Having removed metadata and with nothing recognizable in the pic.

  • Baron Von J
    8711 months ago

    That’s a decision you have to make along with your partner(s).

    • Jay
      5411 months ago

      That’s my take. If your partner is aware and doesn’t mind there’s nothing wrong with it. If you’re doing it behind their back, that’s a big issue, in more ways than one.

  • Ada
    8011 months ago

    Cheating is when you do something that betrays your partners trust.

    I couldn’t care less if my partners post nudes, anonymous or otherwise, so it wouldn’t be cheating for me.

    Other people feel differently, and so it could be cheating for them.

    • Kaity A
      811 months ago

      I also agree.

      While I couldn’t care less (it’s their body and bodily autonomy is super important to me), I’d be a little hurt if they didn’t tell me about it.

      In that case I’d be more interested in talking to my partner to try and understand why they felt that they couldn’t talk to me about it and needed to keep it a secret.

    • @[email protected]
      -1711 months ago

      I don’t think that’s true. Its not cheating if you steal a bunch of money from your partner’s bank account by pretending to fall for a scam and hiding the money in some swiss account.

      It’s a fucked up thing to do, but it’s not “cheating on your partner”.

      • @OneLemmyMan
        1011 months ago

        maybe look up the definition of cheating

      • @[email protected]
        411 months ago

        Agreed. Cheating in a relationship does not have the same definition as cheating in other contexts.

        Infidelity (synonyms include cheating, straying, adultery, being unfaithful, two-timing, or having an affair) is a violation of a couple’s emotional and/or sexual exclusivity that commonly results in feelings of anger, sexual jealousy, and rivalry.


  • livus
    11 months ago

    I think what’s important here is discussing it with your partner because it is a form of sex work.

    That’s absolutely your decision and your right, it’s your body - but your partner should get to choose whether they want to date someone who is doing that.

    Having removed metadata and with nothing recognizable in the pic.

    Not really relevant, that’s like saying ordinary cheating isn’t cheating if you wear a good disguise.

    • @GenesisJones
      211 months ago

      Oooo I think the analogy is a Little off. Just because of the way I interpreted why they said that in the first place.

      I think it was said because they are expressing that the nudes are as impersonal as possible, not to say look I deidentified myself. In my case (if I’m right, maybe I’m not) it’s a good faith argument to say see, I’m not trying to connect with someone I’m trying to have a business transaction, so comparing it to what wearing a disguise accomplishes in cheating isnt accurate.

      Again, that’s only based on my interpretation of why op added that bit

    • WalrusDragonOnABike
      -1511 months ago

      Someone is free to only date people who don’t do office work, but its their job to communicate that requirement and what they’d consider crossing that line. You shouldn’t be expected to consult your partner before filling out some paperwork at work and there shouldn’t be some societal-wide expectation that you would inform them of the work.

      • Nepenthe
        11 months ago

        When I get deeply emotionally attached to my data analyst, I might care if they’re moonlighting on the side. Sex, work or not, is still an emotional topic for most of the human race and it’s not new knowledge to anyone.

        Enough that it would not naturally occur to me that “please do not engage in prostitution while we’re together” needs to be said out loud. I will casually ask if you’re monogamous and if you say yes, that’s how monogamy works.

        Even aside from that, yeah, tbh, I would consider it good form to let your partner know you’re considering a new job regardless, just so they generally know what’s going on. If you have to hide it, maybe something is wrong.

        • WalrusDragonOnABike
          111 months ago

          Selling a photo isn’t really prostitution in the way people usually use it. No physical contact, no risk of STDs, no commitment to anons purchasing, it doesn’t count.

          If you put a lot of time into it or doing it more long-term or they’re expecting you to be somewhere and you’re gonna be late, sure. If it’s a one-time thing that takes a very short amount of time, it’s insignificant enough to not matter whether or not you mention it. That’s not hiding anything more than not telling them you tied your shoes that day is hiding something.

