• Dojan
    18911 months ago

    You can still have trees and plant life in low density housing. You don’t need green deserts everywhere.

        • @[email protected]
          2811 months ago

          We used to be a great nation… Invading… Murdering… Stealing… Imposing grass deserts… Now we have left the EU, are implementing government spyware and have no plans to make anything better…

          I don’t remember what my point was, but England is shit and I don’t want to be here anymore.

      • @Serinus
        -911 months ago

        I don’t know. They seem pretty natural in a lot of places.

        I didn’t plant my lawn. I don’t water it. It has just always been there.

        • @jj4211
          311 months ago

          Of course you probably mow and trim. So still pretty unnatural. Natural Flora tends to look better even without obsessive maintenance. A robot mower was critical for me to actually not mind having to have a grass lawn.

          Sucks for pollinators though…

          • @Serinus
            211 months ago

            We do keep a couple patches of wildflowers.

            • @jj4211
              411 months ago

              You just made my hoa froth at the mouth a little.

      • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
        4811 months ago

        Yup, tons more parking and tons more road space per capita as well. Low-density sprawl just needs a lot more stuff per capita.

        • @WhatAmLemmy
          3511 months ago

          They should pay a significant land tax instead of leeching off the high-density dwellers.

          • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
            11 months ago

            Funny you say that as I’m the creator and mod of [email protected]

            For others curious about land value taxes:

            A land value tax (LVT) is a levy on the value of land without regard to buildings, personal property and other improvements.[1] It is also known as a location value tax, a point valuation tax, a site valuation tax, split rate tax, or a site-value rating.

            Land value taxes are generally favored by economists as they do not cause economic inefficiency, and reduce inequality.[2] A land value tax is a progressive tax, in that the tax burden falls on land owners, because land ownership is correlated with wealth and income.[3][4] The land value tax has been referred to as “the perfect tax” and the economic efficiency of a land value tax has been accepted since the eighteenth century.[1][5][6]

            LVT’s efficiency has been observed in practice.[18] Fred Foldvary stated that LVT discourages speculative land holding because the tax reflects changes in land value (up and down), encouraging landowners to develop or sell vacant/underused plots in high demand. Foldvary claimed that LVT increases investment in dilapidated inner city areas because improvements don’t cause tax increases. This in turn reduces the incentive to build on remote sites and so reduces urban sprawl.[19] For example, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania’s LVT has operated since 1975. This policy was credited by mayor Stephen R. Reed with reducing the number of vacant downtown structures from around 4,200 in 1982 to fewer than 500.[20]

            LVT is arguably an ecotax because it discourages the waste of prime locations, which are a finite resource.[21][22][23] Many urban planners claim that LVT is an effective method to promote transit-oriented development.[24][25]

            Further, it can’t be passed on to tenants, both in economic theory and in observed practice, and even a milquetoast LVT – such as in the Australian Capital Territory – can have positive impacts:

            It reveals that much of the anticipated future tax obligations appear to have been already capitalised into lower land prices. Additionally, the tax transition may have also deterred speculative buyers from the housing market, adding even further to the recent pattern of low and stable property prices in the Territory. Because of the price effect of the land tax, a typical new home buyer in the Territory will save between $1,000 and $2,200 per year on mortgage repayments.

            • @Cryophilia
              211 months ago

              Sounds like it could have a lot of loopholes like any tax scheme but as long as those are addressed, this looks like a reasonable proposal.

              • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
                11 months ago

                That’s actually the beauty of LVT – the government already knows who owns what land (the landowner has the deed), and land can’t be hidden or offshored. You may try having shell companies, but the tax bill comes due regardless. The reason shell companies work for avoiding other taxes is because they can allow you to offshore your on-paper profits to tax havens. LVT doesn’t tax you on profits, so it doesn’t matter where the profits are on paper. Similar for income or sales taxes, income and sales can be done cash-only and hidden.

                • @Cryophilia
                  211 months ago

                  Off the top of my head I’m imagining the infinite loan scheme, but modified a bit, where the vast bulk of your wealth is in securities and then you “rent” a property from a company for like $1 a year. The company doesn’t pay its taxes, it goes bankrupt, a new company is created, and the process starts again. YOU never owe taxes, the COMPANY owes taxes and could get deductions on any number of bogus things and then worst case just declare bankruptcy and fold.

