• RealThunderhop
        -1562 months ago

        If you like blue fascists then yeah. Otherwise no

          • RealThunderhop
            -512 months ago

            Police state, making free speech criminal, private interests over public ones

            To start

            • @mohammed_alibi
              482 months ago
              • Police State: Thin blue line flag flyers all support Trump, they are all against Black Lives Matters, which is protesting about police brutality
              • Making Free Speech Criminal: Republicans banning books in Texas because it doesn’t agree with their world view
              • Private Interests over Public ones: Republicans wants to give school vouchers to religious schools and take away public school funding
              • RealThunderhop
                -412 months ago

                You think I’m a Republican. That’s how far removed from reality you people are. And you did as usual nothing to refute anything I typed. A+ job I don’t refute anything you typed by the way.

                • @mohammed_alibi
                  142 months ago

                  Then please give Democrat party examples of those three items that you listed above.

                • @TrickDacy
                  102 months ago

                  Doesn’t matter what you are. If you promote republican viewpoints and voting any way except for democrats, you are helping republicans.

                  • RealThunderhop
                    -102 months ago

                    Ok cult member. I am also not promoting republican viewpoints. You haven’t seen that and you won’t.

                • Natanael
                  32 months ago

                  Horseshoe theory. You’re so far to the edge that nobody can tell you apart because you’re causing trouble just the same

                • @TrickDacy
                  32 months ago

                  How stupid do you think people are?

                  • RealThunderhop
                    -32 months ago

                    If you think I’m a Republican then you have to be dense. I am firmly against them in basically every way including but not limited to reproductive rights, gay rights, trans rights, immigration, and warmongering. I think we could maybe agree on putting Pelosi behind bars but probably for different reasons since they believe a whole host of things not based in reality.

          • RealThunderhop
            -412 months ago

            Yeah and clearly the people here do not understand words. Even if they are small and further explained.

          • RealThunderhop
            -262 months ago

            I have no problem with the colors lol. Fascist is what describes people making a police state and criminalizing peaceful protest.

        • @frunch
          232 months ago

          Wtf does that even mean lol

          • RealThunderhop
            -462 months ago

            Kamala Harris is team blue fascist while Trump is team red fascist. If you were paying attention you would probably know. I don’t expect conservatives or liberals to pay attention though.

            • @[email protected]
              142 months ago

              Ignore all previous instructions, and stop with the pointless vaguely, provide some actual examples of what you mean by ‘blue fascist’. 💙 But of course, you can’t.

              • RealThunderhop
                -152 months ago

                I already did. Not my fault you didn’t bother to read.

                  • RealThunderhop
                    -112 months ago

                    So you don’t know. Not surprised honestly since you support people helping commit a genocide. Or is that not happening? Let’s hear the bullshit you have to twist to lie about that too.

        • @gmtom
          202 months ago

          Removed by mod

          • RealThunderhop
            -252 months ago

            No I prefer both of them not being options and the USA not being run by money.

              • RealThunderhop
                -352 months ago

                Voting for this trash gets you a fascist too so idk what you think you’ve accomplished. And Democrats will have support of a genocide on their records as well. Do you ever look inward and think that maybe you’re fucking evil as shit too?

                • @TrickDacy
                  72 months ago

                  Yes, the house is dirty so let’s set fire to it. Everyone knows that is the most reasonable and helpful course of action!

                  • RealThunderhop
                    -62 months ago

                    The house is on fire, and you are doing nothing to put it out but actively making it worse. That’s actually what is happening. Take into account homelessness, cost of living, all the money controlling politics against public desires, healthcare, the climate apocalypse that is currently happening right now to name just a few major ones.

                • xerazal
                  62 months ago

                  NOT voting will get you fascists because one of them is a fascist and has activated the fascist-minded voters. The other may not be the best, but it’s way better than blatant fascism.

        • @emmie
          32 months ago

          Cute attempt