• Queen HawlSera
            9 months ago

            What I would like people to understand is that there is a difference between new atheism and Atheism. The latter is perfectly acceptable and is merely the state of disbelief in God, the former is being an obnoxious prick who makes disbelieving in “Sky Daddy” their only personality trait and finding contradictions in the bible while ignoring things like Allegory, Historical Context, and not taking into account alternative translation their only Hobby.

            It’s the difference between me who might go to church just to have an excuse to get out of the house on a Sunday morning if at all what is more likely to just sleep in or play Mega Man Battle Network and the cheeto-dust covered incel who blames the existence of celibacy for how dry their dick is.

            Remember that time when a guy at an atheist conference sexually assaulted a woman in an elevator, and Richard Dawkins just blamed her for not being grateful because “a Moose Lamb would have done worse!”

            Or that time when he claimed because we are just our bodies and Souls can’t possibly exist, that trans people are obviously just the gender version of blackface?

            I’d say there isn’t a single member of the Four Horsemen of new atheism who hasn’t made a clown out of themselves, and I would be completely correct. Anyone who has ever seen a proper debunking Christopher Hitchens’ Hell’s Angel… a book where he claims that that which can be submitted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence, while ironically making several basis claims about Mother Teresa and using fake quote attributed to Thomas Aquinas who wasn’t even alive at the same time as Mother Teresa…

            Will tell you that Christopher Hitchens is not free from embarrassment just because he happened to die sooner than the others.

            So what new atheist speaker do I recommend? Well none of them really. most of them have ties to the far right, Sam Harris and Jordan Peterson might as well be connected the hip.

            Instead of going out to find arguments from people who think they are so smart because they noticed that there is no God, ( you know something that is as easy to figure out as wondering why abuse children don’t get assigned guardian angels or the fact that people who pray for healing never seem to regrow limbs or anything else that should literally be possible without a miracle) just do what science would do, simply ignore claims that require evidence but don’t have any.

            I wish there was a god, I feel like the world needs magic and mystery, but there isn’t an ounce of it to be found.

            Edit: I’m being downvoted eh? So the Reddit Atheists have jumped ship

            • @[email protected]
              79 months ago

              I wish there was a god, I feel like the world needs magic and mystery, but there isn’t an ounce of it to be found.

              Dude, have you even looked at the universe. It’s fucking amazing. Why would you want to cheapen it with magic? That’s just sad.

              • Queen HawlSera
                -49 months ago

                Because my friends are dead and in a universe with Magic, I actually get to see them again.

  • @moistclump
    9 months ago

    It’s one of the weird cognitive dissonances that I grew up with from the Christian church as a kid. They would say these things so casually, but then refuse to talk about sex or bodies. It’s just… bizarre. And took some unpacking and unlearning to get to a healthy place about bodies.

    Why is body related violence so casually referred to, even in children’s books, but then they try to breeze past the weird sex stories in there at the same time.

    It was just… weird. It’s still weird. I can’t help but shake my head and thank my lucky stars I got out of there when I did, right at the beginning of adulthood.

    • @PunnyName
      9 months ago

      Same reason that jokes about prison rape is acceptable to virtually everyone: it’s happening to someone who “deserves” it.

      Pretty fucked up.

    • @TheHotze
      219 months ago

      I always thought it was weird that they temporarily cut the skin off of their forehead until I was nineteen and wondered why I had a line on my genitals where the color suddenly changed. Turns out I had been circumcized as an infant.

    • @[email protected]
      169 months ago

      Sorta like how everybody in America is totally fine showing kids movies where the characters violently fight and die, but God forbid they see a bare breast (like they fed on as babies).

      • @PainInTheAES
        99 months ago

        Oh pls I suckled on the teat of the milk gun like all good Americans

        • credit crazy
          49 months ago

          Just trying to visualize a milk gun is it a water gun filled with milk or a normal gun that has tits that lactate

          • @PainInTheAES
            69 months ago

            Wouldn’t you like to know librul. You’ll never take my milk guns away!

      • Queen HawlSera
        59 months ago

        And God forbid that there be any implication that anyone is gay, or else we’re going to have to illegally sanction Disney again.

      • @dangblingus
        -59 months ago

        I guess the nature of seeing breasts in movies is sexual/male gazey, and therefore not super appropriate for children. But yes, neither is extreme violence.

    • @dangblingus
      99 months ago

      It’s cognitive dissonance because we live in 2023 and not in biblical times. The bible is a collection of stories, written by mortal men, that seek to justify certain behaviors as “sanctioned by God”. Like, why the fuck would we need to teach children about murdering hundreds of people for their dick skin? Or teach children that rape is okay as long as you marry your victim? It’s because people did this shit and wanted to get away with it. The OT is literally “rules for thee and not for me”.

