• @MrJameGumb
    3776 months ago

    Note that everyone mentioned in the article only regretted their statements once they realized the kid was disabled… Maybe just don’t make fun of people’s kids in general? Is that so difficult? WTF do his kids have to do with his political campaign???

    • Nougat
      2456 months ago

      Everyone please take note:

      Barron Trump has been 100% unmentioned by anyone except when he was going to speak at some gathering, as an adult. Then, when he decided not to do that, everyone stopped talking about him entirely.

      That is how you do that. If an adult is getting invovled in politics, they’re fair game, regardless of who they’re related to. People who aren’t involved in politics, you leave them the fuck out of it.

      • @[email protected]
        6 months ago

        Barron Trump has been 100% unmentioned especially by his father, who doesn’t want to be seen next to him because Barron is taller.

        • @[email protected]
          546 months ago

          Melania has taken him and fucking noped them both out of life with Donald.

          I’m not sure a life with Melania is healthier, but it’s certainly less public.

          • @Boddhisatva
            546 months ago

            Yes, her feelings about her husband have become clear over the years but since she’s keeping Barron around, I’m thinking she likes him better.

          • @Nightwingdragon
            366 months ago

            Melania has taken him and fucking noped them both out of life with Donald.

            You know, I’m not entirely certain any more that she wants out of life with Trump.

            Melania was a former topless model who wanted nothing more to spend the rest of her life as some billionaire’s trophy wife once her tits stopped making her money. Her entire “marriage” to Trump is and always has been nothing more than a dystopian business transaction. I do not believe for a second she has ever loved him or even pretended to. And for all the times we’ve seen her in public where she looks like she’d rather be anywhere else and with anyone else, she has always, always held the standard views of the stuck-up, holier-than-thou trophy wife she is, who thinks she’s better than everybody else because she was blessed with mediocre genetics, a half-decent plastic surgeon, and some luck.

            I think, rather than a general disdain for Trump, she has an even bigger disdain for having been dragged into public life where she’d have things like responsibilities and expectations of her. How is she supposed to be spending her days showing off her plastic tits to the pool boy if she’s having to give a political speech she doesn’t believe in, is completely uninformed on, and can’t even deliver very well to an audience of people who she’d never dare let shake her hand? Having to sit and be the “first lady” at one of Trump’s WH events means that’s time not in Gucci having her ass kissed by overpaid 20 year olds selling her tacky shoes. It means she can’t talk freely to her debutant friends about the peasants that work for them without worrying that it’s going to become front page news. That wasn’t part of the deal, in her mind. She wanted nothing to do with any of that.

            Heck, even stealing “Be Better” from Michelle Obama and turning it into “Be Best” probably was less about just one more thing to shit on the Obama legacy, and more because even coming up with that probably expended more time and thought to the idea than she ever intended to give it in the first place.

            I don’t think she hates Trump. I think she hates that he dragged her into the spotlight with him. If she truly hated him, she could have easily divorced him years ago and be spending her days getting wildly fucked on the yacht of some businessman in Dubai right now. Someone who, most likely, has even more money than he does.

            The two may not be like a couple of lovers on their honeymoon, but she doesn’t hate the guy either. She’s made it abundantly clear that she’s perfectly willing to stick with Trump as long as the money continues to flow freely and, more importantly, she can go back to spending her days quietly showing her tits off to the pool boy.

            • @shalafi
              106 months ago

              If she truly hated him, she could have easily divorced him years ago and be spending her days getting wildly fucked on the yacht of some businessman in Dubai right now. Someone who, most likely, has even more money than he does.

              Disagreed on the first half, second half made me a believer.

        • @Nightwingdragon
          176 months ago

          This is a 100% legitimate question . I’ve seen a couple of pictures of Barron recently, and it’s right in Donald Trump’s wheelhouse to suddenly disown his own son for having the audacity to be taller. There’s not a question in my mind. He will never allow even his own children to overshadow him, ever. Unless he wants to fuck them, of course coughivankacough.

          I remember some speculation that Barron had some kind of developmental disability. Autism, possibly. And it wasn’t the usual bashing because he’s Trump’s kid. Legit questions on if the kid was autistic. Has that ever been confirmed one way or the other? Because if Barron has any kind of developmental issue that’s noticeable at first look, there is no possible way Trump would ever be seen in public with him.

          And keep in mind: I know nothing of Barron. I do not fault him for being Trump’s son because he can’t control that. I do not know his political views, if he even has any. And if he does have some kind of disability, I wish him nothing but the best. But go on Netflix and watch the first season of Bridgerton. Look at how the Duke’s father treated him growing up. If Barron does have a disability himself, that is exactly how his father treated him.

      • @[email protected]
        616 months ago

        Yuup. Agreed. The last time I recall hearing of presidential kids being bullied was Obamas kids. Interesting.

        • anon6789
          566 months ago

          Chelsea Clinton got it pretty hard for years also.

          I had to look up if GWB had kids or not. Both daughters got involved in the campaign a bit, and now I recognize the one from various TV stuff too. I don’t remember much said about them at the time.