                  This could be addressed, but it’s similar to people saying Mac or Linux is immune to viruses. If they get popular enough, they’ll need antivirus software.

                  Similarly, no tax scheme is immune to loopholes, but as long as they’re addressed, it’s not a point against it.

                • @[email protected]
                  011 months ago

                  To somebody else’s point, how would this compare to the what single family home owners pay now?

                  Where I live we have about .09 acres of land our house sits on and we pay ~$3000/year.

            • @[email protected]
              210 months ago

              At least give some kind of mention to Henry George for being the magnificent bastard that came up with this. His history is fascinating and most people don’t know who he is because he pissed off all the major landowners (ivy league colleges) who blackballed even mention of his name.

              • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
                110 months ago

                A fellow georgist, I see! But yeah, the legacy section on his wikipedia page is absolutely insane, and yet I had never even heard of him before about 2 years ago (which of course led to me promptly becoming georgist). Not a whole lot of people learn about the guy and about georgism without swiftly becoming a georgist themselves lol.

          • @AA5B
            311 months ago

            Seems like a good way to get a lot of retired folk to lose their property over taxes, as land value rises above their means

            • @Cryophilia
              211 months ago

              Sounds like they should sell their house - which has netted them a nice profit - and downsize. Or do a reverse mortgage.

              • @[email protected]
                311 months ago

                And move where? Why have retired people (who are most likely on a fixed income and have paid off their home in some cases) to move from a home they’ve paid off to an apartment/living center with obscene monthly payments? Or introduce another ever rising tax on something they should have been able to age peacefully in without as much financial worry? That seems cruel. I’m no fan of boomers, but damn.

                I feel like best plan here would be to impose steeper taxes on second-plus properties. You can have your primary residence, but every home after that accrues a higher and higher tax. Especially on LLCs.

                • @Cryophilia
                  311 months ago

                  If tax goes up, it’s because the value of your asset has gone up. Either sell it or do a reverse mortgage. I have no pity for those profiting from the system, regardless of their age. Fuck you, Grandma, pay your taxes.

                  I feel like best plan here would be to impose steeper taxes on second-plus properties.

                  That’s definitely part of it, and more important than taxes on primary residence. But we should do both.

                • @AA5B
                  110 months ago

                  I feel like best plan here would be to impose steeper taxes on second-plus properties

                  I think we have that where I live, although after 20+ years of owning I still don’t really understand property taxes here.

                  Anyhow, the property tax has a basic definition but I believe you get a reduction in assessed value for primary residence. That effectively taxes second homes more

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              There won’t be any other taxes for them to pay, so they will have more purchasing power. Chances are, they’re still going to have the same place unless that retired guy decides to build a hotel or something on it.

      • Dojan
        211 months ago

        I don’t really care. As a lifelong apartment dweller; I hate people and want nothing to do with them. Get me a house far away from civilisation and I’ll be happy. Communal space, my arsehole.

        • @rexxit
          811 months ago

          This is the insanity of people who advocate for densified housing, IMO. I loathe apartments and attached dwellings. It’s like a dystopian future where you can’t own anything or have private space. If I never have to share a wall or floor with someone again, it will be too soon.

          • @Cryophilia
            511 months ago

            It’s like a dystopian future where you can’t own anything or have private space.

            That’s our dystopian, low-density present.

            • @rexxit
              411 months ago

              I’ve lived in 4 major cities including NYC, and several small cities. The small cities and green suburbs are light years better than the dense urban hellscapes, without exception. Apartment living is also universally awful. There’s nothing desirable to me about what you idealize.

              • @rambaroo
                411 months ago

                Don’t bother. The regulars on this sub are totally out of touch with reality and normal people.

                • @rexxit
                  211 months ago

                  I guess if I really wanted to scream at a wall, I’d make a c/fuck-fuckcars. These people are beyond help, but I hope they grow out of it so I don’t have to live in high density hell because infinite growth is just accepted as normal.

          • @[email protected]
            411 months ago

            Yeah, they’re welcome to go live in a box surrounded by crazy people - personally I’d rather be in a box six feel under than crammed in with them.

        • @[email protected]
          511 months ago

          In this case, the communal space is a forest far from housing. You can avoid people by walking alone through the forest.

          I think that’s a better experience than walking around your backyard

          • Dojan
            11 months ago

            I suppose since my country is very low population but very large I don’t really see the problem. Everyone could have a house here and we’d still have plenty of room to space.

