• @AIhasUse
    -1427 months ago

    Yeah, don’t stop the massacre in Palestine. Things are great right now, don’t change a thing. Wtf is wrong with people…

    • @cabron_offsets
      487 months ago

      Well, some people are utter fucktards who don’t understand that we’re living a trolley problem, wherein the only choice is the death of many, or the death of many more.

      • @AIhasUse
        -837 months ago

        Yeah, are all those camps full of kids that keep getting bombed really a massive threat? Have they really got you so brainwashed that you are actually thinking that since Palestinian babies may grow up to be terrorists we have to kill them in the name of the almighty trolley?

          • @[email protected]
            37 months ago

            Nah, this one is a troll. You can tell because the account is pretty much 100% political agitation. Even passionate activists occasionally post about other stuff.

          • @AIhasUse
            -587 months ago

            Who did Tump bomb? Do you think he bombed more or less than biden? How about bush? Or the other bush? Or Clinton? Or any president in the last 100 or so years? Why is it that you are terrified of an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

            Maybe you’re the one being fucked buster.

            • TooManyFoods
              337 months ago

              “never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands”

              Does your tongue burn when you tell such clear lies?

              • @TrickDacy
                7 months ago

                Daddy Putin got a chubby tho

                Funny how this user says other people won’t argue with them because they are wrong but they don’t actually respond to comments like yours

            • @[email protected]
              197 months ago

              How about bush

              You mean the guy who started an illegal war in Iraq who had no connection to 9/11 or have any WMDs? That Bush?

              • @AIhasUse
                -147 months ago

                Yes, that bush. The murderous warmongering asshole. Exactly that one. That’s the one I am referring to. The one that hopefully gets a special hell made for him and everyone who does the kind of shit that he did. Like Biden, Bush’s daddy, Clinton, Obama, Regan…

        • @TrickDacy
          7 months ago

          What the fucking hell are you babbling about? No one is saying this irrelevant shit.

          Edit: see the thread below if you’re interested in seeing how dedicated they are to lying to help trump. But I wouldn’t recommend it, it’s depressing

          • @AIhasUse
            -367 months ago

            There was just some idiot saying we gotta bomb homel3ss children because of the “trolley problem”, if that wasn’t you, then don’t worry about it.

            • @TrickDacy
              237 months ago

              That is not even remotely what they said and you know it. Stop discouraging Democratic voters if you care an iota about Palestine. I suspect you don’t though

              • @AIhasUse
                -337 months ago

                I have absolutely no faith that Harris will stop the free money and bombs to Israel. At least Trump says he wants to stop giving them money and make it be loans. A step up is a step up. He’s still rubbish though, just less so than the current hypocritical dems. Giving endless blank checks to someone you say you oppose is utter trash.

                • @TrickDacy
                  7 months ago

                  Wowwwww you pretend to think Trump won’t be worse… Now I know for sure you’re a liar. Great job human sacrificing Palestinians for your cause tho. Makes for the most morally disgusting trade I can imagine

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -217 months ago

                    Who did trump bomb? Who did biden bomb?

                    That’s what I thought.

                    So, tell me again, who is willing to sacrifice Palestinian lives between he two of us? The person who allows biden and the dems to blow the shit out of anyone for any reason? Or the person who says fuck anyone who blows up innocent people?

                    Yeah. Go on, let’s hear what you have to say. The block button is right there since you’ll pretend like having no response is a brave reason for blocking anyone who points out your obnoxious hypocrisy.

                    By the way, Trump is a tool, and I would never vote for him.

        • @[email protected]
          247 months ago

          Bruh are you stupid? Trump would probably go kill some Palestinians himself for fun, both options don’t give a fuck about Palestine. One option is just way worse for Americans.

          • @AIhasUse
            -347 months ago

            Tell me that time that Trump dropped bombs on anyone. I’ll wait. It will be much harder then if you try to do this for bush or Regan or Clinton or biden or Obama or any other president you or your parents lived through. Let that sink in. The super evil viole t fascist is the only president who didn’t drop bombs on any innocent civilians. Does that really add up for you?

              • @AIhasUse
                -247 months ago

                I didn’t lie about shit. Work on reading comprehension. He supported way fewer bombs ings and war than almost any president in the last 100 years. This is easily checked. The evil fascist murdering president so ehow has a more peaceful track record than any you can find. The only response you have is to make up arguments to fight against. That should tell you something. It won’t, but it should.

                • @[email protected]
                  167 months ago


                  an evil fascist that never bombed any innocent people in foreign lands?

                  Tell me that time that Trump dropped bombs on anyone.


                  He supported way fewer bombs ings

                  I didn’t lie about shit.

                  You did, repeatedly in the same thread. Your goalpost repeatedly moved so you can throw out empty insults like :

                  Work on reading comprehension.

                  I don’t know if you are a troll, a Russian paid professional troll, a shill or an idiot but I do know that you are a liar.

