• Something Burger 🍔
      931 year ago

      They will release an OLED Edition 5 years after so you can buy it again.

      • @bassomitron
        151 year ago

        720p is pretty solid on small screens when you’re holding it ~2-3ft away. 1080p would be more ideal for sure, but I wouldn’t be that disappointed if it means better battery and performance.

    • IWantToFuckSpez
      1 year ago

      Yeah that sucks but if it’s a brighter high nits LCD screen than i might prefer that more on a portable device than the deep blacks of OLED. I use my OLED tv when I play at home anyway.

    • @_sideffect
      21 year ago

      I can’t believe it’s not butter

    • @Zanz
      21 year ago

      It is very hard to get low resolution small oled screens. Cell phones use pentile displays that are about 60% the actual RGB resolution of the input they need. You would be looking at it needing to be outputting in the 4k range on a 1440p ish display to use off the shelf parts.

      If you wqnted to have a 1080p RGB oled it would need to be about 11" and that is too big. It would also have burn in issues with any reasonable brightness.

    • @bighi
      11 year ago

      It hasn’t been announced yet. Up to this point, everyone is just guessing.

  • JokeDeity
    401 year ago

    I have the lowest of low expectations for Nintendo consoles. They’re always filled to the brim with gimmicks, that while creative, are not fun to use and then the best games are always ones that completely disregard the gimmicks anyhow. I wish they would focus more on making consoles that LOOK and FEEL good when you’re playing instead of trying to create the next new thing no one will care about in 5 years. They also really lost the plot on the Pokemon franchise and I feel like that will start to lose them a lot of money when people start to wake up from their comas and realize Gamefreak doesn’t know how to make video games and the last good one they made was am eternity ago.

    • zkfcfbzr
      531 year ago

      I wish they would focus more on making consoles that LOOK and FEEL good when you’re playing instead of trying to create the next new thing no one will care about in 5 years.

      Isn’t this basically what they did with the Switch? It’s very low on gimmicks that never get used (infrared? Touchscreen?), its games on the whole look pretty good (Most first party titles), and people still play it over 6 years later. Also Nintendo has nothing to do with the development of Pokémon - so while shit, they hardly deserve the blame for that.

      • ianis
        111 year ago

        It’s a hand held console with detachable joycons

        • @Whitebrow
          291 year ago

          The “joycons” don’t bring me joy. They make my hands cramp and are only full of cons.

          • @[email protected]
            111 year ago

            I think the joy cons make it great for party games, it’s really convenient to get a 4 player game of Mario Cart going with just two pairs of joy cons.

            • @CluckN
              41 year ago

              Yeah until someone gets one with drift

              • rigatti
                61 year ago

                You’re supposed to drift in Mario Kart! /s

            • @Whitebrow
              21 year ago

              Many technologies exist around the inconvenience of having small flimsy drifting controllers in a several player setting. For example: You could pair your phones via Bluetooth or internet for party games in a similar fashion to Jackbox or other party games as a controller/ data entry device.

              We shouldn’t need to rely on third party applications or controllers to have a good experience with your platform, be it physically or digitally, especially when the technology has existed for many years.

              And don’t even get me started on the software side experience.

          • @[email protected]
            1 year ago

            No offense, but I and all my friends enjoy the joycons a lot. It’s been wonderful in college and out. I have a sneaking suspicion the people complaining about the switch are not the… target audience anyway.

            • @Whitebrow
              11 year ago

              None taken and it is quite possible, but they’re most definitely made for smaller hands than mine, and while I can use them, I’d much rather have something that is more… pleasant to use… as opposed to purely functional.

              I did have other consoles over the course of it all too: from sega to ps5, gameboy(s), vita and even wii

              Some of them deserve more criticism than others is all

          • all-knight-party
            41 year ago

            Third parties do it for me. Sadly, I wish Nintendo would release official ergonomic joy cons. Instead I must buy something Chinese with questionable QC, to get something fully featured compared to the feature-neutered but high-quality Hori licensed ones.

        • zkfcfbzr
          71 year ago

          Sure - but that’s a gimmick that’s pretty widely enjoyed. It’s not like the 3DS’s 3D that pretty much everyone turned off after giving it a shot, or like the Wii’s motion controls that most people got sick of before the console retired. As far as gimmicks go it’s arguably their most successful ever.

          By that I mean the fact that it’s handheld - if you were mostly talking about the detachable joycons then I’d agree at least somewhat, especially since they removed that from the Switch Lite - but it is pretty handy in a lot of situations still.

