I get that the point is inflation, but why eggs? If they went to $12/dozen, it would cost me like $4 extra dollars per week.
None, I’ve never particularly liked them. I know some people love them, but to me they don’t smell great, kinda sulfurous farts and they have an odd smushy consistency when cooked.
- Eggs are not worth what they charge.
between eating and baking i use about a dozen a week. i generally get Extra large or Jumbo eggs.
I get that the point is inflation, but why eggs?
It’s because the current avian flu, chicken and egg farms are having to kill a metric fuck ton of their chickens. 😢 Meanwhile spray tan is already vowing to gut the CDC and leave WHO.
maybe if we just stop testing for avian flu it will go away
/s just to be sure
You know, if you spent your entire life living underground and never saw the sky, you’d never worry about silly little things like asteroids crashing into the planet and killing everyone.
It doesn’t mean you’ll survive any better, you just get to die ignorant.
I’m sure the entire problem is government over-regulation. If we fire half the cdc and not allow them to use the word “gender”, they won’t be ble to enforce regulations and the price will come down
That is 100% how he’ll deal with egg prices, if he ever cares enough to pretend to help the common man.
Jokes aside, over here in Europe a dozen large eggs cost between 5.16 and 7.80 € (for cheap barn eggs and pricey organic eggs respectively. Cage eggs have been outlawed for quite some years already)
Have you actually seen what a cage-free barn is like? They still spend their entire lives touching at least one other individual, choking on ammonia, never seeing the sky, never expressing any of their natural behaviors. There is no compassionate advantage to cage-free vs caged as it is practiced in the UK.
Wait… I thought it was because of Biden.
Who do you think infected the chickens?
Asintomatic avian flu chickens are being sacrificed? Poor creatures.
Realistically, how can you control the spread? Even assuming there are treatments, in what world is it practical to provide repeated direct medical attention to millions of chickens?
When our household was at full bore with the kids home, we could go through three dozen per week. It’s not just eating them, it’s cooking. Two eggs for a some cake, brownies, etc. one day of french toast (not doing that into the foreseeable future), if I did breakfast with eggs it would take anywhere from 6 to 10.
At our height of consumption we had four teenage boys, one teenage girl and a 10 year old who could out eat anyone at the table.
I’m just fortunate that our kids are mostly grown, but now they’re struggling to keep food on their own tables.
I actually kept a small flock of chickens for a while because we would go through so many eggs.
I have two boys. I can’t imagine feeding twice that!
When I was a lad I ate four dozen eggs every morning to help