            Sweden has a population of 10.5 million, ish, and an area of 447k square kilometres. Germany by contrast, has a population of around 80 million, and an area of 357k square kliometres.

            That said, I believe low density can work just fine. You don’t need highrises to improve population storage efficiency. Simple two-three story buildings work just fine too.

            You could also lower the population, something modern society is managing just fine right now anyway. I personally really don’t believe overpopulation is going to be a significant problem in the long run.

            • @[email protected]
              311 months ago

              Everyone could have a house here and we’d still have plenty of room to space.

              You may not run out of wildlands, but if everyone is in large enough houses, it becomes difficult to get to the wildlands (or anywhere else you need to go) without using a car. For various reasons, [email protected], is against designing cities around cars.

              That said, I believe low density can work just fine. You don’t need highrises to improve population storage efficiency. Simple two-three story buildings work just fine too

              I agree. The problem comes when you have large houses with big yards. If you instead have rowhouses, you have plenty of density to avoid car dependency (if the city is designed properly).

    • IWantToFuckSpez
      7911 months ago

      That’s only true if the apartment is a shitty American 5 over 1 stick building. In a modern concrete apartment with concrete internal walls you wouldn’t hear the neighbors.

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        Exactly. Here in Sweden if you live into a newly built apartement you are basically guranteed grade A sound isolation.

        Even older ones usually hold high quality because of renovations.

        • no banana
          -511 months ago

          deleted by creator

      • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
        3311 months ago

        You don’t even need concrete. I’m in a modern building made from mass timber construction, and it’s dead quiet inside my apartment – except for the hum of my AC and the sounds of my cat meowing whenever he wants attention.

        • DreamButt
          2011 months ago

          You’d think living in a building that was built in 2020 would be good enough. But here I am every night cursing my neighbors who stomp around at 11pm

          • @WhatAmLemmy
            3511 months ago

            Blame shitty government regulations and capitalism for shitty apartments.

            The minimum standard we should expect is that you can pound a punching bag at 3am without your neighbours hearing anything.

          • @Cryophilia
            1111 months ago

            100% we need better regulation

      • @theparadox
        11 months ago

        Well, I live in a America and can’t wait to get out of apartments. I’ve moved a lot in my life and have a lower middle class income. I’ve never found an apartment or condo where I didn’t have to deal with hearing neighbors yelling, stomping, talking outside my front door in the hallway, opening sliding doors, listening to music, etc. Only twice, when I lived with a friend in their house, did I feel like I had any peace or privacy.

        Sure, there would be lawns mowed and all that, but I’d take that over the things I’ve heard and worried about my neighbors having heard.

        If I could have real privacy in an apartment I could afford I’d continue to rent, assuming I don’t get priced out of the market completely at this rate.

        • @SCB
          1311 months ago

          The entire reason your prices out is that there aren’t enough apartments though.

          • @Cryophilia
            1611 months ago

            This is the shit that exhausts me about NIMBYs. They have cause and effect totally reversed and I don’t know how that myth got so ingrained.

            • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
              1211 months ago

              Exactly! We’ve gotten into this weird feedback loop where NIMBY policies like restrictive zoning and parking minimums and setback requirements have made there be a systemic shortage of housing in total, but particularly a shortage of dense, walkable housing near transit. This has warped the market such that large houses on large plots of land – which are objectively the luxury housing option – are cheaper than apartments or condos in a dense, walkable community near transit. This makes people think density = expensive, which makes people think we need to get rid of density for the sake of affordability, which just makes the shortage even more severe!

              Utter insanity

            • @theparadox
              211 months ago

              I’m sorry, did you just actually call me a NIMBY?

                • @theparadox
                  211 months ago

                  Can you elaborate? What about stating that I do not have the choice for noise isolated apartments demonstrates that I object to good, affordable apartments near me ?

          • @theparadox
            11 months ago

            So what should I do in my current situation so that my choices about where to live help to improve the overall situation regarding housing and land use?

            Note, my point isn’t Apartments Bad. My point is that my only choice is overpriced shitty apartments.

            • @SCB
              211 months ago

              Voting locally is the single most important thing anyone can do to fix the housing crisis. End single-family zoning in your area.

