• MushuChupacabra
    1471 year ago

    DeSantis says that he’ll be a direct threat to your health if elected.

    • squiblet
      291 year ago

      Or basically he’ll hold his finger to the wind and say whatever he thinks the hard-right fringe wants.

      • @hansl
        451 year ago

        People made excuses like that for Trump in 2016. Turns out he did exactly what he said he would. The country did a full Pikachu face.

        Believe DeSantis when he says stuff like this. And also consider his record in Florida doing exactly that.

        • squiblet
          51 year ago

          Sure, I don’t think he’s a secret liberal or something. Anyway by acting as anti-science and fascist as possible he’d be representing his constituents.

            • @dezmd
              1 year ago

              Oh we hate his ass in Florida, too. He’s a pretender with no friends, only favors owed for acting like a snowflake baby Hitler for the extermist and corrupt Republicans in the state congress.

  • @iBaz
    991 year ago

    He’s got absolutely no shot at being President, and every time he opens his mouth, support for him drops. Keep talking Ronny.

    • Chainweasel
      271 year ago

      I definitely don’t want him to win, but it would be nice if one of those assholes could actually pose a real threat to Trump’s almost inevitable nomination.
      If Trump had actual competition in the Republican primary the infighting would be so bad they’d literally tear the party apart.

      • @ShakeThatYam
        61 year ago

        For there to be actual competition the moderates would need to drop any remaining DeSantis support (which probably isn’t much) and unite under Haley (preferably) or Pence/Christie. Haley has been gaining some traction in NH so it could be possible but probably unlikely. Trump will more than likely run away with the nomination.

      • @Astroturfed
        21 year ago

        Probably wishful thinking. They all postured like that the first time. Then fell in line and kissed trumps ass. Remember all the horrible things he said about Cruz, his wife and father? Then Cruz shut up and sucked up to him the second he lost any hope of winning the primary.

        They’re all just souless horrible people. They just want money and power. I’m not sure if any of them believe most of what they say and they’ll kiss any ass that will help them win their next election.

    • @[email protected]
      181 year ago

      What if Trump is actually jailed and/or barred from running? Wouldn’t that make DeSatan the next best candidate? Even if just one state bars Trump from running, that should be enough to end his campaign and hand the nomination to DeSanctimonious. He’ll still lose the general election to Biden, but still.

      • @ShakeThatYam
        71 year ago

        It would probably be Ramaswamy. He’s ahead of DeSantis in many polls and essentially believes everything Trump does. Plus he has way more charisma than DeSantis.

        • @Ryantific_theory
          21 year ago

          Really? I kept seeing him get chewed on in news articles, but felt like he’d have instantly stolen second place from Desantis purely from mirroring Trump, if he were white and not named Ramaswamy. Haley too felt like she’d have been a standout, were she not a woman look for support from the GOP. Kept throwing me for a loop seeing the articles saying Desantis “won” the debate. It’ll be interesting to see what happens with the next primary debate.

          The aggregated polling at 538 still has Ramaswamy in third place at 7% and Haley right behind him at 5.5%, but given that Desantis has dropped all the way down to 14.2%, I wouldn’t be surprised if one or both of them pushed him out. Trump is still sitting at 55.3%, but he’s also skipping the next debate, so hopefully that can fade. Plus, you know, all the criminal lawsuits.

      • bobthened
        51 year ago

        It might, but luckily DeSantis is so unlikeable and has zero charisma, that the republicans would never win a presidential election with him as the candidate.

      • @[email protected]
        21 year ago

        If Trump is jailed, he wins the election. You can run for office from jail. If anything, it will improve his image among people likely to vote for him.

        If a Blue State bars Trump from running, that doesn’t matter, because he wasn’t going to win that state anyways.

        A Red State would never bar Trump from running, because it would be political suicide for any Republican to stand against Trump in such a way.

      • @HoustonHenry
        201 year ago

        And my belief in the average American drops

        • Lexi Sneptaur
          21 year ago

          There is a subset of republicans who don’t want another trump term, put some stock in desanctimonious, and now are basically giving up on the election

  • @Depress_Mode
    341 year ago

    Good thing we won’t have to worry about that

    • @DoctorTYVM
      261 year ago

      Latest polling has him below Chris Christie so…yeah lol who asked him?

        • Flying Squid
          111 year ago

          Yes. The good news is he’s bottoming out. The bad news is Vivek is doing well.

