I posted this yesterday:

And apparently this warrants a instant permaban.

They don’t even tell you what rule it breaks. Which one do you think it might break?

In any case, every time I visit Reddit and look at my local subs (Montréal, Québec or Canada) I look at the comments and they’re absolutely vile. The community has become so fucking toxic it’s unbearable. And I also realized how my mental health actually improved since I left that community.

They can keep the permaban. I don’t give a shit anymore. I’m so over that god forsaken place.

Peace out.

Quick update:

I contancted the mods and apparently I was permabanned for spamming and they immediately muted me so I wouldn’t be able to message the mods any further. I can understand that it can be considered spamming, but I feel they’re being extremely harsh over this. They really have no chill.

  • @[email protected]
    9210 months ago

    Well, it’s /r/Canada, which is just a right winged mod-controlled shit hole. All the progressives went to /r/onguardforthee a long time ago.

  • @[email protected]
    7910 months ago

    r/Canada is literally run with conservative propaganda efforts in mind. It’s not surprised that any attempt to pull people out of the echo chamber is met with an instant ban.

    • BarqsHasBite
      2010 months ago

      It was like a mini The_Donald for awhile. Mods there want to keep control of a potential propaganda channel.

      • CyborganismOP
        410 months ago

        They’re really clinging to P.P. and good promises to help with the housing market. But we all know that won’t happen.

    • Corroded
      210 months ago

      Disappointing. I checked out the subreddit for crocs once and same thing. Weird how that turns out

  • squiblet
    6110 months ago

    I look at the comments and they’re absolutely vile. The community has become so fucking toxic it’s unbearable.

    So, maybe it’s best to not invite people from there to Lemmy?

    • CyborganismOP
      610 months ago

      I was hoping to bring awareness in case anybody else was sick and tired and wanted something fresh.

  • @[email protected]
    4310 months ago

    In any case, every time I visit Reddit and look at my local subs (Montréal, Québec or Canada) I look at the comments and they’re absolutely vile. The community has become so fucking toxic it’s unbearable. And I also realized how my mental health actually improved since I left that community.

    I used to dread seeing that I had messages on Reddit. My first thought would be “Oh, what did I do now?”. On Lemmy, I’m much more interested in seeing any responses to my comments.

    • @Starbuck
      1510 months ago

      Lemmy feels like the internet used to. Not about ads and algorithms, but just people interested in things asking questions and engaging naturally.

      • jadero
        210 months ago

        I’ll be happy to be proven wrong, but I don’t think Lemmy has any hope of survival as a truly global platform.

        I’ve been through this a few times: Usenet, Digg, Reddit. They started off small and stayed mostly civil even though there is a wide range of opinion. Then they start growing rapidly and people see an opportunity to “get their message out”, whether that’s spam, personal aggrandizement, a political message, or whatever: exploitation vs participation. After a while it becomes just too much for some people, so they find somewhere else to congregate.

        As they leave, that platform becomes ever more useless, leading to more migration. The platform eventually becomes useless even to the exploiters, so they figure out where everyone went and follow them.

        And the cycle continues. I think that the cycle can only accelerate as “exploiters” become more proactive in following “participants” to new homes. That implies an eventual breakdown of the whole concept of global discussion communities. Are we seeing that already on Lemmy? I don’t know, but I’m registered on 4 different instances, each with their own primary focus, and there has already been a bit of federation/defederation drama on every one them.

        I think the only way to break the cycle is to figure out a way to eliminate exploitation. That may well be impossible, at least on any platform that has global reach, centralized or not. As far as I can tell, those who would exploit a system have always found ways to do so.

        • TSG_Asmodeus (he, him)
          210 months ago

          I’ve been through this a few times: Usenet, Digg, Reddit. They started off small and stayed mostly civil even though there is a wide range of opinion. Then they start growing rapidly and people see an opportunity to “get their message out”, whether that’s spam, personal aggrandizement, a political message, or whatever: exploitation vs participation. After a while it becomes just too much for some people, so they find somewhere else to congregate.

          But is this a bad thing? Even if Lemmy ‘doesn’t survive’ (which I think is a fair way off, personally) something else will take its place. Something always does; ICQ dies, people move to AOL. Digg dies, people go to reddit, Myspace to Facebook and so on. Look at the absolute graveyards of websites where people used to congregate and play games and talk: Battle.net, Mplayer, WON.net, Digg, Usenet, AOL messenger, ICQ, Myspace, there are dozens of these things that, at the time, we felt like would always be there.

          Enjoy it while it’s here. Make it the best place you can.

        • @Starbuck
          210 months ago

          Yeah, I totally get that. I think that there is this insatiable desire for the upstart site to topple the previous site. On Digg we made fun of Usenet and Fark, on Reddit we made fun of Digg, on Lemmy people are always saying “fuck Spez”.

          I think that people are worried that if Lemmy doesn’t keep growing (at Reddit’s expense), then it will collapse under its own weight. I hope the federated model works out. I could easily host a Lemmy or KBin instance on my homelab.

          But yeah, the depressing truth is that as soon as someone invents a profit motive, it’s only a matter of time before it’s ruined.

          • jadero
            110 months ago

            And it doesn’t even have to be the people running the platform or instances having a profit motive. Usenet, for example, started falling apart long before anyone tried to monetize actual hosting. Spammers alone were enough to destroy it.