      • @rambaroo
        11 months ago

        Oh so you’re also going to rebuild all apartment buildings in the US now? Lol

      • @kier
        111 months ago

        I wish you were right

      • @[email protected]
        11 months ago

        We lived in a concrete apartment, couldn’t hear the neighbors in their apartments but could in the hallways, and smell everything too, could hear the cars revving outside, and had to put up with the weekly (if not more often) fire alarm at 2am which meant evacuating the building. And no space for anything, no hobbies that might generate noise. Also have to deal with STRATA, hope you didnt want to put anything on your balcony cause they didn’t want that, hope you can wait 12 months for the leaking ceiling to be fixed thats dripping and growing mould.

        Also it cost a fortune to heat or cool the place, we’re in a bigger place now that costs 1/2 as much to heat/cool

        • @[email protected]
          911 months ago

          Take it from someone who is autistic, highly introverted and has only lived in apartments in my adult life: you do not ever need to see or interact with your neighbors. It’s as optional as with a house. The most I see of my neighbors is that once every few weeks I might stand in the elevator with one of them for 15 seconds.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            you do not ever need to see or interact with your neighbors

            I’m not sure why you’re trying to tell me this. I’ve got my own experience living in apartments and having neighbours.

            • @jj4211
              211 months ago

              Yep, it’s a crapshoot depending on your neighbors. Back in my dense living days, things were pretty good, except when the drug dealer moved in next door…

              Same applies to some extend to suburban density, but even crappy neighbors are harder to notice… Except the house that does car tuning all the time with a priority on loud revving engines… Ugh…

            • @Juvyn00b
              111 months ago

              Yup. My prior experience with apartments - even single height apartments - is that either you’re going to annoy someone with sounds (had a neighbor that worked nights and hated every thing I did when I was home) or you’ll be annoyed with someone not being quiet when you personally need it.

              Hell I had a house with a neighbor who rented that liked to leave their dog tied up outside at 5pm barking incessantly. Not fun to come home from a day of work with a stressful commute to try to unwind.

              I love my quiet.

          • @rambaroo
            11 months ago

            The instant I step out my door I’m surrounded by people in an apartment. Sorry but nothing you said is true. I’ll never live in an apartment again.

    • @dual_sport_dork
      3911 months ago

      Ownership. You will not own your apartment, it will be owned by your landlord and you will pay him whatever he demands. You will not own the forest, either. The state will, or some private entity will. No trespassing.

      • @[email protected]
        3911 months ago

        You can still own and buy appartements in most places in the world. Then there are many forms of social housing.

        Rent to own is also a possibility but not seen in most countries.

        Seems your problem is not ownership but landlords.

        Some countries in Europe have the right to roam on any land. State owned and private owned. (Maybe more countries somewhere else have it to but I don’t know)

        It does not need to be so terrible. In some places it just is because of profits

        • @neatchee
          811 months ago

          Owning an apartment and owning land are wildly different. The housing structure alone is not the entirety of home ownership.

          • @Cryophilia
            1211 months ago

            Since we’re just talking hypotheticals anyway, let’s say in the second image the land is actually owned by the owners of the apartments, like a co-op.

            • @neatchee
              111 months ago

              That’s still not ownership. That’s co-ownership. I’m not free to do what I want with it, when I want.

              Same reason I hate HOAs

              • hypelightfly
                111 months ago

                I own my house and don’t have an HOA. Guess what?

                Still can’t do whatever I want with it when I want. Still need to get permits and follow local/state regulations.

                • @jj4211
                  611 months ago

                  But those regulations tend to be more sane.

                  Oh, you planted zoysia grass and maintain it well? That’s “inharmonious” , you need to tear that out and plant fescue.

                  You don’t have a maple tree of at least 8 feet in height in a particular spot in your yard? Inharmonious again, you need to buy a tree, can’t wait for a sapling to grow.

                  Your driveway has dirt on it? You must get it pressure washed.

                  You want to park your vehicle in your driveway? It better not have any branding from a company on it, or it better not be an older car or any pickup truck, those are too ugly for our precious neighborhood.

                  Regulations tend to be “don’t make fire hazards”, or “don’t block streets”, generally you can’t get a regulation on the books without an actual rationale behind it.

              • @Cryophilia
                011 months ago

                The vast majority of places where you own a house, you still can’t do whatever you want.

                • @jj4211
                  411 months ago

                  Whatever reasonable thing you want will tend to fly though. Versus HOA which often dictate crazy restrictions.

      • @firadin
        911 months ago

        Have you heard of a national or state park?