          • @frickineh
            101 year ago

            I think there are too many racists who won’t be willing to vote for Vivek in the primary when it comes down to it, though. He hasn’t even pulled a Nikki Haley and pretended to be white, and I know that bothers people. I’ve read some comments that are super gross but also positive(ish, racism is never positive, really) for anyone who opposes him for being a shitbag.

            • @CharlesDarwin
              71 year ago

              Right. In order for the grift that Vivek is trying to fully work, he has to be a white male cishet xtian. He does not check all of those identity politics boxes so it’s only going to work for a sliver of the GOP.

              • @Cabrio
                41 year ago

                Eh, I’m not so sure. Racists love an Uncle Tom.

  • @[email protected]
    1 year ago

    I don’t understand the party thought process: they seem to want as many births as possible, but they also seem to want as many deaths as possible. What does that get them?

    Edit: never mind, I figured it out. This is slave-owner mentality. You want/need lots of fresh new meat for the grinder, but then you want to be rid of them as soon as they are past their forced-labor prime.

    • BeautifulMind ♾️
      151 year ago

      This is slave-owner mentality

      It’s also religious-war/race war mentality.

      The ‘covid is fake/masks don’t work’ talking points were cast early on, when the data were mostly being reported in high-population-density areas. I suspect they decided the pandemic was a political opportunity, to let the virus kill off minorities and democrats in the cities for them.

      Of course, they’re stupid as hell in that they killed far more of their own voters than they did anyone else.

      • @scrawny_clown_snatch
        51 year ago

        It is entirely possible that the lopsided amount of covid related deaths among the conservative population actually skewed purple districts to blue in recent years. Stop this timeline I want to get off.

        • @Cabrio
          1 year ago

          We should remove warning labels for a year and absolutely decimate the Conservative voting base.

        • @jaybone
          21 year ago

          Considering the elderly were most at risk, this isn’t surprising.

    • @samus12345
      71 year ago

      They will say and do whatever they think will whip their cultists into a frenzy enough to vote and keep them in power. Whether or not it kills those same voters is irrelevant to them.

      There are some of them who are just idiot true believers, but they don’t tend to be the ones in high leadership positions.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        41 year ago

        Yeah, DeSADIST is one of those people that surely knows better. But he has to reverse virtue signal to the feces-flinging howler monkeys that make up his party, and they actually will believe whatever they are told to believe, as long as they think it will “own the libs”.

        • @samus12345
          31 year ago

          He’s actually a tricky one for me to call. He might be in the category of people who fell for their own bullshit.

    • @Astroturfed
      11 year ago

      At this point, it’d probably get better ratings. Especially if it was like a dangerous meth head with a knife.

  • mommykink
    1 year ago

    We should stop giving private corporations public funds anyway. Not that I think DeSantis would do it, but medicine and vaccines should 100% be funded, researched, and produced by public parties.

    Edit before my comment gets misunderstood: my comment is in no way a compliment to DeSantis or anti-vaccine in any way. Just against private companies being given tax dollars

  • @CharlesDarwin
    241 year ago

    Interesting. I remember when the True Conservatives ™ were telling me that donnie won’t be the selection for their party, but ronnie will. Because he’s so reasonable and all and donnie without the baggage.

    Wonder where all those people are right about now? They were saying they’ll never vote for the “Democrat (sic) Party”, because “too extreme”, “too woke”, etc, but will vote third party if donnie does win the primary, but otherwise, they wanted ronnie. Again, because of so many principles. LOL.

    • @Astroturfed
      21 year ago

      DeSantis has just become trump as a politician. Playing to the same depraved racist, anti science base for votes. I’ve been more afraid of him getting elected than Trump for 4+ years because he’s not quiet as braindead and knows how to do a little bit of politicing to get some shit done.

      Trump was a useful idiot. DeSantis would probably get more horrific shit done than he would…

  • @Cold_Brew_Enema
    181 year ago

    Lol real great talk there, moron. Trashing the CDC is definitely and saying not to trust science is definitely something I want in a president.

  • @ohlaph
    141 year ago

    What an absolute skid mark.

  • @havokdj
    131 year ago

    Why in the fuck would ANYONE vote for this guy?

  • Ertebolle
    121 year ago

    Meanwhile, he’s polling 5th in New Hampshire and even fellow Republicans consider his campaign an embarrassment, so spewing dingbat contrarian shit like this is basically all he has left.

  • @CharlesDarwin
    111 year ago

    More reverse virtue signaling from the party where cruelty is the point.

    • @Dethedrus
      21 year ago

      Vice signaling. Such a truly bizarre component of the GQP.