Hi I’m a Pakistani gamer who mostly played old school storyline games like GTA 3 GTA vice city and stories GTA San Andreas Need for speed most wanted 2005 Moto gp 2 Total overdose(my most fav) IGI(noob gameplay😭) Bully (masterpiece) Hitman blood money ( first two missions) In recent times I’ve been playing Bloodstrike on android Just cause 2 I want story rich games with gameplay filled with actions and I’m also open to exploring new genres ( consider laptop specs )…

  • hungrythirstyhorny
    11 hour ago

    have you considered bioshock? i think the gane will run nicely on ur laptop…

    coreect me if im wrong

  • MyNameIsAtticus
    12 hours ago

    i’ve been where you are with the specs (my device was an Acer Aspire with 6GB of RAM, iGPU, and a Duo Core i3). Some of the best games i got to run on there were Emulated Games. Assuming that’s off the table though:

    • Alan Wake is a decently low speced game and i highly recommend if you want Action and Story Rich (the original one from 2010, not the remaster).
    • Fallout 3 & New Vegas. I got them to run pretty well out of the box and both i can say meet the Action criteria.
    • If you want an online game Team Fortress 2 runs on anything really made in the last 10 years assuming you get your settings right.
    • Continuing with the Valve Train, Portal 1, Portal 2, and Half Life 1 all run pretty well. All 3 can be pretty high action at times (Half Life more so than portal)
    • Project Zomboid as far as i know is also pretty low spec. It’s a survival game which can be really high action depending on how you play it (you can customize the spawn settings however you like). Story Rich though? It leaves a lot to be desired in that department.
    • Max Payne is old, but it’s really high action and has a phenomenal story.
  • @HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
    14 hours ago

    I play mostly for story. I rented Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch from the library. Now I’m gonna buy a copy when I get a few extra bucks.

  • @Zangoose
    219 hours ago

    Not exactly story rich but 2D platformers like Celeste, Hollow Knight, Nine Sols, and Ori will definitely run on your computer and are probably among my favorite games of all time (haven’t played much of Nine Sols yet though so I can’t really speak for that one)

    There’s also emulated games, PS1, PS2, pretty much any Nintendo system up to the Wii/3DS etc. which will work on slower/older generation laptops.

    • @Contramuffin
      218 hours ago

      Ori is probably going to struggle a bit on a laptop

      • @Zangoose
        114 hours ago

        Should’ve clarified, I think blind forest (the first one) should run fine? The second one would probably cause issues though.

        • @jroid8
          17 hours ago

          The second game was released to the switch so it should be fine I think

  • Brave Little Hitachi Wand
    220 hours ago

    I’m not a big “power gamer” as I also game on my laptop mainly and it’s a bit less powerful than yours. My suggestions tend toward retro graphics and indie titles; I have a type.

    In no particular order, I’m going to recommend Ruiner, Make Way, and Hyper Light Drifter. Ruiner and HLD both have incredibly intense atmospheres and stylized storytelling with an emphasis on action. Make Way is heaps of chaos, totally unrealistic, and the AI can be brutally hard, but it’s extremely simple and unless you crank down the difficulty to zero, it’s easy to find a flow state in the rapidly evolving mayhem.