        • no banana
          011 months ago

          deleted by creator

      • RaivoKulli
        111 months ago

        You can own and apartment. And there’s right to roam.

        • @dual_sport_dork
          11 months ago

          There is no such thing as universal right to roam in the US. Likewise, apartment ownership (we call them “condos” when you can own one rather than rent) exists here, but by far is the minority option in multi-family housing. You can claim you want to buy a condo or apartment as much as you want, but that doesn’t do you any good when no one is selling. Units are built to be rented which is a recurring revenue stream, which big capital likes a lot more.

          The significant problem is not that nobody is whacking out slabs of apartment housing fast enough. The issue is that our underlying capitalist system is fucked, and a simple anti-car attitude is not going to fix that.

      • @captainlezbian
        111 months ago

        Yeah that’s my main concern. Also less space to store things like my bike.

        Then there’s the upstairs neighbors. Like I get that the kids are loud. But also could the kids stop throwing stuff at my bird feeder. And their upstairs neighbors flooded the dang place

    • @[email protected]
      1711 months ago

      Uh yes, the suburban tranquility of non-stop leaf blowing, lawn mowing, and pickup humming.

      Musics to my ears.

      • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
        11 months ago

        I live in an apartment with actual good sound-proofing. It’s almost dead silent inside except for the quiet hum of my AC. It’s legitimately so much quieter than my gf’s family’s house, where you constantly hear the rush of cars driving by on the street. Not to mention leafblowers and lawnmowers.

          • Neato
            111 months ago

            We need the insulation we saw in the Fight Club movie. The entire apartment blew out the window and everyone else was fine.

        • @[email protected]
          311 months ago

          You realize you are speaking from a very lucky position right? Everyone here agrees quiet apartments with clean facilities are pretty nice, but a large majority of apartment dwellers live in older, very noisy, very poorly managed facilities.

          It’s very fair to want the conversation on improving apartments, it is super important. But you.have to acknowledge that people’s response about their apartment history is informed from lived experience.

          • @[email protected]
            111 months ago

            It’s not luck. Things are built for a reason, the regulations and structures of society are designed, and it artificially dictate s what is built. Perhaps they live in a place where the regulations mean that sensible livable apartments are fairly abundant. Perhaps you don’t. That’s not luck, those places were designed that way.

              • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
                11 months ago

                I was born and raised in suburbia and only moved into where I am now. It is indeed partially luck that I had the capability and opportunity to move to a new city that has abundant apartments, missing middle housing, and a sane rental market. As a result of the abundance of apartments available, landlords have a credible threat of vacancy, and thus rents are lower, there are fewer restrictions (e.g., pet restrictions), and having decent sound insulation is common.

          • @Cryophilia
            -111 months ago

            I think the phrase “lived experience” should automatically disqualify someone from speaking about any topic. They’re just anecdotes, usually in contradiction to actual data.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago


              So for example the “lived experience” of black folks in the southern US in the 60s isn’t valuable I’m the discussion of racism in America? Of course it is. Their first hand experience (indeed anecdotal as you say) is meaningful.

              In the context of apartments, especially in America, millions of units are no where near the soundproofing or quality OP was describing. You could determine that by age of the buildings alone.

              Do you have sound dampening data for apartments across the country?

              Anecdotes are only problematic when they are purported as data. By definition someone relaying their lives experience suggests they are describing their individual life to you. It’s fine to want to move from anecdote to data, but when you talk about “disqualification” from discussion you’re just being a gatekeeper. There is no data rigor here, this is a message board about a meme.

              Lastly the person I responded to described THEIR lived experience (the quiet apartment they have) so that further insulates myself and others from any objective requirements to comment.

              • @Cryophilia
                211 months ago

                So for example the “lived experience” of black folks in the southern US in the 60s isn’t valuable I’m the discussion of racism in America?

                When their “lived experience” is “no, I’ve never seen any racism!” then no, it’s not really valuable, and it’s incredibly suspect to boot.

                It’s fine to want to move from anecdote to data

                Let’s just start with data. Anecdotes are supplementary. The way “lived experience” is usually used (and is used here) is to provide the primary support to an argument.

                • @[email protected]
                  111 months ago

                  Again you’re expecting a rigor beyond the venue of discussion, especially given that the person I replied to started with an anecdote as well.

                  If you have data on the soundproofedness of apartments across the US to contextualize the common consensus to the level you expect I would be happy to browse it.

