He’s had yet another horrible week. The old tricks aren’t working. Kamala Harris does not fear him. And it’s showing in the numbers.

  • @[email protected]
    261 month ago

    There are two whole months in which things can go wildly off the rails.

    It’s astonishing how long the US election cycle is. There’s longer until the next US election than the entire campaign here in the UK, yet it’s all I’ve heard about for the past three years.

    Can you guys not just chill the fuck out?

    • @makatwork
      151 month ago

      I wish. Our politics are so exhausting.

    • @aesthelete
      830 days ago

      Can you guys not just chill the fuck out?

      I used to go years between worrying about politics before Trump was president. I’m hoping those days can return somehow.

      • @CharlesDarwin
        229 days ago

        Yes, this. During his “presidency”, I got so sick of dreading the morning’s news. When I’d see someone else and they’d say “did you see/hear what he did now?”, you didn’t even have to ask who “he” was; you knew.

        • @aesthelete
          229 days ago

          It was exhausting and the country barely survived it. I have no idea what’s in store for any of us if they put his ass back there again.

        • @aesthelete
          630 days ago

          Not everyone wants to think about politics all day everyday.

        • @TehWorld
          129 days ago

          “Make Politics Boring Again” Republicans have by-and-large politicized a HUGE number of things that should simply be left up to the scientific community. We shouldn’t NEED to have hearings on whether the planet is warming. The debate should be on minutia that aims to bring equity to all humanity, and frankly that’s pretty boring.

    • @[email protected]
      51 month ago

      Obviously not. If people would chill out it would have to be about judging and responding to actual policy decision, instead of watching GoT political drama.

      The longer the election cycle, the more politics are a show and bad policy can be justified with “election tactics”.

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      229 days ago

      Media companies and political consultants have a vested interest in making this take as long as possible.