• @Riccosuave
    7211 months ago

    Alabama police shoot, kill MURDER 16-year-old during pre-dawn raid over ALLEGED drug paraphernalia and marijuana possession having some dried plants.

    FTFY…Also, fuck this fucking country.

      • @MrFappy
        2611 months ago

        You don’t think that the offending officer was sporting wood on the convoy to the raid location thinking about all the possible killing that was about to occur? Because I think he was.

      • @Squizzy
        1511 months ago

        He went there armed and trained looking for someone in particular, ready to use deadly force. Take away the badge and you’d have a murder charge

        • @SCB
          411 months ago

          Take away the badge and you’d have a murder charge

          This is literally what police are. They’re citizens we grant extra power to.

          The issue here is that they’re using the power inappropriately.

      • @Son_of_dad
        1211 months ago

        They planned the raid, they knew

      • @Riccosuave
        1111 months ago

        Murder is premeditated.

        First-Degree Murder

        • Premeditated, intentional killings (like stalking someone before murdering them)

        • Capital Crimes or Felony Murder

        Second-Degree Murder

        • An unplanned, intentional killing (reacting in the heat of the moment when angry)

        • A death caused by a reckless disregard for human life

        I’m not really sure if you are simply ignorant or being intentionally disingenuous. Either way, you are wrong. There are different counts & legal standards for those counts specifically because of the fact that not all murder is premeditated.


      • be_excellent_to_each_other
        11 months ago

        Yes, and?

        When you are a group of people who are empowered to use deadly force the moment you feel your life is threatened even when you are the ones who created the threatening situation, and you choose to bash in someone’s door at 5:30 AM, “to conduct a search warrant for drug paraphernalia and marijuana possession” you have to know that you are likely going to be shooting someone that day, because if someone awakens to their door bashing in at that time of day, regardless of whether they have anything to be found by the cops, the fact that some cops “announced” themselves unheard while they were sleeping isn’t going to stop many people from arming themselves and confronting the threat.

        Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend was acquitted for just this reason.

        It’s not fucking clairvoyance, it’s common sense. If you don’t opt for a plan where that outcome is less likely, you’ve gone there with intent to murder as far as I’m concerned.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          I don’t think it would count as premeditated unless the cop went there specifically with the intention to kill that child.

          However, it would still qualify for 2nd degree murder which requires intent to harm, but not premeditation.

          I am not a lawyer, I just have access to google. I found this. If any of you actually know what you’re talking about feel free to correct me

  • starbreaker
    3011 months ago

    Every one of these pigs has trampled this kid’s Fifth Amendment rights.

    No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the militia, when in actual service in time of war or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

    Possession of drugs or drug paraphernalia should under no circumstances be the sort of offense that merits summary execution.

    And WTF is a “laser-sighted weapon”? The kid was merely “carrying” it? He didn’t fire before the cops started firing? Lovely how police can just unilaterally open fire on people just because they’re scared.

    • @Son_of_dad
      711 months ago

      Btw this is a police statement so don’t believe a word of it. Likely the kid was unarmed or holding a laser pointer, so cops are now saying he had a weapon

      • starbreaker
        111 months ago

        I don’t believe any of it. All cops are bastards, and all pigs lie.

    • @[email protected]
      511 months ago

      A member of the pro-gun community will be along shortly to insist that guns keep America safe from state violence, but they won’t tell anybody when they’re supposed to open fire on police, nor how they expect that to play out.

      • @shalafi
        11 months ago

        Hi! LiberalGunNut™ here!

        How do you know America’s armed citizenry hasn’t kept us safe from state violence? Hardly a thing we can measure. But I’ll remind everyone, fascism isn’t coming, it’s here. Today. How much bolder would these people be if they knew every household was unarmed? FFS, the GOP frontrunner for the nomination to President of the United States just promised to root out “vermin” such as myself. How threatened do you need to feel before you pick up a weapon, learn safety, learn to fight?

        I invite you to read about Ruby Ridge and Waco and how the authoritarian authorities (heh) responded and how they dialed that response back in following events. Anything like Waco since? Like many of us, I decried the lack of force when the redneck nutjobs took over in Idaho. Apparently the feds learned a thing or two about public use of force.

        Saw a video last year of Iranian Jihadis running and gunning down a residential apartment block after the mass protests. Would that fly on your street? Why or why not?

        Read a man’s testimony from the Hamas attack on the music festival, “All I could think was how could I fight back. I felt so helpless.”

        But your questions have some meat on the bone, and they must be answered candidly.

        When to shoot back? As soon as you can manage once the door explodes off the hinges. I don’t care if they’re wearing a “bad guy” hoodie or a uniform, once that shit goes down, your personal extinction, and maybe that of your family, is on the line. If at all possible, and I likely won’t get the chance at 3AM, I’m shooting back. I have a Colt 1911 .45 on my desk (or my nightstand) and a 12-gauge pump leaning against the bed. Why those, out of all the guns I own? Because I’m best at putting steel on target with those.