                  Until then I’m comfortable believing anyone (as in the many commenters here) who say their apartment was loud. The several I lived in were as well so I have no reason to question it

        • ElleChaise
          -511 months ago

          You’re speaking from a privileged minority viewpoint, most people don’t report living that way in apartments. I’ve lived extensively in both apartments and suburban homes, suburbs have always provided more peace and quiet. For every day that’s been too loud due to lawn machines (a lot of suburbs it’s only once a month for context) I’ve had a dozen more with people partying, stomping, fighting, shouting, grudge starting, complaint making, roach infestation having, shitty corporate landlord owning ruined days in city apartments. And they all costed a lot more. I’m paying half what I would in a city apartment for my suburban townhome with a lawn, and a park, and pool, and walikg trails, conveniently nearby all amenities in my area.

          That’s the part y’all need to adopt to get people on your side by the way; assure people who like suburbs that your plan isn’t to tear down their existing environments for new ones. We’re scared shitless you’re all gonna try to force us into boxes, many of us will fight violently to oppose such action. Make it clear you’re talking only about NEW developments and I think most people will support your cause. I do in principle, but the selfish American in me isn’t about to give up my already existing paradise for your apartment block, especially when you provide no answers to the corporate landlord landscape we’re operating in. Those of us who have been alive long enough know these plans usually end in lost livelihoods and destroyed dreams, the true benefits only going to the upper echelon of the highest earning capitalists.

          • @Cryophilia
            1011 months ago

            Well that’s a plain ridiculous fear, you think government thugs are going to go door to door through the suburbs rounding up homeowners and forcing them into apartments?

            The idea is to build enough, at a high enough quality, and at a price point, where it’s more appealing to new buyers.

          • @[email protected]
            1011 months ago

            If they built more apartments, apartments with good sound proofing would be more common. I used to live in Taiwan, and every cheap apartment I lived in had excellent sound proofing.

            Once there is more competition in the apartment/condo market, quality will go up.

            • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
              1211 months ago

              Exactly. When there is a housing shortage, landlords and developers have no meaningful competition, therefore they can offer sub-par housing for too-high prices.

              Build more housing, make landlords sweat about vacancy, and you’ll see higher-quality units spring up like magic.

              My city, Montreal, for instance, has perhaps the most affordable and YIMBY housing market in a major North American city, and the result is rents are cheap (by big city in North America standards), quality of life is very high, and landlords have much less negotiating power. For example, I was able to negotiate my rent down before moving in, and it’s also quite rare to see all manner of onerous restrictions like pet bans in apartments here.

              When landlords have a credible fear of vacancy, they can’t afford to scare off prospective tenants with high rents, poor sound insulation, and pet bans.

        • blanketswithsmallpox
          11 months ago

          Rural neighbors. Even worse. Cowshit, ag runoff ruining our waterways, heavy machinery blocking streets, Trump flags inside every house and old boys racism everywhere the moment you’re ‘in’ with them.

          Instead of loud neighbors you have to deal with white trash family fights and drunk driving everywhere. Meanwhile everyone has a chip on their shoulder about city and suburban people ruining their world somehow yet they never participate in any of it lmfao.

          • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
            311 months ago

            You’re still too close if you can hear all that.

            And I rather like the smell of cow shit

          • @rambaroo
            11 months ago

            I never hear my neighbors in a rural area. This community is so blatantly full of shit it’s laughable. As if you don’t deal with white trash or drunk drivers anywhere else. Instead in an apartment the white trash are banging each other with the windows open and getting arrested at 3 am with 8 cop cars flashing their lights in the parking lot.

            No one listens to ideas from fuckcars-type people because they’re gaslighting lies that no one except other niche weirdos sympathizes with. Please do keep trying to tell rural people how much worse their situation is than living in an apartment. You don’t sound like a condescending jerk at all.

            You could have just admitted there are pros and cons to both but instead you go on this gaslighting crusade to try prove someone else’s lived experience wrong. Good luck with that approach, no one is listening to you except other weirdos.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Sure, I doubt there is anyone here against rural self-sustained living, it is probably one of the more eco-friendly and humane way of living.

          But once frequent car trip and road maintainance cames into equation, it might not be the most eco-friendly way any more. I understand not everyone cares about their fellow human being, but this is the point this post is trying to make.

