Like, he pops out of his little hole, and just…his heart stops.

Do we get 6 more weeks of winter or not? Maybe we get an apocalypse instead?

  • @[email protected]
    24 hours ago

    I seem to remember reading an article saying that they have to replace Phil often, and they’re (the long line of Phil’s) always in poor health, because they get fed and absolutely shit diet.
    Easily could be remembering a figment of my imagination, and I’m too tired and lazy to look it up. So I look forward to someone with more motivation than me proving my remembering one way or the other.

  • @[email protected]
    2112 hours ago

    The same thing that happens no matter what a groundhog does. Because groundhogs don’t affect the weather.

  • @jumperalex
    710 hours ago

    Nuclear Winter. It is known.

  • #!/usr/bin/woof
    610 hours ago

    Bill Murray would become stuck in time, forced to relive the same day for what could be decades or centuries. Slowly he’d use this time to become a better person, a kinder person, a person capable of both loving and being loved. Ultimately, he’d find reprieve in the arms of his soulmate.

    Phil, the goddamned weather hamster would still have six more weeks of being dead.

  • @[email protected]
    711 hours ago

    I bet that the particular universe where Phil dies just collapses on itself, killing everyone in the process. Thankfully so far there’s always been at least one universe with a Phil that doexn’t die

    • palordrolap
      14 hours ago

      Some kid in a shiny car and a hazmat suit turns up out of nowhere five seconds later and starts shouting and cursing into a bulky radio about having missed it to someone called “Doc”.

  • don
    211 hours ago

    They put in the replacement groundhog and try again, and give the late p-phil an honorable burial. This will happen as many times as necessary for as long as necessary.