      • livus
        1211 months ago

        I personally would not date someone who is employed by the US military.

        If a partner hid that from me, it would be a breach of trust.

      • Ada
        711 months ago

        If you’re in a relationship with someone that cares that deeply about office work, and you don’t have the first inkling that they do, you have significant communication problems that need to be addressed.

        More realistically, you’d know enough about your partner to know that it might be an issue for them, in which case, not knowing what their boundaries are, but knowing you’re at risk of crossing them, you’d communicate with them.

  • Call me Lenny/Leni
    4711 months ago

    Whether something, anything, is considered “cheating”, is based on whatever the two people in a relationship agree shall be considered cheating. It’s their relationship, their rules. An oral contract (pun intended).

  • Scrubbles
    3311 months ago

    If you have enough thoughts wondering if it is wrong, it probably is. Communication is key in a relationship. If they are cool with it, then do your thing. If you’re too afraid to tell them then you already know the answer.

  • @TheBananaKing
    2711 months ago

    I’m poly; I don’t have a personal definition of cheating in that context. My partner is a grown-up and can do what she wants; I can barely see how that’s even my business, let alone my problem.

    But if you pretend to follow a given set of rules, while actually secretly breaking them - that’s pretty much the definition of cheating in any context.

    If your partner would be not-OK with some activity, but you want to do it, then you either do it anyway and face the conflict head on, or you don’t do it at all.

    Selling nudes specifically - some would care a lot, some would be fine with it, and the only way to know is to ask. But sneaking around because you assume it’d be a dealbreaker if they found out - no bueno. No bueno at all.

    • @[email protected]
      411 months ago

      This. Cheating isn’t any one specific thing, it’s a breach of trust. If you know your partner wouldn’t like it don’t do it. If you’re not sure, ask. If you don’t want to ask, then yeah it’s probably cheating.

  • Shalakushka
    2211 months ago

    It’s cheating and the fact that you are asking shows you know it is.

    • @OneOrTheOtherDontAskMe
      1711 months ago

      I think the fact they’re asking shows they’re not sure.

      But also, one should be sure what your partner constitutes as cheating before engaging in said action, yeah.

      My wife and I do not see the selling of nudes as cheating (unless non-consent to the nudes or the distribution, then it’s a lot of levels of gross) but others might disagree.

    • @Synthead
      1511 months ago

      Yep, you’re asking everyone except the right person, here. Ask your partner. If you’re afraid to ask your partner, then assume it’s cheating until you do.

  • KᑌᔕᕼIᗩ
    1511 months ago

    Nah not cheating but definitely something that should be discussed in a relationship.

  • Tier 1 Build-A-Bear 🧸
    1211 months ago

    If your partner knows about it and is ok with it? No. In any other context? Yes.

    If you’re keeping this from your partner, the fact that it’s not recognizable/traceable doesn’t make it better, it just means you know what you’re doing is wrong and you’re taking steps not to get caught.

    If you’re serious about this question, you should not be in a relationship. Regardless of whether it was you or your partner doing it, if it was hidden from the other person, it’s cheating.

  • @foggy
    1111 months ago

    No but everyone’s definition of cheating is different. If I found out, I’d ask that my partner communicate that she’s doing it, maybe include me in some way, like taking the pictures.

  • @carl_dungeon
    1111 months ago

    I don’t think so, but having partner buy-in is def important. Actors that do sex scenes or models that take nude photos/videos aren’t generally considered cheaters for doing so, but doing it in secret might be a breach of trust.

    • Bizarroland
      511 months ago

      Yeah, if your partner did it behind your back for whatever reason and you found out about it I would say that that is an offense worthy of possibly ending the relationship over.

      I wouldn’t call it cheating, but I would call it a breach of the trust in the relationship.

      If my girlfriend didn’t trust me enough to tell me that she’s wanting to do that then what else is she going to keep from me?

      Maybe I’m not the right person for her if she feels like she can’t tell that to me.