“Everyone disrespects what the Schlapps did to them," one source said of the CPAC chairman and his wife. "They left because they couldn’t get money.”

After a group of employees resigned en masse from the American Conservative Union—which organizes the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)—in spring 2022, its chairman Matt Schlapp, and his wife, Mercedes, reportedly felt there was only one thing that could cure the space of the bad resignation vibes: An unsanctioned exorcism.

The pair brought in a priest to “evict satanic spirits” from the group’s Virginia offices, according to a new report from the Daily Beast. And why did so many junior employees suddenly quit?

“Everyone disrespects what the Schlapps did to them. They left because they couldn’t get money,” a source said. “Matt has said, ‘Everyone is disposable,’ and says that they can always find someone else to do the job for that much.” Color me shocked.

An anonymous source told the Daily Beast that the exorcism was “the weirdest thing I’d seen,” while another could barely process what was taking place: “I had no idea what was going on.”

Men (and their wives?) will literally do anything, including demanding a ritualistic cleansing ceremony, before they pay their employees more.

ACU/CPAC did not reply to comment requests, while Schlapp provided this statement to the outlet: “CPAC is being terrorized by a demon self-described as The Daily Beast. The good news is the leadership of CPAC knows how the epic battle against the Beast ends. I’d short the stock.” Cool!

Let’s also not forget that Schlapp was sued by a Republican operative who accused him of sexual assault back in January. The Daily Beast reported earlier this week that Schlapp unsuccessfully tried to settle the suit despite vehemently denying the accusations. “We take seriously our professional conduct and would never discuss the details of confidential conversations between lawyers. But since it appears Mr. Huffman or his attorney have done so, let me set the record straight: There was no settlement offer,” publicist Mark Corallo told the outlet. “From the outset Mr. and Mrs. Schlapp have been and remain prepared to go to trial and are confident of prevailing in court.”

But back to the exorcism. Per the Daily Beast:

Multiple sources with knowledge of the event said the rite included a prayer circle in Schlapp’s office, which one person described as performative and inauthentic. “Like a show,” this source said.

“As the priest made his way through the office, spritzing holy water room to room, employees nudged him towards Matt’s office,” this person said. “The way he had treated junior employees, it seemed to us like he was the one who needed it the most.”

ACU General Counsel David Safavian celebrated the office exorcism (unclear if it’s the same office-wide exorcism or if they’re just keeping DMV priests busy) with a cigar.

The Daily Beast reported that medals of St. Benedict, the patron saint of exorcisms, are still above some doors. So while all those evil spirits that force employers to pay their employees money can’t make it through the doors, maybe they can still fly in through the windows.

      • themeatbridge
        3710 months ago

        Have you shopped for whole grains lately? They might be making oat OK. My company just started offering a flax spending account. Used it to buy a car, bran new. Not everybody was happy, though, they nearly had a rye-ot. One guy said the wheat gave him headaches, I asked him if it was migraines? He said doesn’t matter who’s. Another guy said he was fine with it as long as he didn’t get paid inAsian grains. I said that was ricest.

  • @Jessvj93
    10 months ago

    This is the Illuminati? The “Man”? And this is how they’re going to go out? Exorcisms ordered by a closeted gay leader.

    Also lol:

    “HuffPost attempted to reach out to Satan to see if the fallen angel is involved with The Daily Beast in any capacity, but did not receive an immediate response”

    • Flying Squid
      610 months ago

      I’m picturing them clearing desks in an open-plan office and drawing a pentagram on the floor…

      • @Jessvj93
        410 months ago

        “Alright, we’ll pull straws on who has to kill the virgin lamb. Gather round.”

  • FuglyDuck
    2110 months ago

    I find it funny that they’re conflating a tabloid with The Beast (of the apocolypse).

    This is hilarious. Comedy gold.

  • peopleproblems
    1710 months ago

    Man, I don’t even know if nuts like this actually believe in evil spirits or they think it will convince others who do?

    Either way, I almost feel sorry for the employees still sticking their heads in the sand and staying there.

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        When your workplace stops dogwhistling Nazi shit and starts building Nazi stages, that’s when you stop being able to blame your circumstances.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      These are mixed nuts. Some of them genuinely believe Satan transes kids with gay-frog space-lazers. Others just say they do for power.

  • Meldroc
    1010 months ago

    So were people spinning their heads 360° in there?

  • YⓄ乙
    -1710 months ago

    Get rid of boomers. These people are fucked in the head. I got a boomer fired at my workplace. He was there for past 17 years and eventually started to think he owns the place. I put that lil baby boomer bitch to where he belongs , in a fucking retirement village. Fuck him!