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -127 months ago

                    Look, I slightly exaggerated a 1 to a 0. You know full well that this is absolutely a red herring and the o lyrics thing you have to stand on. I won’t pretend to think you are a bot or a paid shill, that’s absurd. You are fully aware of what you are doing though.

            • @[email protected]
              97 months ago

              Trump literally used the word Palestinian as a derogatory insult in the debate, if that’s not enough for you to get the hint you are beyond help my guy

              • @AIhasUse
                -167 months ago

                The fact is that all you have is that people told you that Trump used “Palestinian” as a derogatory term and that on the other side, biden has been mercilessly providing bombs to blow the hell out of Palestinians for almost a year. For me, I would much rather my name be used as a slander than have my whole family turned into applesauce. I guess some people really care more about supposed name-calling, though.

                • @[email protected]
                  17 months ago

                  So you’re using the Palestinian genocide as pretense to further an agenda completely unrelated to it, got it. If you actually cared, you would understand how effective this kind of dehumanization is in generating support for the murder of a people.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    7 months ago

                    The user you are speaking with is most likely a paid Russian troll. I say this because they repeatedly lie in specific ways which would encourage people to not vote or vote for Trump (such as claiming Trump bombed zero people but Biden directly bombs people), and they claim to be a US citizen randomly, but keep European hours.

                    It seems like they take great pleasure in lying generally and especially in lying to say their ideological opponents “support genocide” since they have called them out for lying. I want to make it a mission to call this piece of shit out everywhere I can. They are a liar, and it is intentional. And from what I’ve seen, it would be weird if it’s not paid.

                  • @AIhasUse
                    07 months ago

                    Nope, to your first point, you misunderstood, we are talking about the palestinian genocide. To your second point, I don’t know what you were even trying to say after I read it several times.

    • @Sp00kyB00k
      257 months ago

      Trump will massacre the US, Ukraine, Palastine and sell you to the highest bidder.

      • @AIhasUse
        -287 months ago

        If you honestly believed this, then you would act based on it. That action would be a hell of a lot more than a vote that may or may not ever even be counted. I wonder how much you actually believe it.

          • @TrickDacy
            07 months ago

            Spoiler: it’s with their nose.

          • @AIhasUse
            -197 months ago

            Somehow, it doesn’t surprise me that you have nothing but old worn-out jokes.

          • @AIhasUse
            -127 months ago

            This is just like the religion thing. If 99.99% of religious people actually believed what they said, their life would be 99.99% different. They don’t actually believe it, and it’s obvious based on how they live. If you time traveled to just before ww2 and knew exactly what was to come, you wouldn’t actually just be a barber or whatever. Most likely, at least.

    • blaue_Fledermaus
      157 months ago

      You would rather change to the guy that’s going to send even more bombs?

      US Democrats at least sometimes pretend to care about having a negative image.

      Until the US fixes their atrocious voting system they are stuck with choosing between “same massacre” and “worse massacre”.

      • @AIhasUse
        -247 months ago

        Yeah, he will send more bombs according to the people who also just look at thr floor and mumble whenever you bring up the fact that he bombed fewer people than almost any president that anyone alive today has ever personally witnessed. I get that you’ve been told he will morph into a super killer, but when you have one person who’s actually done it, and someone else who hasn’t, going against your observations is just kinda wacky.

        • blaue_Fledermaus
          157 months ago

          He will according to his own professed and acted stance on Israel.
          You say it like he already wasn’t a super killer during his first term?
          I’m not USian, but my country had a Trump-wannabe as president, so I know very well how it is.

          • @AIhasUse
            -157 months ago

            Who did trump bomb? Show me a clip where trump says he will bomb palestine. Ill wait. I’m not talking about that time when he said he could end it fast that people with nothing else pretend can only mean a basket full of nukes.

            • blaue_Fledermaus
              87 months ago

              He kept arming Israel at least the same as previous presidents, so certainly some of the bombs being used now were given by him. And he also supported the Zionists in the Israeli government.

              • @AIhasUse
                -137 months ago

                He gave a single digit percentage of bombs that got detonated when compared to biden.

                • blaue_Fledermaus
                  57 months ago

                  “Yes, but it wasn’t that bad” <- you are here at the coping list.

                  Shall we keep going until you get to “they deserved it”?

                  Because you already dropped your mask, it’s clear you don’t care about Palestinians, you only care about Trump.

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -57 months ago

                    Nope. You made that up. You are coping because the horse you bet on keeps kicking Palestians to death. It is nice that you are at least aware of the coping idea, that’s your first step. I think Trump is a prick. I won’t vote for him.

            • @acosmichippo
              7 months ago

              Show me a clip where trump says he will bomb palestine. Ill wait.

              Show us a clip where Biden said he would bomb Palestine. We’ll wait.