          • LanternEverywhere
            11 months ago

            iirc, the further away you live from a city then the worse you impact the environment. Unless you’re literally a fully self-sustaining homesteader with no roads or utilities anywhere near you, then living in a city is basically always better for the environment.

            • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
              1611 months ago

              Turns out commuting by a gasoline-powered car on a sea of asphalt roads every day is bad for the planet. Who’d have thought?

            • @Cryophilia
              111 months ago

              That’s starting to change with solar power and EVs. I could see a small number of mostly off the grid homesteaders in a sustainable future. But they’d have to pay for the privilege

      • Semi-Hemi-Demigod
        911 months ago

        Suburbs are the worst of both worlds. Gimme a cave on the top of the mountain miles from anywhere, thanks.

      • Uranium3006
        811 months ago

        All the fun of overbearing neighbors telling you what you can or can’t do with all the inability to take the train anywhere

      • Fredsshilksirt
        511 months ago

        don’t forget the dudebros driving around blasting bass every 20min. I hope they all go deaf. peacocking morons.

        • @bustrpoindextr
          1011 months ago

          Yes, that doesn’t happen in cities at all.

        • @rambaroo
          211 months ago

          Cities are 100x worse for noise levels.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        It’d take it over the sound of the upstairs neighbor fucking his microwave while bowling at the same time

      • @[email protected]
        211 months ago

        I don’t know about that. I don’t live in America and I’ve never lived in suburbs. I have lived in flats (apartments) and in dense areas.

        • @[email protected]
          111 months ago

          I lived both in dense neighborhoods, rural neighborhoods, and suburbs. Trust me, the more things you give your neighbor to do, the more shenanigans they will make, especially in place where everyone is bored out of their mind.

          • @[email protected]
            211 months ago

            I don’t care how much they do, I care about how close they all are to me while they do it.

            • @[email protected]
              11 months ago

              What about going to your doorstep to tell you that you need to maintain a lawn? your door needs to be a certain color? Or you cannot park your car on your own property? Or you cannot park somewhere simply because "they have always parked there? Or deafening motor noise that can be heard a block away right across the road from you? leaf blower and lawn mower so loud that literally require the person to wear a head phone to operate safely, right next to your house?

              These are just a few things I have seen in the suburbs. Are these count as “close enough to you”?

                • @[email protected]
                  11 months ago

                  No, I have experience none of these in the cities, because a lot of time, there is no HOA, most places do not have lawns, and I dont need a car in the city.

                  Also there are in general lawn mowing and leaf blowing are much more moderate in city, because they know they are surrounded by people.

    • themeatbridge
      11 months ago

      This isn’t a particularly convincing analogy. Islands have limited space. The suburbs where I live border tons of open space and parks. Meanwhile, our school district is already overwhelmed with children, so converting commercial spaces into apartments will merely add to congestion and sprawl. NIMBY’s make a convincing argument against denser residential construction.

      A better focus would be the ability to simplify public transit and walkability. Town centers and public spaces could be more accessible with denser residential construction, and the additional green space can be closer to where you live without everyone needing their own half-acre yard to mow and water.

      • @[email protected]
        311 months ago

        This isn’t a particularly convincing analogy.

        I think you replied in the wrong place? I didn’t give an analogy.

        • themeatbridge
          211 months ago

          You’re right, I meant to reply to the OP. I agree with you. Still figuring out Lemmy, sorry.

      • @Cryophilia
        311 months ago

        The suburbs where I live border tons of open space and parks.

        Yeah but then they build more houses and destroy more of those open spaces to make room for more suburban sprawl

        • themeatbridge
          111 months ago

          Yep, Toll Bros buys a horse farm and makes half acre mcmansions. There are some big properties that have covenants that prevent it, and the zoning in my township won’t allow new subdivisions less than 2 acres, and we have some great municipal parks which will never be developed. But that means everything is spread out to make public transit untenable. You need a car to get to the nearest train station, and then you need a car when you get off the train at any stop outside of the city.

          There’s no one-size solution to combat sprawl. High density housing makes a lot of sense some places, and not so much in others.

    • @FederatedSaint
      211 months ago

      God I hate living in high density housing. Dogs yapping, bass and loud music booming, smelly, loud, animal poop and pee on every green/natural area, higher crime, more traffic, etc.

  • @[email protected]
    9911 months ago

    The issue is that all of those apartments are owned by one person getting filthy fucking rich from rent.

