Read at your own risk, some of these are truly repulsive.

Greatest Hits




Honorable Mentions

Purposely Omitted

  • The “ask a rapist” thread. No thanks.

(Last updated 7/10/23, still very incomplete)

  • danomite
    42 years ago

    There’s a few where the classic post is a reply. I’m not sure what the best way to format those would be but it would be great to have them be consistent. So here’s an example, though the joke has been done to death, the orginal should be archived.

    • Source: /r/AskReddit
    • Posted: Nov 10 2016
    • Author: PreOpTransCentaur
    • Topic: You can have sex with one real person from all of human history - who is your ultimate lay?
    phil8248 (17.9k points): I'd like to have sex one more time with my wife who passed away from cancer 9 years ago. My body yearns for hers. The ultimate downside to finding "the one" is she may die young and leave you wanting.
          somethingobscur (27.7k points): I also choose this guy's dead wife.
    • WintryOPM
      22 years ago

      I like it.