Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.) is proposing two amendments to an appropriations bill that would defund the various prosecutions of former President Trump.

He is adding to the defense of the former president mounted by Trump allies in the House as they circle the wagons in the face of four indictments.

Clyde, a member of the House Appropriations Committee, on Monday announced plans for two amendments to the Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies (CJS) fiscal 2024 appropriations bill that would “prohibit the use of federal funding for the prosecution of any major presidential candidate prior to the upcoming presidential election on November 5th, 2024,” according to a press release.

  • Flying Squid
    1242 years ago

    prior to the upcoming presidential election on November 5th, 2024

    They’re not even subtle.

    • @HWK_290
      642 years ago

      It’s so… Disappointing that they’re rallying behind this decrepit, puss filled slug.

      • @CIA_chatbot
        452 years ago

        It’s because they are guilty of shit too, and they are afraid of their shit coming to light as well

    • @archonet
      2 years ago

      Even if this was added to the bill, there’s no way it would ever reach the president’s desk. And if it did, there’s no way Biden wouldn’t veto it.

      This is just somebody signalling his loyalty to Orange Steal so he can swoop in and grab a little of his powerbase when Orange Steal is serving out his golden years in a jumpsuit that matches his spray tan.

      I guarantee you, the Biden administration has a planned timeline they want to see this prosecution play out over, and it ends in a conviction before the election. It has contingencies in place for every bullshit delaying tactic conservatives will try to throw at them. He’s going to jail for a very long time, and I’d say the majority of people are starting to wise up to this fact.

      • IHeartBadCode
        142 years ago

        Doesn’t even matter.

        Rep. Andrew Clyde (R-Ga.)

        Republicans have shot his bills down countless times because he’s mostly a prick to everyone. Nobody likes the guy and he’s hardly useful in any capacity to the GOP outside of a warm body who can physically push a “yea” button when they tell him to push it.

        He’s like MTG who is from the close by 14th district except more irritating to listen to and less well put together. Pretty much exactly what you’d expect from rural Georgia yet just less pleasant in pretty much every aspect than most Republicans.

        Not only that, guy is a well known coward. His usual response to difficult things is to do his best impression of Zoidberging out of the situation. Guy is worthless skin who’d run for cover if someone started popping popcorn.

      • @demlet
        12 years ago

        Let’s hope not, or if so let’s hope it’s very hard to prove… If Biden has all that planned, it would suggest executive interference and politically motivated prosecution. Don’t get me wrong, Trump needs to crash and burn, just saying…

    • eric
      502 years ago

      Yes, but spoiler alert: they won’t.

    • @[email protected]
      22 years ago

      Exercising regular congressional powers by introducing legislation that cuts funding to a judicial body, regardless of the intent, isn’t obstruction of justice.

      • @[email protected]
        32 years ago

        When your sole purpose is to use extrajudicial force to subvert justice, how on earth is that not obstruction? Congress doesn’t have unilateral authority to undermine the law for their own gain.

  • @Donjuanme
    962 years ago

    I remember when the Republican Senate wanted to delay a supreme court justice selection for an entire until after the elections so the American people could have a say.

    2 justices later it’s a month before the election and they cram a 3rd down our throats.

    Fuck them forever.

    • @dragonflyteaparty
      322 years ago

      Not before an election. During an election. Early voting had already started.

    • @bluebooby
      32 years ago

      They also had plans to indefinitely delay supreme court confirmations in case Hillary won the 2016 election.

  • @[email protected]
    792 years ago


    • Benghazi This is stupid, but we’ll sit through all these dumb ass hearings and waste money to appease these shitheads
    • Hunter Biden This is stupid, but we’ll sit through all these dumb ass hearings and waste money to appease these shitheads
    • Whitewater This is stupid, but we’ll sit through all these dumb ass hearings and waste money to appease these shitheads
    • And so on


  • @flossdaily
    672 years ago

    I really don’t understand Republican politicians at all.

    They HATE Trump. They are almost all in record taking about about how stupid and unfit he is.

    Trump LOST the last election. He hurt them badly in the last two midterms. He is dragging the party down.

    I understand they are too afraid of his cult to go after him, but they could have just gotten out of the way and let him fail.

    There second impeachment could have been the end of him.

    These criminal charges could be the end of him.

    All they had to do was say: “these are extremely serious charges, and we’re reserving judgement until the judicial system delivers a verdict.”

    But instead they are pledging to pardon him, pledging to support him even if convicted, and trying to stop the trials.


    • @kryptonianCodeMonkey
      342 years ago

      The answer is pretty simple. They do not want to set the precedent that any Republican government official, even the President, can be held liable for their crimes. Most were prepared to let him get impeached (but not actually find him guilty), lose his office, and hope he would fall into obscurity. A slap on the wrist and then a return to status quo is perfectly acceptable to them. But to have the audacity to actually bring charges for even blatant crimes? It’s just not acceptable at all. What if this accountability thing carries over to the rest of government? What if they’re actually held to the law? What if they face consequences for violating the law? What if corruption in government starts to actually be investigated and punished? No no, we can’t have that. There won’t be any Republicans left.

    • @III
      2 years ago

      It’s not insane at all.

