As an American I can confirm that crown royal and coke is superior than jack and coke.
Who is wasting money on Jack Daniel’s anyway? Literally everything in the same price range is better
It’s $20 quality sold for $40
Yeah that whinging from that source tells us it’s an adequate target.
I’m going to keep coming back with this until some-habs takes me up on it.
You know what’s worse than pulling things off the shelves? Threatening the sovereignty of foreign nations and then making up bullshit tariffs to do so
Cool. You’re a giant corporation with pockets deep enough to keep making meaningful statements. Keep it up.
(They won’t)
Dear Mr. Daniel,
I’m sorry that a store pulling things from their shelves is hurting your business, but I thought you should know that this is not even the tip of the iceberg.
Regardless of what any store does, I will simply not be buying Jack Daniel’s, probably ever, along with a slew of other things, as many as I possibly can.There are so many better whiskeys around the world that I certainly don’t need to.
I empathize with the collateral damage this may cause, and hope that something, anything really, is eventually enough for y’all fuckers to start thinking about getting your shit together.
In the meantime, I will simply Buy Anything But American.I am just one person, but I am not alone.
Fix your shit or get fucked,
A random Canadianits going to end up like soybean tariffs with china, china found other sources of soybeans from asia, and south america, and largely ditched USA. im sure canada will do the same with alcohol.
But Four Roses tho :(
I can’t even smell the stuff it’s horrible.
And I drink Laphroaig neat.
Liquid bandaids
Are Jack and Laphroaig on similar levels? I know import vs domestic drives the prices apart some, but I just assumed Jack was more like a “cheap top shelf”.
Oh goodness me, no. Think Rose Art vs Crayola, respectively.
They seem like different animals to me. I wouldn’t compare the two.
I can’t speak of higher end Jack, but Laphroaig base is far better than Jack base.
Yeah that’s been my experience, too, which is why the comment comparing the two confused me.
Someone commented that it was the smell they were comparing… not the taste. I like peaty smell so didn’t make sense.
Laphroaig is a punch you in the face level peaty/smokey Scotch
It’s one of my favorites!
I stole this photo from Reddit just for this occasion
I’m stealing it for the next occasion. thanks!
Random Canadian dude says U.S. threatening Canada’s sovereignty 'worse than pulling alcohol off shelves"
Random American here agreeing with Random Canadian brother or sister. I stand on guard for thee!
Take it up with Trump, not Canada
Canada sends its regards. The North remembers.
Je me souviens!
I think what’s wild is that Canada only makes 1% of Jack Daniel’s sales while Mexico makes up 7% of their sales.
If Mexico pulls Jack off their shelves, it’ll hit harder.
Without doing any research, I’d be hard pressed to believe they didn’t support trump all the way.
Mostly Democrats actually, and no one at a Federal level.
Wonder what happens if more Americans stop buying their alcohol?
thier politics might shift, russia uses alcohol as a method of control to prevent uprising against putin/oligarchs.
What’s really sad is that Brown-Forman Corp (owner of Jack Daniels brand) donated to mostly Democratic state/local candidates, and no federal / national party candidates.
Sorry, bub, we actually prefer good whiskey up here.
I have only once bought a bottle of jack.
And it was a joke to somebody who hates the stuff. (Specifically it was a minibar shot bottle… funny as hell though.)