        • @CaptPretentious
          1 year ago

          Eh, really it’s a cheap android tablet (sold at a markup) that has a built in slots for some gimmick Bluetooth controllers.

          To those I’ve answered… I’m right though. Your switch isn’t some magically engineered hardware from Nintendo. It’s an underpowered android tablet. The only thing Nintendo brought was the joycons. And most games don’t use the gimmicks of those controllers, because the pro controller exists and it’s compatible with every non-gimmick game. And yes it’s a cheap android tablet, it was criticized for being underpowered and using it of date hardware when it was new! Look at its hardware, look at the price. Look at say an Nvidia shield and look at its price.

    • @FromAbyss
      171 year ago

      I mean, Gamefreak has been shitting out Pokémon “games” for decades now, right? If they didn’t realize that in the last 15 years, would they really care about the next 15? I almost feel like each generation becomes the “default Pokémon experience” for their players.

      • @[email protected]
        1 year ago

        Nha bruh how much copium do you need to accept SV while we had fricking B2W2 and yet it could still have been much more (while on release B1W1 was still shunned but thats beside the point).

        SV is playable, thats it.

    • Panja
      51 year ago

      Gamefreak doesn’t know how to make video games and the last good one they made was am eternity ago.

      Unfortunately I doubt anything will change because people continue to buy no matter how bad it is

  • @[email protected]
    251 year ago

    I really wonder if a Switch 2 will do as well as the first Switch.

    More and more handheld gaming PCs are released by the time the Switch 2 comes around. Yes, a Switch 2 does have the advantage of access to Nintendo games (if we ignore Emulators) and I would imagine lower price, but I haven’t touched my Switch since I got the Steamdeck. I even sold an extra Switch Lite I had.

    I rarely, basically never used the Switch plugged into a TV. I only played it in handheld mode with a skin that made it more comfortable to hold than a flat brick. Nintendo games rarely drop in price and sales don’t reduce prices by much VS PC games that often go on sale and older games drop to very low prices on sale.

    I’m certain there’s a market for a Switch 2, I’m just wondering if it will do as well as the first Switch in the current market with more options.

    • @echo64
      401 year ago

      Most people who play Nintendo Switch do not even know what a steam deck is. The vast vast majority.

      • @TwilightVulpine
        211 year ago

        It’s revealing to keep in mind that the Switch sold 125 million units, and the most optimistic estimates put the number of Steam Deck sales around 3 million. Keep in mind that the Steam Deck never aimed to sell as much as major consoles, but that still shows how niche it is in comparison.

      • @CaptPretentious
        01 year ago

        Do you have numbers to back that up or are you just speculating. Personally I’d find it weird that someone who games especially on a mobile platform with somehow have not heard of the steam deck. Between social media and targeted news feeds I don’t know how they not hear about it.

        • @echo64
          01 year ago

          This is your notice that you are very much in a bubble. Most gamers have no idea what a steam deck is.

          • @[email protected]
            11 year ago

            Most casual gamers. Also it depends on region. Steam marketed itself basically on steam only so the pc relevance as the gaming platform in your region really matters.

            • @echo64
              11 year ago

              most gamers are casual gamers, and most importantly to this conversation, most casual gamers can be found on nintendo switch. even outside of the ‘casual gamer’ world, you are in a bubble if you think the steam deck is big news outside of nerd circles like this

    • Brawler Yukon
      231 year ago

      For 99+% of the Switch’s target demographic, there aren’t options.

      They have never heard of the Deck, the Ally, or any of the other handheld PCs. They know three things about gaming: Nintendo, PlayStation, and Xbox. Those last two don’t let them play Mario, Zelda, or Smash Bros., and they certainly don’t let them play on the go, so they essentially only have one option.

      I love my Deck and I hope to see the handheld PC market continue to grow and evolve, but it’s just delusional to think that it will ever get to a point where it will have even the slightest impact on the third-best-selling console of all time (or, more to the point, its successor).

    • @ShakeThatYam
      1 year ago

      I’d buy a Switch 2 if it played first party Switch games at 2K/60fps. Specifically Pokemon, Zelda, and Xenoblade.

