For example, in Washington Heights and Golan Heights, what does “heights” mean? What does it tell us about the place?

  • @[email protected]
    15310 months ago

    It means that area of land is higher then other areas. The Golan heights sits on a plateau above the rest of the surrounding area. Washington heights is named after an old Fort Washington…and the fort was built on top of the highest hill in the area.

    • @[email protected]
      5710 months ago

      Yep. It’s quite literal, also from Wikipedia about Brooklyn heights:

      Brooklyn Heights occupies a plateau on a high bluff that rises sharply from the river’s edge and gradually recedes on the landward side.

    • ZephrC
      4810 months ago

      That’s certainly where it comes from. It’s not always actually true though. Sometimes someone just liked the name and didn’t even think about what it meant.

      It’s like the name Lakeview. I’ve been to more than just a couple places named Lakeview something or another. Streets, towns, apartment complexes. The only thing they all had in common is that not a single one of them had a view of a lake.

      • Hyperreality
        10 months ago

        To be fair, I assume you’re American and you guys call the main course the entrée. What else can one expect from uncultured barbarians that they don’t respect the most basic laws of human decency? I mean, what’s next? Wearing a hat inside? Disgusting.

        • @Mr_Blott
          2110 months ago

          Wait until you hear they call a pizza a “pie” 🧐🤨

          • @[email protected]
            210 months ago

            Globally the US doesn’t rank that high in language or ethnic diversity. Essentially all of Africa is more diverse both ethnically and linguistically. If you want to look at religious diversity, the US doesn’t rank that high either.

            Having lots of very small communities of immigrants in a society that primarily speaks 1 language and is majority one religion is not that diverse.

      • @AA5B
        210 months ago

        My town has a “Valley View” that is always amusing. Yeah, it’s at the bottom of a small valley, so there’s no view except the immediately surrounding houses

      • @[email protected]
        210 months ago

        We have a bunch of cities here with the word laguna in their name, at least 4 from memory in the same county. No lagunas in sight.

        • @PlutoniumAcid
          110 months ago

          I’m pretty sure there’s at least one Renault Laguna parked down the road.

  • @spittingimage
    4110 months ago

    We have several Heights suburbs in my city. Generally it means ‘add another zero to the housing prices’.

    • @jettrscga
      810 months ago

      This seems most correct. “Heights” probably comes from “high horse”.

    • Rhynoplaz
      810 months ago

      Are you in Cleveland? I’ve never seen more places called “Heights” than in Cleveland.

  • @TheDoctorDonna
    2110 months ago

    Where I live there is a “College Heights”. It is not at a higher elevation, in fact it is one of the lowest areas, nor is it near the college. They just name shit whatever they think will make the most money.

  • @[email protected]
    1210 months ago

    Usually the community is built on a hill or a mountain. Often times the highest part of the town, geographically. The incline may be gradual or subtle, so you may not notice that it’s taller than the rest of the area.

    Similarly when streets (in the US) are named High St., it’s literally the highest street in town.

    • @[email protected]
      1110 months ago

      I thought a “high street” was like a commercial strip and didn’t refer to literal height

      • @[email protected]
        10 months ago

        I would guess that High Street in the (mostly British?) commercial shopping area sense would have evolved from “highway”, meaning a principal or main road, which in turn evolved from “high way”, being those roads constructed above grade, so that water would drain off the road into the adjacent ditches. The Romans [citation needed] tended to build all-weather roads like this.

        In American English, “highway” would be an odd term to apply to a shopping district – usually referring to a higher-speed road – but in some contexts, highway is understood to be any improved road. The California Vehicle Code uses this definition, so that “highway” basically means any public road.

        At least in California, roads named High Street do exist, but don’t necessarily corespondent to being physically tall over its surroundings or other steets. If anything, a typical High Street is often the same in character as another town’s Main Street, which sort-of returns to the British meaning of shopping area again, at least in small towns.

        • Square Singer
          410 months ago

          The term high in highway has nothing to do with elevation, but has the same meaning as in “high government official”, “high society” or “high priest”.

