Tom Hanks reprised his 2016 “MAGA” character, Doug, on Saturday Night Live’s 50th anniversary episode, sparking backlash from Trump supporters.
The sketch, Black Jeopardy!, featured Doug again hesitating to shake hands with a Black host.
Conservative commentators criticized the portrayal as outdated and offensive, calling it an unfair caricature of Trump voters.
Outdated? Maybe. He’s not making them look like nazis
Offensive? Not even close.
Honestly, his portrayal is more human than any interaction I’ve personally had with any Trumper (family coworker, stranger included).
Tom Hanks’s whole brand is around getting you to emphasize with the cast.
If Tom Hanks is playing your character, it’s an implicit compliment. An insult would be if they’d gone with Steve Bushemy.
I would be stoked if either one of them impersonated me.
But Hanks was not complimenting them.
He was humanizing them. An act they see as insulting.
I have to admit, you had me going there for a second lol
Empathy not emphasis. Prolly an autocorrect but just pointing it out.
I haven’t seen the recent sketch–In the original though, his character was racist out of ignorance, but sorta open-minded and empathetic when actually facing black folks.
That latter part is probably what the trumpers actually find offensive.
They literally did that exact thing last time
The fuck is this fascist apologist bullshit?
They don’t need help looking like Nazis. They already look, act, and smell like them. And if they look, act, and smell like a Nazi, they are a Nazi
I’m confused by your comment. Who is the fascist apologist?
They guy who says MAGA “look like” Nazis. They are straight up Nazis.
Ok, so it was the commenter. The OC wrote:
Outdated? Maybe. He’s not making them look like nazis
The OC is apparently the Nazi apologist. Just so I don’t get accused of being a Nazi apologist in the future, should the comment say this instead?
Outdated? Maybe. He’s not making them be nazis
Yes. Don’t need to beat around the bush with Nazis. Just say it like it is.
The issue is that to appease your anti-fascist fervor, we have to break grammar rules and phrase things awkwardly.
For Tom Hanks to portray his MAGA character as a Nazi, which is what the OC is saying would be needed to update the skit, he would have to make the character look like a Nazi to the audience. Having him be a Nazi in the script doesn’t benefit the audience. The audience needs to get that he’s a Nazi by having him look like one.
Seems a minor point to be harping on OC about.
Well, they have me blocked, so I can’t address their issues. I don’t even see their original comment in my inbox.
Edit: with this account
Your reading comprehension is off the charts.
Since you’re from .ca I will charitably assume your primary language is Québécois. In English I assure you that your understanding of the statement is not correct. There is no need to be angry at the person you originally replied to.
Saying Tom Hanks portrayal of Maga is charitable of their behaviour is Nazi apologism?
What is your real issue here? You have that account blocked, and blocked so that it doesn’t receive notifications. (Edit: I may have blocked you due to this type of behaviour)
Are you afraid that I’ll poke holes in your argument?
Were you looking to call me a Nazi or do you just sling mud when someone steps out of your narrow set of authoritarian morals?
No, I’m not afraid you’ll poke holes in my argument. I usually don’t reply to threads of people who are very opinionated against me, as it seems to be a waste of time. But since you made a new account to get my attention…
The point I was trying to make was
- Whether or not Tom Hanks protrays them as Nazis or not, they are Nazis already.
- If Hanks is protraying them accurately, using the “looks like” phrasing feels like you’re taking a soft approach to naming Nazis (This is where the (correct or not) facist apologist statement came in).
That’s it. Take it as you will.
Not a new account chuckles, check the date. Hole one.
What I was saying and you have been told by others is that Hanks’ portrayal is more charitable than they deserve and it makes yhem look like garden variety racists. Hole two.
I feel Hanks went soft on them.
You are worked up about a version of what I said in your fucking mind.
If you were blocked or blocked me why did you go out of your way to be offened?
Again, I don’t really care about holes at this point and I admittedly didn’t check your account date. I’m not sure if I have you blocked or not, I was perhaps a bit sensitive because I have the ever present dread that the US will continue to be a fascist state from here on out.
If you think Hanks went soft, I misunderstood your comment and we agree.
deleted by creator
conservatives in general do not understand comedy in any form, unless it involves bigotry.
calling it an unfair caricature of Trump voters.
Maybe they can get some thoughts and prayers from the … *checks notes * … immigrants eating people’s cats and dogs?
Why can’t they just do fair caricatures?!
and have an surgery wing in schools for transitions.
Ok, ok, I REALLY gotta know what Trump supporters are actually offended by being called out as racists. Like, that’s literally 50% of their entire thing with the other 50% being homophobes.
They’re offended by being called out. Doesn’t matter what it’s about, it’s just the being called out that’s the problem.
To trump supporters, being called racist is more offensive than being racist. Whatever they can use to play the victim
Its because they see racism as an identity or ideology not as an action or an observational thing. I see it with my grandmother who will say some notably racist shit but doesnt see it as racist. They dont like the implication of being seen as a racist because they dont see themselves as racist.