      • @OutdoorDining
        1 year ago

        Unless GF massively update their engine then I feel like Pokémon in 2K would make your eyes bleed

        It’s painful enough looking at it on the current gen switch

    • aard
      21 year ago

      I mainly got a steamdeck as the switches are occupied by the kids. For portability it is way worse than the switch - and the removable controllers on the switch are great, especially for some mukltiplayer games. I feel most of the games making proper use of those didn’t make the jump from the wii, though - for movement games in front of the TV the wii is still regularly used. Switch mostly is used as handheld.

  • @SignorPao
    231 year ago

    They better create more solid joycons, drifting be damned.

    • @telllos
      61 year ago

      For me I think they should create more ergonomic controllers. The reason I never touch the switch of my son is because of how painful it is to plsy with. The stick are way too low. The dual sense is an amazing controller. Something like the Sony Q looks nice.

      • @CeruleanRuin
        11 year ago

        Yeah I can’t play for any length of time without using the pro controller. My hands cramp and my finger hurt from the tiny buttons.

    • @Zanz
      31 year ago

      I hope they get rid of them. They make the handheld in ergonomic and ruined the amazing wiiu controller scheme they had. I have never had a good time using joycons and they cause too much compromise.

      They should keep support so things like ring fit work, but they need to go or not be made for kind of symmetric 2 player.

    • VCTRN
      31 year ago

      Fuck yeah, I’ve spent some serious buck on games.

  • JackbyDev
    141 year ago

    If they fix joycon drift and use the buttons they used on switch lite I’ll be happy. The joycon buttons stab into my fingers.

    • @Deca
      61 year ago

      Switch 2 OLED coming in 2028

    • @some_designer_dude
      51 year ago

      Yeah, that’s a huge regression. There will be an older-but-better Switch until they all ship with OLEDs.

    • @Wafzig
      21 year ago

      Probably can’t hit the price point or production yield to make it viable for launch.

      Will probably see a version 2 after a year or so, like with Switch 1.

  • @elbowdrop
    111 year ago

    Just to make sure, that was my point. I bought a $110 (on sale) 2tb card and expanded the memory. Games are becoming much bigger, maybe not Nintendo but the point stands. It’s irritating buying an expensive purchase then having to buy more. Idk it kinds feels like I want them to offer a “complete device for the time”. Comparable hardware to other entertainment systems.

    • @[email protected]
      41 year ago

      I’m alright with the “provide a moderate amount of storage and space to upgrade it” method. Keeps the base price down, while power users can have what they want too.

      I stuffed an extra 2TB SSD in my PS5 for just under £100. Now see Apple’s iPad Pro pricing, where going from 128GB to 2TB adds a whopping £1250 to it, more than doubling the price.

    • @MeaanBeaan
      21 year ago

      Where did you find a 2tb micro SD card? I didn’t think they existed.

      • @Odum
        11 year ago

        I can’t speak to their performance because they seem to be all one brand (and not a major one like SanDisk) but they ARE out there.

        Only a matter of time before that territory is breached by the major player though. Nintendo themselves even have a branded 1 TB SD card (made by SanDisk ofc).

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      Yeach 32gb on switch was a joke. And they really didint need to add that much storage to make purchase of sd card unnessesary. I have 128gb sd card on my switch and thats more than enough space for switch games( kinda helps that switch is my Indie machine and they dont exatcly weight a ton, so i would still recomend 256 at least for normal use)

  • @Ogygus
    101 year ago



  • @[email protected]
    91 year ago

    Make it similar enough under the hood to the switch that ryujinx just need an update to play its games.

    I mean, hey great!

  • @EternalWarBear
    91 year ago

    I could just be dumb, but I hope that it’ll still use the switch cartridge. Like how they did it with the DS line up until the 3DS when they changed it. I could see them potentially doing that too. If it does I’ll finally jailbreak my OG switch with the tegra exploit. Just been too much of a scaredy cat to do it.

    • ThrowawayOnLemmy
      21 year ago

      I was thinking this earlier today. If they do make the switch 2 compatible with current switch games, physical and digital, it’ll be a damn near instant day 1 buy for me.

  • @varogen
    61 year ago

    Will definitely be skipping this one. I almost never use my Switch as it is. At home, I use the PC. I can emulate single player games like Breath of the Wild. On the go, I’ve been enjoying mobile games on my phone (surprisingly) or I use my laptop. The Switch hasn’t been a big draw.

  • @[email protected]
    61 year ago

    Lol seriously? I was actually planning to get this but the nore I hear about it, the more I think I’ll wait a few years for the updated version to release. Nintendo doesn’t make very many good games nowadays anyway.