        To put a finer point on your question, had I been a bystander, would I have shot George Floyd’s executioner? Not at that time. But I might now.

        How do I expect that to play out? My death, probably sooner rather than later. But at least I made the choice to defend myself and others. If you do not make that choice? I respect that, I honestly do. It’s expensive, it’s hard, it requires practice and more practice, but it’s on you if you choose “harmless”.

        EDIT: I should disclose for context, I am not a young man. My life isn’t worth what it was 30-years ago, so I can see young people not feeling so “self sacrifical”. I’ve also seen some shit, from a home invasion on Christmas Eve to a bear invasion (that one’s hilarious) a decade later. I’ve also seen George Floyd executed in public, and I’ve seen the Capitol of my country overrun my nutcases.

        • @[email protected]
          11 months ago

          Hi! LiberalGunNut™ here!

          No problem, you all regurgitate the same propaganda anyway.

          How do you know America’s armed citizenry hasn’t kept us safe from state violence? Hardly a thing we can measure.

          You’re just accidentally admitting that the pro-gun community can’t prove it’s favourite talking point.

          But I’ll remind everyone, fascism isn’t coming, it’s here. Today. How much bolder would these people be if they knew every household was unarmed?

          Not at all, as demonstrated by most other countries. After all, nothing makes angry violent men bolder than a gun.

          FFS, the GOP frontrunner for the nomination to President of the United States just promised to root out “vermin” such as myself.

          Then either shoot him or fuck off.

          How threatened do you need to feel before you pick up a weapon, learn safety, learn to fight?

          “Learning safety” and “learning how to fight” are not requirements for buying a semi-automatic weapon in America.

          The pro-gun community opposes even basic competence checks, let alone the 6 months of military service they’d need to be provably effective in your fantasy war.

          But isn’t it just fascinating that nobody in the pro-gun community is learning how to fly drones, build a communication network, tend to peoples wounds in the field or anything else that would be useful in a war?

          The US Army better watch out or the morbidly obese militia will be waddling after them.

          I invite you to read about Ruby Ridge and Waco

          Damn, those things must be happening all the time in countries with gun control since guns are the only way to hold off authoritarians.

          Saw a video last year of Iranian Jihadis running and gunning down a residential apartment block after the mass protests.

          And do you openly advocate selling cheap, legal, semi-automatic weapons to those Jihadists?

          Read a man’s testimony from the Hamas attack on the music festival, “All I could think was how could I fight back. I felt so helpless.”

          Did he try selling Hamas even more guns? I’m sure that would have fixed it.

          I have a Colt 1911 .45 on my desk (or my nightstand) and a 12-gauge pump leaning against the bed.

          Congratulations on your poorly secured firearms, we’re all really impressed.

          To put a finer point on your question, had I been a bystander, would I have shot George Floyd’s executioner? Not at that time. But I might now.

          Oh well if you might have saved someone from state violence, I guess all the school shootings, life-or-death property crime and murdered partners are worth it.

          It’s expensive, it’s hard, it requires practice and more practice, but it’s on you if you choose “harmless”.

          You haven’t killed or intimidated a single fascist politician, corrupt cop or far-right terrorist, instead helping them every step of the way.

          But don’t worry, you’re not “harmless” as long as you keep harming children, minorities and abused partners by selling them to guns they use to kill them.

    • @[email protected]
      311 months ago

      And WTF is a “laser-sighted weapon”?

      It’s a gun that basically has a fancy laser pointer mounted on it so the dot from the laser shows where the bullet will go. It’s not exactly exotic, and it’s no more scary than the gun by itself.

      • @glitch1985
        411 months ago

        I think they would have said gun if it was a gun. Hell you can put a laser on a slingshot and make it a “laser sighted weapon”

  • Plum
    2811 months ago

    Recreational marijuana is legal in 24 states.

    • Doug HollandOP
      4211 months ago

      Recreational killings by cops are legal in all 50.

    • Bonehead
      11 months ago

      Yeah, but this is Alabama. They had completely dry counties up until 2016, and even then only certain cities in those dry counties sell alcohol. Don’t expect them to embrace legal cannabis anytime soon.

  • @badbytes
    2111 months ago

    Prob $20 dollars worth of weed. Killed teen. Good job cops. You deserve a promotion. :(

  • @[email protected]
    1611 months ago

    Jesus, if you really want your blood to boil read the end of that article where it lists all the other horrible shit that department has done. The Mobile Alabama Police should be considered a terrorist organization.

  • @madcaesar
    911 months ago

    I genuinely wonder how these cops sleep at night… You killed a fucking kid… And for what? Bongs? Even if he had a wear house full of them… 5am raid fully armed? There was no way this was ending peacefully. Just sad…