  • @[email protected]
    9211 months ago

    I spent seven years living in an apartment. I so enjoyed hearing the neighbors having sex, the thumping music they played, the smell of their cigarette smoke inside my apartment with all my windows closed, the random intrusions by management to repair something unrelated to my apartment, the random rent increases. Add this to the fact that I had no space for a work shop to make anything, and paying the equivalent of a mortgage with no equivalent home equity. Some people love apartment life, but it definitely was not for me.

  • @Skyrmir
    6311 months ago

    You know how computers were supposed to make life so easy we’d only have to work a few hours a week, and how that never happened.

    This is the same thing.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    What is going on in this comments section? Building dense is massively better for the environment than SFH, both in the construction phase and for the life of the units as far more residents can be served with less infrastructure sprawl. It also doesn’t mean that detached housing will suddenly stop existing if we let developers build densely packed housing. Doesn’t even need to be high rises, it can be townhomes, duplexes, five-over-ones, etc. You’ll still be able to get a white picket fence suburban home or a farmhouse on some acreage if you want. In fact, it will become cheaper because all the people who want to live in cities will actually be able to move there and not take up space in that low density area you want to live in.

  • @[email protected]
    4811 months ago

    Judging from the top rated comments, this post is surprisingly controversial for fuckcars.

  • The Menemen!
    11 months ago

    Make it 100 appartments in 3-4 times the space (in 4 smaller buildings with balconies, community gardens, shared spaces, picnic areas and so on) as a compromis and I am all in!

  • Izzy
    11 months ago

    But instead of a population of 100 with small houses you will get a population of 1000 because they built 10 apartment complexes. I think I’d prefer the small houses didn’t have lawns and left the nice trees and natural growth.

    • LanternEverywhere
      11 months ago

      The point is for any given population size, a city is a better way to house them. Though IMO this drawing makes the difference too stark. Personally i think the optimal is a medium-highish density city of separated buildings with nature interspersed, rather than a single super high density mega block building.

      • @Fried_out_KombiOPM
        1411 months ago

        Yeah, the image is really just for illustrative purposes. Imo, if we just abolish restrictive zoning codes and other land use restrictions that essentially mandate sprawl, then tax carbon appropriately and build good public transit, that would likely achieve the overall “optimal” outcome. No need for a mega-arcology, but no need for government-mandated car-dependent sprawl either.

    • @[email protected]
      1911 months ago

      And fuck the 900 poor people, they can live in the fucking sea where they won’t bother me.

      • Izzy
        -511 months ago

        It’s more like we wouldn’t birth 900 more people because the density of livable space doesn’t allow it.

          • Izzy
            111 months ago

            Agreed. They would just be birthed elsewhere. It has yet to be seen if we can hit a global population cap. It seems like it has to be reached eventually.

            • @[email protected]
              611 months ago

              There is a population cap but it’s societal, people have fewer children as they get more education and higher quality of life.

              Which is the solution that conservatives don’t want to acknowledge, if you think overpopulation is a problem then you solve it by making people not live in such abject misery that they need 6 kids to make sure enough of them survive to take care of their parents when they grow old.

        • @Cryophilia
          111 months ago

          That’s not how anything works

          • Izzy
            011 months ago

            We are in a hypothetical plot of tiny land that can be thought of as the entire world. If you have an argument to make based on this rather silly hypothetical world we are talking about then feel free to make it.

            • @Cryophilia
              211 months ago

              Chewbacca defense. Nice.

  • @[email protected]
    4211 months ago

    Name one good reason the average apartment experience could ever be better than living in a house.

    People live in apartments to afford shelter, you’d be hard-pressed to find one that actually likes it better.

    Sure you can make arguments about the concept of centralized feeling being better for nature, but no one actually wants to do it.

  • TheBlue22
    3911 months ago

    I live in an apartment. I want to live in a house.

    Cunt upstairs neighbour smoking cancer sticks on the balcony, making my room smell like shit when he does it, dumbass neighbour to my right who phones some other dumbass at 6 in the morning, screaming into his phone, waking me up. No garden, can’t have a cat or a dog.

    I don’t want to live in a suburb where I am forced to use a car, but you can live in a house and still be able to get anywhere you want without a car.

  • @[email protected]
    3911 months ago

    I won’t consider living in apartment buildings unless they have good soundproofing and proper open spaces. I don’t want to be cramped in with noisy neighbors and have no privacy.