              • @AIhasUse
                -27 months ago

                If you don’t know about all the support and weapons that biden has been giving since October, then you are just late to the conversation, and you have a bunch of catching up to do. This isn’t in any way a disputed thing.

                • @acosmichippo
                  07 months ago

                  Okay, so we’re not talking about active bombing of Palestine anymore, good.

                  What makes you think Trump wouldn’t give Israel even more support and weapons?

                  • @AIhasUse
                    07 months ago

                    Right, since biden gives the bombs to Israel to actively drop instead of hopping in a plane and dropping them himself, it is OK. I know you know the kinds of gymnastics you are forced to play here. I also know that if anyone else who isn’t on your side was doing this, you would be all over them. This is exactly the problem. Intellectual dishonesty in political discussions. You feel like you deserve the right to lie because you think the other side does the same. They do do the same, the result of this is you two groups of self justified compulsive liars living in your own echo chambers, making no progress and learning nothing.

        • @TrickDacy
          107 months ago

          he bombed fewer people than almost any president that anyone alive today

          Oh a second ago he bombed zero people. Wonder why the inconsistency. It’s a mystery.

              • @AIhasUse
                -127 months ago

                You’re right, I must have mispoke. I think he did about 1 days worth of Biden bombing in his 4 years in office.

                • @TrickDacy
                  57 months ago

                  You knew you said that. It was intentional. Leave this platform you weasel.

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -47 months ago

                    It makes no difference if trump supported a tiny fraction or none. That doesn’t change the point. I have nonintention of leaving the platform so you can have an even denser echo chamber and feel even more like you are always right about everything. It is good to occasionally have a voice that isn’t just singing the same robotic song over and over.

            • @TrickDacy
              77 months ago

              You repeatedly have said that about Trump.

              • @AIhasUse
                -107 months ago

                Yes, I misspoke, he also supplied some bombs that killed some people, but his whole career doesn’t match an average week of Biden or bush or any other president any of us have seen in our lives.

                • @TrickDacy
                  57 months ago

                  Whoopsies. Democrat bad, not voting good.

                  • @AIhasUse
                    -77 months ago

                    Give your energy to what you believe in. If you hate poor foreigners, then give your energy to people who kill them mercilessly. You do you.

    • @TrickDacy
      137 months ago

      Wtf is wrong with people…

      Is a great question for you to ask yourself a little more personally

      • @TrickDacy
        07 months ago

        Their idea is for Americans to not vote or vote for trump

        • @AIhasUse
          -17 months ago

          You have much more power than your vote. You have your honest discussion(instead of lying to “trick” people into thinking your candidate is amazing). You have what you choose to do with your money. I never told anyone not to vote. I never told anyone to vote for the lying stealing rapist felon trump.

          • @TrickDacy
            17 months ago

            People really aren’t as stupid as you think they are.

            • @AIhasUse
              -17 months ago

              And they are not as employed by putin as you think they are.

              • @TrickDacy
                7 months ago

                Right, it’s more so. I’ve been naive enough to doubt its prevalence but people like you are helping to change that belief

                • @AIhasUse
                  17 months ago

                  I imagine your parents are so sick of hearing you ramble on about every new co piracy theory that TikTok and Instagram serve you up. Blow their minds and do the dishes for once.

                  • @TrickDacy
                    -17 months ago

                    as I said, mentally lazy af

      • @AIhasUse
        -27 months ago

        It is a tough situation. I’m a huge believer in honest discourse. I think the more people are completely honest, the better, even if the other side lies. What we generally have now is two large factions that both believe they have a duty to hide any negative things about their own team, and desperately try to exaggerate any good things about their own side. This just results in nearly nobody involved in the discussion being honest, and both sides feeling like their own lies are justified “because the other side lies too, and we have to lie to trick undecided people into joining our side”.

        When lemmy was younger, there was so much more honest discourse. It was fantastic. Unfortunately, it has largely slipped into the same echo chamber garbage as so many other networks. It does nobody any good when people just come on, lie about their side, and downvote anyone who mentions things that happened that make their team look bad. This just makes people start to believe their own lies over time, which makes it even harder for either side to even be able to understand the other sides point of view.

    • @VinnyDaCat
      17 months ago

      It’s time to move on. There isn’t any President who will stand in Israel’s way of the horrors they’re enacting in Palestine.

      For now we work to prevent Trump from furthering Israel’s genocide even more or committing worse here in our own country. Unless you’re one of those people who genuinely believes in accelerationism which isn’t going to work out the way you think it will.

      • @AIhasUse
        7 months ago

        I’m sure if biden gets in office and he manages to get isreal to cool down, then you will just acredit it to all the great work dems did. There is literally nothing that can change the mind of people who let their ego and their politics get all intertwined.

    • @chakan2
      -147 months ago

      You know what would stop the massacre in Palestine…a ceasefire. Hamas isn’t going to let that happen, and the Palestinian population largely supports them. It’s not for the US to fix anymore.