            Anytime you create easy enough access to a large enough group, people will try to exploit that access for their own gain. Obviously, platform and instance operators are best positioned to do so, but exploitive account holders can do plenty of damage on their own.

    • @[email protected]
      1410 months ago

      3 or 4 times people reported me as a risk to myself on reddit, and this suicide prevention hotline bot would then send messages with long lists of number to call.

      Turning this tool into a weapon against me, simply because I am pro-vaccine was just pathetic and gross.

      • CyborganismOP
        510 months ago

        Yeah I got those as well a few times. A kind of sarcastic way to tell you to off yourself when people disagree with you.

      • setVeryLoud(true);
        310 months ago

        I get excited when people post to my c/Montreal community! It’s kinda dead unfortunately, tempted to staple posters around the city.

        • CyborganismOP
          310 months ago

          Yeah, the more focused the community, the less active it is. Canada is pretty active. But provincial and municipal communities aren’t as active.

  • @[email protected]
    10 months ago

    /r/canada is a cesspit with a white nationalist mod.

    The sane Canadians always stuck to /r/onguardforthee

  • @[email protected]
    2210 months ago

    Replace Lemmy in your text with Facebook, Discord, Telegram or any other forum like group or simply imagine someone posting here to go to Reddit instead, seems a bit spammy doesn’t it?

  • @[email protected]
    2010 months ago

    I suspect there is something going in on reddit in general. The moment you mention Lemmy, you get down voted.

    • CyborganismOP
      810 months ago

      Yeah and I feel like the users there don’t care at all about all the privacy issues and how Reddit aggressively exploits it’s users now. And they’re using AI with bots to basically generate content using old posts or comments and repost.

      It’s like any other social network like Twitter and Facebook. I tell people that they need to leave for their own good, but nobody gives a damn.

      It’s driving me crazy because I see the problems. I see how it’s affecting people. I can explain it to them and they’ll understand. They still refuse to leave. It’s like telling them they’re drinking poison and asking them to stop but they’re drinking it because everyone is going it anyway.

  • @[email protected]
    1810 months ago

    My guess would be that it really had nothing to do with Canada. It had to do with you complaining about their subreddit and you telling people to leave it. I would have removed it as well. Dunno if I would have banned you. I would have had to seen it a number of times before I banned you I think.

    • arglebargle
      10 months ago

      As a mod, I don’t care if they say something is better somewhere else as long as it is about the same theme. I mean if I run Old and Antique Cars and someone says hey lets meet up at this other place as well, that is great. It is more Old and Antique Car discussion. I don’t give a shit about the platform, Reddit certainly is not paying, and if anything is actively trying to fuck over moderation. If they said Old and Antique cars suck we should all move to New and Fast Cars, I might remove it.

      So I am confused why you would remove it? Does it really matter?

      • @[email protected]
        110 months ago

        Well duh if you’re wanting to ditch your subreddit too of course you’d big it up, lock it down, and send everybody to lemmy. You answered your own question.

        • arglebargle
          010 months ago

          I didn’t say that at all. I said I wanted to support the topic. If there is another place to talk about the same thing, no problem.

  • @[email protected]
    1710 months ago

    I wouldn’t be surprised that they removed it based on not being a link to certain news sources that they seem to require. Permaban, though? That’s not rules related.

    • CyborganismOP
      710 months ago

      Yeah. That’s definitely a mod that had a little too much zeal.

  • roguetrick
    10 months ago

    I likely would’ve removed the thread for being offtopic, but not permanently banned you.

    • @[email protected]
      110 months ago

      Can you explain how this is off topic? The topic is Canada isn’t it? He’s inviting people to a place to talk about Canada.

      • roguetrick
        10 months ago

        It’s just meta promotion. I don’t know the specifics of their rules, but it’s the type of post I’d remove as a mod. I’d remove most meta posts.

      • CyborganismOP
        110 months ago

        Yeah. I thought it was pretty on topic. Presenting another social network where people can share without fear of getting trolled or receiving toxic and agressive replies to the most mundane posts/comments.

        • trainsaresexy
          310 months ago

          I’ve done the same and the reaction has been the same (though not deleted). I think it’s spammy.

          I might create a new user account with ‘lemmy’ in the name if I really want to promote it, but I won’t be suggesting people come over unless someone asks me about it.

  • @[email protected]
    1510 months ago

    I was banned from r/pics for a comment that read

    And my ax

    …on a thread. When I went to appeal, the admin couldn’t explain how anyone arrived at the decision, or even show the context around the comment, but upheld the decision nonetheless.

    You won’t miss Reddit. I don’t.

  • @[email protected]
    1310 months ago

    I’ve seen a few posts today from people complaining about being banned for promoting Lemmy.

    Imo, the way to promote Lemmy isn’t by spamming “JOIN LEMMY”, but rather by meaningfully engaging in the community, and looking for ways to naturally bring up the positive points of this platform.

    Like, if I saw a bunch of straight up ads for Lemmy (like this), I wouldn’t be here now. I joined because people were having actual, real conversations and recommending Lemmy as an alternative to Reddit. That’s what we need to “advertise”: Good, engaging conversations.

    • CyborganismOP
      210 months ago

      That’s a good point. Maybe I could’ve simply stated a discussion about my experience in the fediverse instead.