That is true for any racist not just Trump supporters.
Boy do they hate being called pedo after they diddle kids… they are “youth pastors”…
Because it’s all dog whistles so “you can’t prove it! I just don’t like DEI, it’s unfair!” “I don’t like gay people being forced down my throat in all media!”
There’s always a somewhat “proper” argument that hides the real reason they agree with it.
Meanwhile they just use DEI as a stand in for the N-word.
That mayor is a DEI! This pilot is a DEI! Etc.
CRT, DEI, “woke”, the right uses these interchangeably functionally for what the nazis called “Jewish science”.
It’d be funny to keep playing dumb about what they mean about “DEI” and why they are so grrrr mad about it until they get so apoplectic that they go full nCLANGer mode like Blazing Saddles guy.
The real problem is half of them really do like gay people forcing themselves down their throats but they are too afraid to admit it.
“Gay people forced down my throat” nice double entendre.
There are a lot of racist who will swear up and down that they are not racists.
“It’s not racist when it’s true.”
You hear this shit living in Indiana.
Being called what they are is worse than being what they are.
They’re looking for any excuse to be the victim.
Conservative commentators criticized the portrayal as outdated and offensive
Well yeah. Conservatives very often are outdated and offensive.
Sounds like a bunch of snowflakes
The original Doug on Black Jeopardy sketch is my absolute favorite sketch they’ve ever done.
It’s so obvious that poor white people would get along with and want to same things as minorities if they could just get over that racism and stop falling for the manipulation by religious and political leaders
It’s so obvious that poor white people would get along with and want to same things as minorities if they could just get over that racism and stop falling for the manipulation by religious and political leaders
Which is why they killed Martin Luther King, Jr. He was starting to make progress bringing poor people off all backgrounds together and that was a threat to the powers that be.
The FBI killed him, Cash was innocent.
And Malcolm x was killed within months of denouncing the racism of the NoI.
And Fred Hampton was killed the same year as founding the rainbow coalition.
To be fair Hampton had to be stopped. If permitted to continue AIDS and crack wouldn’t have hurt nearly as many nor could the state ensure a new wave of prison “workers” every few weeks. /s
It doesn’t happen in a vacuum. There’s generations of racism bred into them, including the politicians and religious leaders.
That kinda hate makes for a very powerful weapon.
bred into them
No. Absolutely not. Not even maybe.
Taught. The racism is taught.
Yes, obviously racism isn’t genetic, but it has very, very deep roots.
I dunno, it’s hard to tell who is high on their own supply or who is just taking advantage
Every one of those comments is talking about how they shouldn’t be made fun of because trump won the popular vote, but did that stop them from making fun of any democrat that won the popular vote for the last twenty years?
remember when Obama didn’t salute? or wore a tan suit?
Now there’s a poem waiting to happen.
@[email protected] will probably write one soon.
Make sure you Terrorist Fist Jab your homies on a regular basis.
Don’t try to ascribe logic to anything coming from the right. Just keep making fun of them.
So winning the popular vote means no one makes fun of you? I wonder if the redcaps have any clue about anything in this world.
That seems to be what they’re implying. I guess they only just selectively thought of it.
The GOP proved that they’re not above randomly making up new rules just to complain the other side isn’t following them with all the “traditions” that Obama snubbed
Conservatives were not impressed, with many commenting online that they were quick to switch the program off.
The reason why they switched it off so quick because it reminded them of themselves and made those snowflakes uncomfortable.
At least they know how to switch the channel. Don’t want to protest for SNL to be canceled.
You can’t spell hatred without red hat.
(I can’t take credit for this, I saw this comment on this same story elsewhere, and I thought it was so obvious that I can’t believe it isn’t more widespread)
Ouh nice one
how the fuck are we near 10 years later and I’m just now seeing what should’ve been the DNC’s campaign motto from the start? People, politicians, and pundits can argue about “flavors of fascism” till the cows come home, but the hatred is plain for anyone to see.
At least when Tom Hanks is joking, it doesn’t end up violating human rights and constitutional law.
If you’re offending Trump supporters then you’re doing something right.
Oh, did they melt?
Tame. What crybabies.
Conservative commentators criticized the portrayal as outdated and offensive, calling it an unfair caricature of Trump voters.
Apparently this passes for “melts down”?
Is it more of a slam? Was anyone blasted? Lol
someone torched it.
How many blasting is a torching. I can’t keep up
Yes, by MAGA’s own vernacular it does.
Conservative commentators should be written nazi enablers
I’m pretty sure these publications would if it weren’t for the fact that conservatives are litigious little snowflakes. So much so, that I’d be surprised if they didn’t have the word “defamation” on retainer.
When your news report the dismantling of democracy and constintution as “administrative changes”, concentration camps and genocide as “relocation” and invasion of sovereign nations as “the 5xth state” then “melts down” might as well mean death threats, violence and burning crosses.