• @givesomefucks
    666 hours ago

    The president can order agencies to reschedule it, which makes it defacto legal in a lot of states, and means federal employees in states where it’s legal can use, including military.

    She should do that asap, because the fight to actually legalize is a lot harder.

    I don’t want to see her say it needs to be legalized and then refuse to take any step thats not the hardest

      • @[email protected]
        326 hours ago

        The public comments were overwhelmingly in favor of full deschedule/legalization, but all he’s pushing for is reschedule to 3, which means they’ll probably go to 2 because fuck you that’s why. Hopefully Harris can lean into it a little harder than Biden has.

        • @OccamsTeapot
          63 hours ago

          all he’s pushing for is reschedule to 3, which means they’ll probably go to 2 because fuck you that’s why

          I figure you’re partially joking but they can’t really make it 2. The HHS recommendation was 3 and even the DEA kind of has to agree even if they don’t want to. It would have been super controversial to do something else, they’re mainly supposed to follow it through with the rulemaking process unless they’re willing to make a serious case. And even then it would probably be to leave it where it is.

          One of the theories going around as to why they added the hearing is that they wanted to take the heat off themselves for the call they’ve made by really drawing out the public consultation. Like people will be mad at them for following the recommendation so they want to make a big show of the fact they’re listening to concerns etc.

          Hopefully Harris can take some stronger action or legalize through executive order or something. Schedule III is better but it’s then in the same class as ketamine. No judgement of people who like ketamine but COME ON

          • @[email protected]
            241 minutes ago

            Interesting, didn’t know that about the process, TIL. So am I reading you right that they’re effectively locked into reschedule to 3 no matter what now due to the HHS recommendation? Or do they still have the option to just not change a thing as well?

            • @OccamsTeapot
              12 minutes ago

              Yeah my understanding is that since HHS said “the science suggests it should be in 3,” the DEA would have a bit of a challenge making any other rule. The schedules (theoretically) tell you what the addiction risk and medical value of a substance is, with lower risk & more effective medicine being the least restricted. So since HHS made that determination and the DEA are not scientists, it would be kind of wild for them to try to argue with that.

              I think technically they could propose anything they like, but 2 would never go through because there’s no basis for it, and I think even keeping it in 1 would be a difficult sell with Biden having called for the review and the recommendation being what it was. Plus as you said most public comments (and experts) said they didn’t go far enough.

              Honestly I think they’re stuck. They probably can’t just come out and recommend descheduling (and going by public statements probably don’t want to) but the current position is untenable. So they have to just sign up for the “better but nobody is especially happy” option HHS gave them

              One thing I wish I understood more was whether Harris could just legalize through an executive order. Biden (and now Harris) said nobody should go to jail for weed but schedule III does not solve that problem at all.

        • @[email protected]OP
          196 hours ago

          As a senator Harris introduced bills that would’ve fully legalized it. Meanwhile I don’t think Biden ever publicly said he wanted full legalization

          I think there’s pretty good odds she would go further than Biden in executive action alone

          • @Bonesince1997
            155 hours ago

            Biden was calling it a gateway drug just before entering the office of president. I don’t believe he’s evolved personally at all. Policy, which is kind of weak, may be another thing. But I don’t think the man sees any value in marijuana, for anybody.

            • @Furbag
              32 hours ago

              Is anyone actually surprised that Biden is extremely anti-narcotics given his son’s battle with drug addiction?

              Harris doesn’t have the same baggage. If she were at the helm, I think she’d follow through.

              • @Bonesince1997
                457 minutes ago

                But that’s just the point. Part of marijuana adoption is getting away from worse drugs. There is plenty of supporting data at this point. The sooner people see this they’ll see where the bar ought to be set. This is only one example of course.

            • @[email protected]
              54 hours ago

              Yeah at best Biden probably only is in favor of it for textile products and maybe CBD derivatives for medical use. Which mind you is still a massive improvement over damned near every president since it was putlawed but still a woefully insufficient, a solid summary of Biden now that I think about it.

            • @[email protected]OP
              125 hours ago

              Plus this post is literally about her going to the “All The Smokes” podcast and calling for legal weed there. Could not imagine Biden doing

        • @Viking_Hippie
          3 hours ago

          The public comments were overwhelmingly in favor of full deschedule/legalization, but all he’s pushing for is reschedule to 3, which means they’ll probably go to 2 because fuck you that’s why

          The Lesser Evil Party in a nutshell 😮‍💨

          Granted, it’s of course still a MUCH lesser evil than the American Fascist Party, but fucking HELL! Your very bleak guess is probably the best case scenario with these fuckers!

    • @Boddhisatva
      136 hours ago

      Rescheduling is a lot more complicated than that. The president can not just wave a wand and make it legal. Congress could pass a law doing so, but they are not going to do that. The other way is via the Controlled Substances Act which is, to put it mildly, is a cluster fuck.

      In a nutshell, administrative rescheduling begins when an actor—the Secretary of Health and Human Services or an outside interested party—files a petition with the Attorney General or he initiates the process himself. The Attorney General forwards the request to the HHS Secretary asking for a scientific and medical evaluation and recommendation, as specified by 23 USC 811(b-c). HHS, via the Food and Drug Administration conducts an assessment and returns a recommendation to the Attorney General “in a timely manner.” The Attorney General, often through the Drug Enforcement Administration, conducts its own concurrent and independent review of the evidence in order to determine whether a drug should be scheduled, rescheduled, or removed from control entirely—depending on the initial request in the petition.

