something. One too many shrimps on the barbie, eh?

  • @[email protected]
    222 months ago

    Oh cause if its a hoax and we fix all the carbon issues and go to renewables all we did was make the work slightly better and reduce people electric bills.

    Carbon is hell mass in the Bible! 6 proton 6 neutron 6 electron! Don’t take it out the ground!

  • @[email protected]
    112 months ago

    Argument is that if you are not a scientist, you are “stupid/gullible” to believe in science. Greenhouse gases impact on temperature is as certain as gravity, and a spherical earth. Actual greenhouses can be warmed with CO2.

    Forest fire management is something that requires more resources whether or not goal is to destroy human sustainability, or just adapt to our current warming. Insurance savings pay for it.

  • @NotMyOldRedditName
    102 months ago

    The science of how carbon dioxide in the air helps trap heat isn’t hard to understand or show in a small scale experiment.

    It’s then not hard to understand how if it’s trapping heat, then things will get warmer overall and overall warmer things lead to things like ice melting.

    It gets way more complex trying to model things like ice melt impacting ocean currents, but the basic understanding isn’t hard at all.

    • @khannie
      112 months ago

      I fully agree with all of that but I don’t think that basic understanding is even important.

      I go to the doctor when my body needs help. She spent years learning about how my body works and I trust her. Sure I do my own basic investigation first, but she has a holistic view and niche knowledge that I can never hope to compete with.

      Climate scientists are saying that we’re destroying the careful balance? Righto. You know better than I do.

      Also what’s the worst case scenario if they’re wrong? I get my energy from a source that is solar panels on my roof or some company that isn’t BP doing massive oil spills for pennies on the dollar or whatever and my country is energy secure?

      OK then. Sounds good to me. 👍

      • @[email protected]
        52 months ago

        I’m guessing there is a decent amount of overlap between the demographic that denies climate science and the demographic that denies medical science (antivaxx, the former anti-mask mandate group, etc)

        • @NotMyOldRedditName
          32 months ago

          Sir, you’re showing me a circle. What am I supposed to be seeing?

        • @nieminen
          2 months ago

          Everyone i know that doesn’t believe humanity is causing climate change (or that it’s happening at all), also is antivax.

          Obviously that’s a small sample, but I bet I’m not the only one

      • @NotMyOldRedditName
        2 months ago

        Also what’s the worst case scenario if they’re wrong?

        Long term, what you said sure… but short term, companies will collapse from the transition, jobs will be lost (even if they get replaced with green jobs), people will pay more from carbon taxes or other similar mechanisms, people will be forced to buy EVs that have in many cases become political, and actually are suitable for the vast majority of people today, if not EVs then were taking away cars to build public transportation which is taking ‘freedom’ away.

        It’s not a simple thing to do what we need to do to solve the problem, it involves self sacrifice, and that’s something so many people are incapable of. See covid masking.

        It’s easier to believe the scientists are lying to us and it’s a big conspiracy.

    • @nieminen
      22 months ago

      Just kinda wish he didn’t have the wealth for it to ultimately not affect his life at all. Like the rest of us.