Imagine watching youtubers with subscriber counts so high, youtube needs to hide part of it
Honorable mentions:
Oh, there are so many.
Just Have a Think: Energy, electricity, fuels, batteries, renewables
Engineering with Rosie: electricity production, transmission, storage etc.
xkcd’s What If?: physics, silly questions, silly answers
Applied Science: Science, technology, DIY lab stuff
Elina Charatsidou: Nuclear physics
Future Proof Health: anything health related
AlphaPhoenix: Material science, physics, technical stuff
Design Theory: In-depth explanations on why items are designed to look a particular way.
If you like applied Science I highly recommend breaking taps
I like tech, old and new, so:
I"d also suggest Jeff Geerling but he’s close to a million subscribers.
About trains, cycling, transit, and urbanism:
And about hiking, camping, outdoors stuff:
Oh and on languages and etymology: (in French) (in Spanish)
I would add in City Nerd for urbanism too.
Which stadium does his current subscriber count fill now?
This is a fairly niche answer, but Noah Caldwell-Gervais.
He does very smart critical analysis of video games as a medium, often in multi-hour long retrospectives of entire franchises. They are all split into chapters, so it’s easy to watch in parts. The visuals and editing are not very flashy, pretty much just footage of the game he’s talking about, but they are so well written and thoughtful I find them extremely compelling. There’s also road trip travelogues, but I’m not as into those.
Love me some Noah
I’m shocked nobody has mentioned Bobby Fingers (266k subscribers at this time). He’s a sassy Irish man with a really deep voice who makes incredibly detailed dioramas of weird moments. My favorite diorama is the one he made about Fabio Lanzoni (the sexy guy on the cover of hundreds of romance novels) getting hit in the face by a goose while riding a roller coaster:
It’s absolutely spectacular. He sculpts the faces out of clay in 1:1 scale, scans them, 3D prints them in miniature, and just goes above and beyond. The videos are funny as all fuck too, with tons of jokes with long setups. I’d highly recommend them.
I like the one when he had a single ass hair transplanted on to the top of his head. always unique, always interesting indie animations.
Mindshift and Kristi Burke both do interesting philosophy/ex Christian videos. So does Genetically Modified Sceptic, although he’s closer to 1M.
Rational Animations has really interesting animated stories about AI safety. Robert Miles also makes quite frightening videos about AI safety.
CodeParade makes interesting videos about game dev with weird geometry and also maths.
legomasta99 and Pinu both have cool Minecraft videos in different ways, although neither have uploaded much recently.
Salmence is a popular Stardew Valley YouTuber.
The New Enlightenment does awesome theory heavy videos on economics, politics, game theory, etc. It’s like a free economics course and it sparked an interest in the subject for me.
Todd in the Shadows Some More News Folding Ideas Thought Slime Atun-Shei Films The Morbid Zoo
Todd in particular deserves a lot more attention/subscribers/success given how long he’s been around, and just how much content he’s released.
Adam Conover - the guy who shattered my reality back in the days with some college humor videos
Windette - Gaming with insults
Adam Millard - game mechanics and fundamentals
Daryl talks games - games dissected by a psychology guy (I forgot what he did)
Learn Linux TV. Great educational channel for all things Linux.
Cara Nicole. She does a good job at explaining finance and budgeting to the layman, I liked her because I found that what she said more or less aligned with what I’ve found to be true, so I think she’s sending out smart ways of managing money to people. Plus she does fun videos about things like giving financial audits to Michael Scott and breaking down people’s wish lists. Idk I always enjoy her videos.
Hakim is an Iraqi Marxist-Leninist YouTuber. He covers a wide variety of topics including socialist history, the negative effects of capitalism, and other-related topics. He also does response videos to various right-wing figures, such as PragerU, Misha Petrov, and Jordan Peterson.
Alexander the Ok - 101k subscribers, does some great hour long engineering / computer science videos. F-14 central air data computer (first microprocessor), Minuteman missile (led to the first desktop computers), B-29 turret system (networked mechanical computers), and Buran (not really computers, but a really good video anyways).
Perun does some excellent defense economics and analysis. Probably one of the channels I have learned the most from.
Jake Broe does regular updates on the Russo Ukraine war which I always find helpful.
And finally, Zeihan on Geopolitics, does, well, what the name says. I find he brings ideas I hadn’t thought of, or that are not well explained, into clarity.