    • Queen HawlSera
      59 months ago

      It is more of an American phenomenon than a religious one. We’re definitely a culture of “Spit in my face all you want, but don’t you dare walk on the grass.”

      It is a community where children can straight up watch the most brutal horror movies of all time as long as there isn’t too much swearing or gayness.

    • @kromem
      549 months ago
      1. This was actually a pretty standard way of recording the number killed in battle. You can see in the Libyan War inscriptions for Merneptah discussion of how they took wheelbarrows of dicks of the uncircumcised, and the more unusual part is the mention of taking the hands instead from the sea peoples who were “without horns” (generally understood to have meant they were without foreskins).

      2. It’s good to be the king.

      3. Always be hustling.

        • @kromem
          149 months ago

          I dunno. I used to look at a town in France where the neighbors came in, pillaged, raped, and killed such that bodies were left dismembered for ages as this little microcosm example of how far the world had come from the senseless barbarism of antiquity.

          But literally just a few days ago we had mass killings, rapes, and dismemberment from one group going in and attacking their neighbors as brutally as they could. And that was on top of having already been rather upset after reading just months before about Russians torturing POWs by feeding barb wire up their rectums to slowly pull it out.

          We still seem to be doing our best to be as fucked up as possible.

          It’s just that the parts of society that aren’t fucked up have arguably come a much longer way than the parts of society not fucked up in antiquity. Which is pretty much the only bright side I can see anymore.

          • @workerONE
            39 months ago

            I think the parts of society that you are referring to that aren’t fucked up have just been able to distance themselves from reality- the upper middle class has the luxury of being unaware of everyday struggles and they seldom have opinions other than those shared by those who hold power. The Russians you refer to are terrible people but they’ve been indoctrinated with garbage. My point is that many people’s circumstances are just that- circumstances.

    • @Mamertine
      129 months ago
      1. researchers use foreskins to test new cosmetics on.
      2. if you are in the cosmetic industry you’d want a good foreskin supplier.
      • @Chunk
        79 months ago

        This is true. I used to work at a foreskin medical supply company. We would do massive shipments to various cosmetology companies, schools, and some hospitals.

      • Bizarroland
        9 months ago

        This feels like the lead in to Ben Stiller saying, but why male models?

    • @[email protected]
      89 months ago

      To be fair, it says he killed 200 philistines, not that he collected 200 foreskins.

      So half of them were probably women, and he was just disappointed with the droprate like a bad MMO quest.

      • credit crazy
        59 months ago

        Man this quest is just a oddly sexual quest that is just a thinly vailed grind quest but hey at least the xp gained is good

    • @NocturnalMorning
      49 months ago

      The quote from the new international version says he wanted revenge on his enemies. So it was just a revenge thing according to that passage.

    • @[email protected]
      9 months ago

      The other guy is David. King Saul would get super jelly of how popular David was getting (with all the foreskin collecting, I guess) and would eventually go on a murderous hunt for David and his men.

      Also, Saul had a son, Johnathan. David and Johnathan have a lot of “no homo” moments.

      First and Second Samuel and First and Second Kings. They’re a trip.

  • @Son_of_dad
    639 months ago

    I wonder if this book has the one about the dad who gets drunk with his two daughters and fucks them

    • @moistclump
      869 months ago

      The two daughters who PURPOSEFULLY get their dad drunk and then have sex with him so that they get pregnant. If I recall correctly. Which I hope I do not.

      • @captainlezbian
        639 months ago

        Yeah the daughters are the rapists in that story. Unlike the other one where the father hands over his daughters to be raped

        • @[email protected]
          99 months ago

          Also, he realized what was happening and pulled out, spilling his seed on the ground and so God punished him for not inseminating his daughters

          • @testfactor
            229 months ago

            That’s a different dude. Onan.

            Lot didn’t pull out and the daughters got pregnant.

          • Clay_pidgin
            89 months ago

            No, in the other story some angels visited a guy, and they were so pretty that the townspeople wanted to duck them. He gave the mob his daughters to be raped instead of the angels.

            The book is messed up.

            • chaogomu
              209 months ago

              Yes, Lot was that guy.

              He offered up his “virgin daughters” but the crowd wanted some of that sweet angel man meat instead. Lot, was a resident of Sodom.

              The crowd of men wanting to fuck a male angel rather than Lot’s daughters is why Sodomy was named such. Note that that wasn’t the crime that doomed Sodom and Gomorrah. That was Abraham (Lot’s Uncle) deciding that both cities were wicked.

              Lot and two of his daughters fled the city, his wife didn’t make it on account of being turned into a pillar of salt for the crime of looking back at the city being destroyed.

