So, I’m on the bus, and it smells fine. Lady sits down next to me, she smells like cat piss.

I move to a different seat, and notice this guy smells like he barfed all over himself.

I move again, and this guy smells like he’s been smoking for 40 years, and worn the same shirt the whole time.

Get off that bus, and head to the rapid. I sit down, and the next guy to sit down in front of me smells like he doesn’t know what a shower is.

Cleveland! Do you understand that before you leave your house, you’re supposed to brush your teeth, wash your hair, take a shower, wear clean clothes, and generally clean yourself regularly? My routine is once when I wake up, before I leave for work. Then again when I come home from work.

Smoking is disgusting, and you’re disgusting for doing it.

And fucking hell, why does every bus stop smell like urine??? You guys realize these aren’t bathrooms, right?

  • @Lost_My_MindOP
    45 months ago

    I mean…I guess so. I guess I’d like to normalize smelling good in public in Cleveland.

    • @SpaceNoodle
      25 months ago

      Why should Cleveland be an exception when all other US cities embrace the stank?

      • @teamevil
        35 months ago

        I’m a worldly gentleman and I’ve been simply everywhere. Cleveland…you nasty.