      They know that without the cult they lack the numbers to win any election. They, and their positions, are so frail that they bend knee to the absolute worst humanity has to offer for a chance to feel like they aren’t as neutered as they really are. They can’t even just let the Trump boot-lickers fade away, those willful idiots will just not vote - they have to win the scared racist vote, they need the wheezing Nazis, they can’t survive without the religious who have turned away from their god for Trump.

      It’s fear, weakness and desperation. It is more sad than insane. Sad and dangerous.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      92 years ago

      But instead they are pledging to pardon him, pledging to support him even if convicted, and trying to stop the trials.

      Because if they don’t, none of them stand a chance of being re-elected themselves. The MAGA Republicans are in a “sweet spot”, so to speak; they’re not in the majority even within their own party, but there’s enough of them that no Republican can win without their support.

      So the rest of the party basically has two choices. March in lockstep with Trump or be primaried by someone that will. Look at what happened to Liz Cheney. Deep conservative with a deep family political history. She crossed Trump and lost her primary by almost 40 points. This is what the rest of the party is afraid of.

      And this is what scares me as well. The more these people start standing up to trump, the more likely they’ll be replaced by another MTG or Boebert. And if you think the House of Representatives is a clown show now, imagine when half the House are just MTG clones.

    • TwoGems
      2 years ago

      It’s theatrical for their stupid base. They have to come up with “evidence” that Biden bad, democrats bad. What better way than to find super scary “evidence” and making up shit that never happened to go along with the grift?

    • @asteriskeverything
      82 years ago

      You got some level headed replies so I’m going to put on my conspiracy hat. He is the Russian pick. He also gets along well with China. That is who the career Republicans are really afraid of crossing. You can talk all the shit you want as long as you vote for the right things. Including keeping trump in power.

    • @cabron_offsets
      72 years ago

      Republicans are driven, first and foremost, by a “fuck you, got mine” ethos. If, with whatever limited mental capacity they wield, they calculate something that tickles their “fuck you, got mine” neuroreceptors, they act.

    • OBG
      -92 years ago

      I mean Obama pardoned someone that literally committed treason to earn points with the LGBTQ community. Politics and politicians, on both sides of the isle, are out for themselves .

  • @cabron_offsets
    562 years ago

    Get fucked. Orange traitor is going to jail no matter what happens in the federal cases.

    • @baldingpudenda
      112 years ago

      Lost 2016 by 3m, 2018 lost 41 delegates in the house, 2020 lost by 7m. He’s a political loser, but the republican part wont cut him off cause they got nothing left to entice voters.

    • FuglyDuck
      292 years ago

      Also? They should Rico-ize the insurrection charges and scoop up all these traitors,

  • @[email protected]
    2 years ago

    How does everyone healthily cope with all this modern day political stuff?

    It feels hopeless sometimes… All of it. Cost of living, social divisions, unbelievably unprofessional everything from cops to politicians, safety, mass shootings, education, jobs, jobs that pay, medications, unhealthy-food/water, weather…

    I get caught in the loop easily. And in my personal reality, yeah I have it better than a lot of people in this world… But it’s like it doesn’t mean anything because in this culture I feel like …cut off from soul and the essence of what life is.

    • @demlet
      82 years ago

      Just remember this is all temporary, the universe is enormous and nothing we stupid humans do matters. One day we’ll be gone and it will be like we never existed.

      • @WillardHerman
        22 years ago

        This. I look forward to this. Almost every day.

        • @demlet
          52 years ago

          I wouldn’t say I look forward to it, it just helps me keep things in perspective. Wasn’t meaning to bring anybody down… Everyone take care of yourselves out there.

    • @[email protected]
      72 years ago

      Revolutionary optimism. The contradictions are intensifying and the system is falling into crisis. We make the world turn, and we will prevail!

      • @SCB
        12 years ago

        If there is a civil war, you are probably going to die in it.

        I don’t know that “revolutionary optimism” is a good solution to anything, ever.

          • @SCB
            2 years ago

            So long as you understand that a person given PTSD by bed bugs isn’t going to win any revolutions, were on the same page.

            I don’t care about your Doomerism.

            • @[email protected]
              12 years ago

              Quite the opposite of doomerism.

              The bed bug battle was ultimately won if you want a follow up after finding nothing of value to reference in my post history.


    • TwoGems
      2 years ago

      Volunteer with your local voting groups and get people registered to vote

  • AnonTwo
    232 years ago

    I’m somewhat amazed we don’t have any “conflict of interest” laws that say “This is clearly corrupt when you’re making laws to attack ongoing judicial activities”

    • @mondo_brondo
      92 years ago

      This would require some sense of personal accountability, which is clearly missing amongst many of our so-called leaders.

    • @[email protected]
      42 years ago

      That would require elected officials to act in good faith. Used to be you would want your elected officials to uphold the law even if it conflicted with party interests. Nowadays the law only applies to the minority party.

      • FuglyDuck
        12 years ago

        Just to clarify, you realize that republicans are actually in the minority, right? barely, but they’re fewer voting republicans than there are voting democrats

          • FuglyDuck
            02 years ago

            dems hold the senate and the white house. Republicans barely have the majority at all and we both know that the pubies only hold the house because of partisan gerrymandering.

            at the end of the day minority means a group of people that’s smaller than the largest group of people.

  • keeb420
    222 years ago

    So the tough on crime Republicans want to defund the prosecutor?