          None of them are named so, because they are especially tall, but because they are of elevated status. Same as the highway or high street.

    • Square Singer
      710 months ago

      High Street, same as Highway, come from Old English, where high denoted not only elevation, but also status/rank/quality.

      You can see this in a lot of other Modern English words. For example, a high sheriff, a high priest or high society aren’t called high because they are very tall.

      • Nougat
        410 months ago

        … aren’t called high because they are very tall.

        Maybe it’s because they smoke a lot of weed.

    • WashedOver
      210 months ago

      Over in Calgary Alberta it’s mostly rolling hills in the Prairies. Being on a Ridge is a big deal for a housing development.

    • @hedgehogging_the_bed
      210 months ago

      High street is an alternative term for Market and used in towns where Market Street is not used. None of them are really the highest street in town, at least not in the US East Coast. The actual elevated places are usually called -view.

  • Sparky678348
    1010 months ago

    Everyone saying it’s taller, but I know for a fact Seaside Heights is not. People who name things name things would ever those people want.

  • Flying Squid
    910 months ago

    Here’s a fun one. I live in a city called Terre Haute. It means “high ground.” It’s in a river valley.

    • @reattach
      410 months ago

      Terre Haute has federal death row, Rose-Hulman, and Square Donuts. Am I missing anything?

      • Flying Squid
        210 months ago

        Indiana State University and St. Mary-of-the-Woods University are also here. There’s also a fun pet store which is basically a zoo because of all the animals they have that are for looking at, not buying, called Atlantis. There’s also a video arcade bar and an all-ages pinball arcade which offers $10 all-play on Friday and Saturday nights.

        Overall, I don’t like Terre Haute, but it has its pluses.

        On the other hand, they’re building a casino. Thankfully not on the side of town where I live.

        There’s also a new concert arena. They recently hosted Ted Nugent. So I won’t be paying to go to concerts there.

        • @reattach
          310 months ago

          Fair enough - I spent a few weeks there for work. People were friendly.

          • Flying Squid
            210 months ago

            There are definitely friendly people here, but there are also a lot of major assholes. It’s a very mixed town. It used to be a bellwether when it came to who won the presidential election every election year, but we got it wrong with Biden. There are a lot of union halls here and a lot of houses have ‘union strong’ signs in front of them, but it’s Indiana, so there are also a lot of Trump supporters. There are also major meth and homeless problems here. My wife is an administrator at the public library. She sees some really weird and often very unfortunate things. A couple of years ago, we went to a store to buy a tent for a high school girl who was sharing a tent with her alcoholic father in the woods and walking to high school every day and then to the library to do her homework while her father sat outside and got drunk. That was all we could do for her, but she’s not the only child living in that sort of level of poverty here.

            The school system is also awful. We pulled my daughter out of it a couple of weeks ago due to excessive bullying that the administration did basically nothing about despite our pleas. A couple of years ago, in fifth grade, she had a substitute teacher- for the entire year. She was awful too, and told kids shit like the election was stolen rather than actually teach them things. In fourth grade, the school system offered online school due to COVID but didn’t prepare anything, so it was just up to the online teachers to come up with a curriculum and it didn’t work. Her education has suffered so badly. Thankfully, there’s a state-based online school which is being done by Pierson, the textbook company, so we’re relatively assured that she’ll finally get a decent education.

            • @[email protected]
              210 months ago

              Seems a lot of folks, including that teacher, would argue Terre Haute didn’t get Biden’s election wrong, they got Trump’s election right!

              Sadly, they’d rather be Right than correct.

            • @[email protected]
              110 months ago

              Hope she does get a better education but here’s a mandatory fuck pearsons. They’re a big part of the reason why college education is so fricking expensive.

              • Flying Squid
                110 months ago

                Yeah, I know. Pearson sucks. But the online program she’s in now sucks more. It’s run by the county school system and the educational package they picked was the cheapest one possible. Her English lessons are ridiculous because they’re based entirely on public domain texts. She’s in 7th grade and they have had her read things like a letter from Thomas Jefferson to James Madison and an O. Henry story about a safecracker. The language is so archaic that she can’t parse it, and the context is so alien that she has no frame of reference. Basically, I have to go through these texts with her line by line and explain to her what each line means. And the English teacher they have assigned to this who you can meet with if you have problems basically told me yes, that’s what I will have to do.

