• @BigBlackCockroach
    14411 months ago

    billions would be alive if 2016 wasn’t rigged.

    lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up!

    • @Buffalox
      11 months ago

      Lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up! lock him up!

        • Flying SquidOP
          3911 months ago

          Constitutionally rigged because we have an undemocratic Electoral College system which ignores the will of the people.

          • ares35
            11 months ago

            the ‘wyoming rule’, which would increase the size of house by decreasing the size of each house district in every state to the population of the smallest state’s single district–and by doing so, increase the number of electoral college votes accordingly… would not have affected any presidential election, except in some scenarios, 2000–which was ultimately decided by a republican-majority scotus. because when you add house seats to big ‘blue’ states, you also give them to big ‘red’ ones. you’d have to go straight popular vote instead…

        • TechyDad
          2711 months ago

          Which is why Trump claims that Hillary managed to sneak 3 million illegal immigrants into polling places to vote.

          His evidence? “I should have the most votes! If I didn’t, she must have cheated!!!”

          Quite frankly, if Hillary did this and had the 3 million illegal immigrants vote in safe blue California instead of in swing states, she deserved to lose. At the same time, if she was coordinated enough to get 3 million illegal immigrants to vote without leaving any evidence, perhaps she would have been an extremely efficient President. (Of course, the reality is that this is all just Donny’s Narcissistic Fever Dream.)

          • Tarquinn2049
            1311 months ago

            It kind of sucks that 5 seconds of rational thinking is all it takes to completely unravel any of Trumps lies, he can be discredited in real-time his lies are so easy to debunk. It sucks because that is apparently still not a low enough barrier…

          • RubberStuntBaby
            1011 months ago

            He’s so bad at it that his accusations manage to both lack any evidence or make any sense. It boggles my mind that he’s still popular enough to make his reelection plausible.

            • @BigBlackCockroach
              711 months ago

              He speaks to a gutfeeling and emotion. Think of him more as a religious cult leader rather than a politician.

  • @Buffalox
    11 months ago

    I hope that guy is going to jail soon, it’s tiring hearing his insane ramblings every day.
    2 false statements in 9 words. I bet it isn’t even a record for him.

    • @cmbabul
      2911 months ago

      I don’t know if him suffering a stroke next October would be good or bad for the planet. He doesn’t deserve an exit without paying his debt to humanity but I’d take it if it means we can right this ship, not sure if that’s on the table though

      • Flying SquidOP
        3611 months ago

        People like him rarely face justice. I’d be content if he had a stroke. Although I admit I’d be more content if, “his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain” as Douglas Adams once said of one of the universe’s worst poets.

        • TechyDad
          1311 months ago

          “… And that, children, is why there’s a statue dedicated to Donald Trump’s major intestine!”

      • @[email protected]
        611 months ago

        A stroke doesn’t always kill you. Sometimes it locks you into a paralysis state. I’m pretty sure Trump doesn’t have any kind of DNR order, so there’s always hope for cosmic justice.

  • @SkabySkalywag
    6511 months ago

    You unmitigated POS for insulting on all those that died on your watch, you cancerous dog anus of human being.

  • @just_another_person
    5511 months ago

    He just…keeps going. I don’t fucking get it. He’s about to go to jail for this shit, and he will not just STFU.

    • @[email protected]
      1711 months ago

      He can’t. At this point he’s either going to win it he’s going down. There is no way out, so he just has to keep going. The depressing thing is that he still has a shot at winning despite everything.

  • @oDDmON
    2911 months ago

    “And yes, I am the only one that will prevent World War 3 — because we are very close to World War 3.”

    Peddle that FEAR Donnie, lean into it.

    • Flying SquidOP
      3011 months ago

      I like how the guy who once suggested we nuke a hurricane is the one saying he’ll prevent World War 3.

  • @[email protected]
    2511 months ago

    Textbook being backed into a corner behavior. He lays it on thick because he knows his supporters are his only hope at avoiding jail, and worse. Either through a 2024 win or violent uprising.

    • @Buffalox
      11 months ago

      He lays it on thick

      This is way beyond just laying it on thick. Laying it on thick is exaggerating something, this is outright delusional lies.

    • Bipta
      111 months ago

      NYT poll suggests he’s likely to win most battleground states. It’s actually us that appear backed into a corner if the poll holds water.

      • Jaysyn
        611 months ago

        Polls haven’t been “holding water” since Roe vs. Wade was overturned.

  • @[email protected]
    11 months ago

    " Sleepy Joe and the crocked Liberal judges back by Hillary tried to stop me but I won. You know the Jews, they love me! Net and yahoo calls me and says thank you Mr. President. THEY LOVE ME! I would stop Hamas just like I did with China."

  • @cabron_offsets
    11 months ago

    Feck off. Can’t wait to see this traitor cunt in bracelets and an orange jumpsuit. Bald and pallid.

  • snownyte
    11 months ago

    350,831 Americans died from Covid in 2020 because of your neglect, you murderous fuck. And additionally, from the times you’ve told them to drink bleach. And from the times they believed from your psychotic influence, to take things that treats worms in horses.

    You make it sound like 2020 was the 9/11 after 2019. The only problem with that, is that we didn’t have a terrorist event, we had a pandemic. A pandemic you horribly mishandled even when given the instructions from Obama (which in no doubt you discarded because it was from someone better than you). And all you cared about the most, was for everyone to see your signature on all of those letters from all of those stimulus checks that took months of debates while thousands still died under your watch as you did so.

    You’re not a savior, asshole.

    • TechyDad
      3111 months ago

      And remember Trump’s “solution” to COVID (beyond “don’t mask,” “inject bleach,” and “take horse dewormer”) was “just don’t test for it.” He was adamant that the only reason COVID rates were high was because we were testing for it - completely ignoring that we could have theoretically tested everyone in America in 2018 and came up negative. It wasn’t the fact that we were testing more, it was the fact that more people were infected.

      Trump’s advice was essentially “let’s stick our heads in the ground, ignore COVID, and it’ll all go away.”

      He has blood on his hands from anyone that listened to his advice, ignored COVID, got infected, and died as a result.

  • @dhork
    1311 months ago

    Yup, he’s going back to that old standby, and blaming it all on those Riggers…

    • TechyDad
      911 months ago

      And you just know that he wants to say that word starting with an N instead of an R.

    • @Kbobabob
      811 months ago

      I believe it was RIGGERS

  • pingveno
    1311 months ago

    “I could solve the Ukraine-Russia war! All I need to do is force Ukraine to cede any territory that Russia claims, even if Russia doesn’t occupy it. Putin surely will not come back for more after that!”