          The grown up Trump children get blasted, but they are all welllll into adulthood regardless of what their defenders say, and they are actively involved in all the political BS, so they are fair game for criticism.

          • mosiacmango
            336 months ago

            GWB daughters liked to party, so they got some airtime for being drunk and whatnot, but not political flack.

            • @shalafi
              56 months ago

              LOL, Robot Chicken bagged on those two hard.

            • @Frozengyro
              46 months ago

              Like father, like daughter. Hope they didn’t ruin their brains too

              • @grue
                16 months ago

                You say “too” as if their dad ruined his brain, but it is impossible to ruin that which is defective to begin with.

          • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
            6 months ago

            The grown-up Trump kids were also working at the White House and appearing in media and in political meetings of all kinds, on behalf of the Trump administration. As soon as that happens, the familial relationship is irrelevant to the coverage and disclosure requirements. Any shield of “oh, not family members” is subsumed wholly by the public interest in open government and a free press.

            If family members fuck off out of politics and keep their mouths shut, they’d mostly get left alone, except for the most conspiratorial weirdos on the right.

        • @Wrench
          216 months ago

          Palin’s kids were in the public crosshairs. But I think that had more to do with Palin’s awful hypocrisy on family values than anything else.

          • anon6789
            86 months ago

            Good call, I forgot about Bristol Palin. Like you said though, I feel it was more Sarah’s parenting vs what she promoted than it being about Bristol herself. Basically a throwing stones in glass houses kinda thing.

          • @ZoopZeZoop
            86 months ago

            And, Palin actually involved her daughter in things to help demonstrate how everything was okay. She put her daughter on display for her own political gain.

      • @[email protected]
        266 months ago

        The only times I’ve seen Barron being mentioned is when people said that they hope he won’t turn out like his father.

      • @dariusj18
        176 months ago

        Ditto, one could also comment on the use of a kid as a political prop while not making it personal about the kid.

        • Nougat
          86 months ago

          If that was a thing that was happening, yes, and the commentary would be about the candidate or the campaign.

      • @someguy3
        96 months ago

        A reporter commented something like “wow he’s tall” and apparently Fox felt the need to call them out on that.

        • @psycho_driver
          6 months ago

          I was knee deep in all of the Trump BS back on reddit in the day and the only thing I remember people saying about Barron is that they felt sorry for him for having Trump as a father.

          • @[email protected]
            6 months ago

            And that one meme from 2020 about Trump leaving the white house in all haste, without anyone seeing Barron.

            “Joe, are you my dad now?”

          • @[email protected]
            16 months ago

            And this literally happened yesterday. If it’s gone within a week, it would be about the same.

        • Doom
          06 months ago

          I disagree it felt like everyone left Barron and Melania even alone often. Once she started being more she got more flak and quickly faded away. Those two both avoided pretty much everything

          • @[email protected]
            06 months ago

            Remember, this happenes yesterday. If it’s gone in a few days, you might not remember it in 4 years either. I’ve provided the proof it did, in fact, happen. Which I remember. Time will tell.

            • Doom
              26 months ago

              Hardly. One person lambasted for making fun of Barron.

              If he was mocked so much find me the jokes. I can’t prove a negative that he wasn’t bullied.

              Out of my brain, Barron Trump had a meme of him wearing some shirt that said boss or something? and there was a meme about him secretly being liberal as hell. Maybe being suddenly tall was a joke for a minute too but none of those are attacks like you’re trying to depict.

              Also I’m wrong the shirt was the Expert


      • @Nuke_the_whales
        66 months ago

        Barron is an adult now and well on his way to being a shitheel like the rest of his siblings and father. Fuck him.

    • @Nightwingdragon
      246 months ago

      Note that everyone mentioned in the article only regretted their statements once they realized the kid was disabled… Maybe just don’t make fun of people’s kids in general? Is that so difficult? WTF do his kids have to do with his political campaign???

      Because the GOP have found that harassing random family members of their opponents is an effective strategy.

      Think of how many people have exited politics because of threats to them or family members.. How many people, especially in the Trump years, who otherwise may have made good representatives, have decided that it’s just not worth it? Think of the senators that refused to convict Trump during his impeachments because of threats to their families.

      They do it because it works. Whether the kid had disabilities doesn’t matter, outside of my belief that the more disabled the kid is, the more they’re going to attack, simultaneously hoping to exploit a parent’s desire to shield their child from harassment at any cost and the child’s potential inability to defend themselves at all or even mentally process what’s going on properly. They do it because it gets a rise out of their base, and also because of the sliver of a chance that maybe, just maybe Tim Walz will wake up in the morning and look for an exit because he’s afraid he bit off more than he could chew.

      They just don’t know how to handle it when they realized that instead of backing off, he came back for another bite. So they’re doing the only thing they know how to do. Attack. Punch down. Insult. Belittle. Make sure everybody knows you’re better than “them”, by any means necessary.

    • SterlingArgent
      66 months ago

      Exactly - who wouldn’t be emotional in a moment like that? Plenty of other people in the audience looked emotional, and it wasn’t even their dad on stage talking about how much he loves them.