                At least the Pearson program will have texts appropriate for a kid her age.

                This is from the Jefferson letter. I can barely understand it and I’ve taken college English classes.

                First the omission of a bill of rights providing clearly & without the aid of sophisms for freedom of religion, freedom of the press, protection against standing armies, restriction against monopolies, the eternal & unremitting force of the habeas corpus laws, and trials by jury in all matters of fact triable by the laws of the land & not by the law of Nations. To say, as Mr. Wilson does, that a bill of rights was not necessary because all is reserved in the case of the general government which is not given, while in the particular ones all is given which is not reserved, might do for the Audience to whom it was addressed, but is surely a gratis dictum, opposed by strong inferences from the body of the instrument, as well as from the omission of the clause of our present confederation which had declared that in express terms.

                That paragraph has two Latin phrases. I didn’t even know what gratis dictum meant. I had to look it up.

    10 months ago

    Things that are high up are associated with status. Naming something “heights” makes people imagine something desirable when they read the name.

  • squiblet
    610 months ago

    In most towns I’ve been in, it means physical elevation of the district.

  • tygerprints
    510 months ago

    I think most of the time it’s just a contrivance to make a place sound fancier. Washington Heights sounds fancier than calling it Washington Drainage Basin. It really doesn’t usually have anything to do with the actual elevation of the property.

    • @glimse
      210 months ago

      See: half the suburbs of Chicago

      Chicago Heights, Harwood Heights, Arlington Heights, Highland Park, Palos Heights, etc.

      It’s purely marketing because they’re all flat as fuck

      • tygerprints
        010 months ago

        Yeah but “Arlington Flat as all Fuck” isn’t quite as appealing as “Arlington Heights.” It’s like adding “Grove” or “Hills” to the end of a town to make it sound more upscale instead of “sits on top of a massive landfill.”

        • @glimse
          110 months ago

          Yeah it’s just marketing. I think 99pi even had an episodes about it

          • tygerprints
            10 months ago

            It’s funny because the area where I grew up was kind of a dumping ground but now, you can’t find a home there for less than 10 million, even older one story brick houses. What is so appealing about Utah that our housing prices are so astronomical? We don’t have many towns with “heights” after their names!

    • BraveSirZaphod
      110 months ago

      Washington Heights in NYC, at any rate, is physically high in elevation, and it’s not a particularly fancy area at all.

    • Takatakatakatakatak
      110 months ago

      That’s generally how it’s used in Australia. There will be an existing suburb named ‘generic suburb’, and developers will come and build a new housing development full of cookie cutter houses on 300m2 blocks with their gutters near touching eachother and call it ‘generic suburb heights’ as an attempt to give the schmucks that buy there some sort of feeling of prestige over the older neighbourhood with larger block sizes and more human compatible dwellings.

      Other guy in here nailed it with the British origins but for some reason he’s been downvoted.

      • Square Singer
        110 months ago

        Because he put in the same comment, that high street and highway are called that way because they where elevated over the other streets, which is nonsense.

        In fact, high street/highway are that way, because in Old English high didn’t only denote elevation, but also a high status/rank/importance.

        Modern English still uses that meaning, but it’s rarer nowadays. For example, high society, high sheriff or high priest aren’t called that because they are tall.

        High is also used with a lot of words where elevation doesn’t matter: high rank, high value and so on.

    • HubertManne
      110 months ago

      there is a town in illinois that was called brickton because chicago brick was dug up there. Now its a hoity toity suburb called park ridge.

      • tygerprints
        010 months ago

        Brickton definitely lacks much charm as a town name. Most of Utah (where I am) could be called Granitetown for all the granite dug up and used in buildings here. There’s a huge quarry where they used to dig up building material, now it’s a very fancy and upscale area that costs mega $$ - just to live next to a big pit in the ground.