      If the Attorney General finds sufficient evidence that a change in scheduling is warranted he then initiates the first stages of a standard rulemaking process, consistent with the Administrative Procedures Act. During rulemaking and consistent with Executive Order 12866, if the White House—through the Office of Management and Budget’s Office of information and Regulatory Affairs—determines the rule to be “significant,” it will conduct a regulatory review of the proposed rule—a very likely outcome given the criteria in the EO.

      FYI, Biden already initiated this process to reschedule marijuana in 2022. At this point, it has been reviewed and the Attorney General has submitted a rule change to the DEA. They will have a public comment period which they will no doubt drag out as long as possible. If approved, marijuana will be reclassified at the same level as steroids (schedule III). It is disappointing that Biden only requested changing the schedule rather than descheduling it all together. Not ideal, but a hell of a lot better than now.

      • @kitnaht
        -176 hours ago

        It is disappointing that Biden only requested changing the schedule rather than descheduling it all together. Not ideal, but a hell of a lot better than now.

        Which is actually the reasonable thing to do here. Marijuana is not something that doesn’t have brain-altering side effects. It has pretty clear effects which could impair driving, etc - It doesn’t need to be descheduled completely; that would be asinine.

        • @[email protected]
          306 hours ago

          Is alcohol scheduled? Is it regulated? I feel like morons are making excuses for control because it’s got stigma. You know the real reason weed is a schedule 1?

          • SatansMaggotyCumFart
            116 hours ago

            Mostly racism towards Mexicans plus fear that the hemp industry would bankrupt some old rich families.

          • @kitnaht
            5 hours ago

            I’d love for alcohol to be scheduled too. Make 'em all Schedule V. I’m tired of seeing “First DUI” cases get slaps on the wrist and a driving course.

            • @[email protected]
              134 hours ago

              Take your prohibitionist bullshit and shove it puritan. Wanna lower DUIs then advocate for expansions to public transit.

              • @kitnaht
                3 hours ago

                Eat my entire ass, you drug-addled hippy. Nobody wants public transit. We’re not gonna all hold hands a sing kumbaya while we snort coke together. Alcohol and all of these substances are for people who don’t have the steel to handle the real world on their own. You’re weak, and you need substances to abuse in order to continue on your pathetic existence.

                I don’t do drugs, and I’m not religious - and I see you twats out here bitching about everything and never doing anything about it; pretending like riding the bus is gonna save the world. Get real, kid.

                • @aesthelete
                  52 hours ago

                  You’re weak, and you need substances to abuse in order to continue on your pathetic existence.

                  There are plenty of reasons to drink a beer other than not having the “steel to handle the real world” on your own.

                  For instance, having to deal with annoying pricks like yourself.

                • @[email protected]
                  93 hours ago

                  Greetings from europe, I fucking love trains. Trains are the best. Would recommend trains every day.

                  • @Dkarma
                    -33 hours ago

                    Your country is the size of one of our large cities.

                  • @kitnaht
                    3 hours ago

                    Europe is a far more dense place than America. Public transit makes sense there. The EU has an average density of 112 people per square km compared to 36 in the USA.

                • @[email protected]
                  43 hours ago

                  Aw did a strike a nerve puritan, sorry to break it to ya but im one of my clean kinsmen fun thing about extreme genetic drug resistance ya dont feel shit to it. Alcohol taste like shit as well, closest I get is sweet cider.

                  I just aint into telling folks what to do, so long as it aint too damaging to other folks. Plus im bound to the bloodlust of mine kin not the alcoholism of mine ancestors. Regardless what you see as a moral failure I see as what is folks enjoying themselves. Sure it can be self destructive but whomst am I to judge I enjoy fighting to a utterly unhealthy degree.

                  So in summary can ya go feed thineself to a Joshua Tree theys gettin’ hungry.

            • @Maggoty
              33 hours ago

              Public education, impound, and jail time for DUI have had the most impact. You don’t need to schedule alcohol to do that. And you don’t need the age 21 drinking law.

        • @[email protected]OP
          186 hours ago

          Driving under the influence is completely seperate and would still be illegal. Same as it is for alcohol

    • @foggy
      106 hours ago

      Holy shit the NSA, FBI and CIA will finallyl get competent, weed smoking engineers.

        • @foggy
          5 hours ago

          PirateSoftware’s CEO, Thor, once saidnl in a stream how national security relies on furry conventions flights making it to and from conventions safely, and that there is nearly no bigger single point of failure on our security infrastructure. Those planes go down and we have a serious problem.

          I think he’s right.

          • @[email protected]
            94 hours ago

            Wait the CEO of PirateSoftware is named Thor? I cant tell if thats extremely cool or extremely dorky, actually its both I named my dog Malcador and have a kitten named Jurgen I cant judge.

            • @foggy
              3 hours ago

              I mean it’s both, that dude has a voice pretty close to what you’d want a programmer named Thor to sound like. He runs a ferret rescue. He used to be Red Team for DoD and would Penntest nuclear power facilities, and now runs a gaming studio. Very interesting dude.

              Edit: His father is the WoW guy from South Park. And If you ever got banned from World of Warcraft for cheating, it was Thor’s team that probably caught you.

          • themadcodger
            44 hours ago

            Wait, are you saying that our national security is run primarily by furries? Serious question, not sure if I’m misunderstanding you.

            • @foggy
              4 hours ago

              That is what Thor implied in the stream I’m scanning for it so I can link it. I found this quickly but struggling to find the thing In referring to.

            • @halcyoncmdr
              13 hours ago

              A massive amount of technical infrastructure is run by furries, both private and public.