              Then his daughters suddenly decided that their grieving father should have a male heir and that they have to provide, seeing as how their mother was dead.

              The resulting sons would then go on to found the kingdoms of Moab and Ammon. (in what’s now modern day Jordan).

              The bible has some fucked up shit.

              • @kolfen
                79 months ago

                It just seems like 2000 year old porn fetish fan fiction

              • Clay_pidgin
                79 months ago

                I didn’t realize all of those were the same person. And they say god loves his children!

              • @AnalogyAddict
                19 months ago

                There’s a non-zero chance it’s propaganda to justify the later genocides.

            • @[email protected]
              79 months ago

              It’s the same story in that it’s the same guy at different parts of the story. Lot showed his hospitality for the strangers (angels) from the mob by offering his daughters (they didn’t take him up on the offer), and his family was spared from the destruction of the city. Then later his daughters were worried their lineage would end (their mother had been turned into a pillar of salt) so when they were hiding out in a cave with their dad they got him drunk two separate nights to each have a chance to rape and impregnate themselves with him.

          • @sock
            59 months ago

            thats just a classic bait and switch

      • Blue
        9 months ago

        You know, I always have been suspicious of that history, I mean he was so “drunk” that he didn’t know what happened?, but have you ever tried having sex drunk? Shit is impossible!, why do you think the term whiskey dick exist?

        So I’m suspicious of this Lot “I want to fuck my daughters and I will use the most flimsy excuse in this bronze era shithole” of Haram

    • Flying Squid
      89 months ago

      Honestly, that seems low. I used to collect foreskins when I was a kid and I had twice that many. I bet his weren’t even autographed.

      • @SkyezOpen
        79 months ago

        Still not nearly enough foreskin for a proper coat. You have to make it longer than usual because it tends to shrink in cold weather.

        • Flying Squid
          49 months ago

          I was thinking a wallet, but if you rub it, it turns into a suitcase.

  • @captainlezbian
    359 months ago

    Gotta love corpse genital mutilation to be awarded a human being

  • Subverb
    309 months ago

    No fewer than*

    • Flying Squid
      259 months ago

      I can accept children being taught about collecting foreskins, but I will not abide poor grammar!

    • @dangblingus
      289 months ago

      would you have given yours up freely?

    • @xantoxis
      209 months ago

      In a sense, he didn’t! In fact the context of the story is that they couldn’t be converted (which is why they still had foreskins), and had he successfully converted them, they would have given up their foreskins as part of the process. But since they refused to convert, he “converted” them anyway. Either way, a W for daddy king over there, and also a partial genocide for David. The guy really fell off after the thing with the giant.

    • @RagingRobot
      99 months ago

      I don’t think asking nicely would work

  • @[email protected]
    9 months ago

    This seems like the kind of book to finally have an appropriate number of animal and human corpses bobbing around in the water around Noah’s ark. Such a great story to decorate baby’s bedroom with!

  • Queen HawlSera
    239 months ago

    Awarded the princess, that is some very disconcerting and objectifying wording

    • XIIIesq
      159 months ago

      Women used to be considered chattel.

      Are you suggesting we rewrite the bible? Surely god would be PC if he wanted to be.

        • XIIIesq
          9 months ago

          I’m just surprised that you’ve apparently only just learnt that historically, daughters were used as bargaining chips by their fathers and wives seen as property of their husbands.

          It’s only really over the last hundred years or so that women have been on the path to equality. There are still many places in the world where women are very far from being considered equal to a man.

          King David is estimated to have lived about three thousand years ago, so stories about him would be very unlikely to include equality or political correctness that are by comparison extremely modern ideas.

          • @[email protected]
            29 months ago

            Dude I’m sure you’re very smart. You don’t have to prove it to random women that you deem to have inferior female minds.

            She was clearly criticizing the bible for its misogyny, not advocating we rewrite it. You even had a good chance to reread and realize this from the reply to your original comment. Surely a man as clever and well-read as you could see this!

  • @AnalogyAddict
    139 months ago

    Does it have the one where the guy chopped up his dead concubine and sent pieces to the tribes of Israel, who then wipe out the tribe of Benjamin and made men marry the women so the tribe wouldn’t be gone?

  • @MrJameGumb
    9 months ago

    For going above and beyond in his foreskin collection duties, King Saul rewarded David not only with his daughters hand in marriage, but also with no less than 500 chopped up hot dog weiners! David was so overcome with gratitude that he tripped and spilled them all over the floor, and everyone in the throne room awkwardly pretended not to notice as he scooped them up off the dirty ground… for to waste the Kings Weiners was considered an insult punishable by death

  • @dangblingus
    119 months ago

    The context being that Saul thought David would be killed by the Philistines, because he didn’t want David to marry any of his daughters and thought David was poor.